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June 20 Highway to Hell

June 20 Highway to Hell

Tim Hall



These podcasts are produced by Pastor Tim Hall of Red-letter Media for your devotional time and for broadcast on secular or Christian radio stations. They correspond with my book "The Living Red-Letter Words of Jesus." If you would like more information about me, the book, or how to broadcast these 1-minute 20-second devotionals, please contact me through www.redletterwordsofjesus.com or www.pastortimhall.com

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The popular gospel song "It's a High Way to Heaven" contrasts with Jesus' warning that the road to heaven is narrow and difficult. The church is being told to be accepting of all lifestyles, but Jesus instructed his followers differently. The road to heaven is like a lonely country road, while the road to hell is wide and crowded. Though the journey may be tough, we are never alone as God is always with us. This is Pastor Tim Hall's message. A very popular song in gospel music circles says, It's a high way to heaven. It has a very catchy and easy-to-sing tune. But when Jesus was here on earth and preaching, he gave a warning to his followers, saying, Enter by the narrow gate, for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction. And there are many who go in by it, because narrow is the gate, and difficult is the way, which leads to life. And there are few who find it. Matthew 7, 13. The church of today is being told by the world, we must project a positive attitude, an uplifting message, and be acceptive of all lifestyles, because all roads lead to heaven. Which is not the instructions Jesus gave his church. You see, I cannot jump on I-10 West in Texas and get to Atlanta, nor can I jump on the bandwagon with the most popular band, preacher, or church, and make it to heaven. According to Jesus, the road to heaven is more like an unpaved, lonely country road through the mountain wilderness, compared to the nice, crowded highway leading to hell. Though the road to heaven may be difficult and lonely at times, we are never alone. For as we seek him and his will for our life, he never leads or forsakes us, and is a very present help in our time of need. This is Pastor Tim Hall of redletterwordsofjesus.com

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