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June 26 Lordship

June 26 Lordship

Tim Hall



Pastor Tim Hall of Red-letter Media produces these podcasts for your devotional time and for broadcast on secular or Christian radio stations. They correspond with my book "The Living Red-Letter Words of Jesus." If you would like more information about me, the book, or how to broadcast these 1-minute 20-second devotionals, please contact me through www.redletterwordsofjesus.com or www.pastortimhall.com

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After Jesus came down from the mountain, a leper approached him and worshipped him, asking to be cleansed. Jesus touched him and said he was willing to heal him, and immediately the leprosy was gone. This interaction highlights the importance of worshiping Jesus and recognizing him as our Lord. We owe everything to Jesus and can do nothing without him. True worship involves humbly bowing before him and serving him as our master. Serving Jesus and following his will brings fulfillment in life. Matthew tells us, when he came down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him. And behold, a leper came and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean. Then Jesus put out his hand and touched him, saying, I am willing, be cleansed. Immediately his leprosy was cleansed, Matthew 8 and 1. Something that needs to stand out to us about this interaction and several more that followed is that the writers tell us that they worshipped him and called him Lord. We have been told we are free and owe nothing to anyone. But Jesus teaches differently. The Bible teaches we owe everything to our Lord Jesus Christ and that we are and can do nothing without him. Yes, he sets us free from the bondage that we are born under to Satan and self. But once we are purchased and adopted through his blood, we belong to him. When you study worship, you will find true worship involves bowing humbly and being broken before one who is your master, Lord, which makes us his slave-servant. When you get the true concept of worship and lordship and begin to serve him as your master, you will discover there is nothing better in this life than to be sowed out to him and his will for your life. This is Pastor Tim Hall of redletterwordsofjesus.com.

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