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cover of "021835_Acoustic Soundscape: Deep Listening with Garage Band"
"021835_Acoustic Soundscape: Deep Listening with Garage Band"

"021835_Acoustic Soundscape: Deep Listening with Garage Band"


This audio piece, titled "Acoustic Soundscape: Deep Listening with Garage Band", immerses the listener into an urban city scenario. The audio commences with the soft, rhythmic patter of rain, accompanied by the distant echo of traffic, setting the scene of a city on a rainy day. Suddenly, the sound of a garage band practicing in the distance seeps in, their acoustic melodies skillfully intertwining with the natural urban soundscape. Sounds of footsteps, splashing in puddles, and the occasional honk of a car horn transport the listener right into the middle of a bustling cityscape. The audio features a plethora of sound effects, or SFX, enhancing the overall immersive experience. Additionally, the audio incorporates foley sounds - these are the incidental sound effects added in post-production, often closely associated with the actions happening within the scene. In this case, the foley sounds include the rustling of an umbrella being opened, the squelch of wet shoes on

Sound Effectscitysfxfoley

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