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TheBigStory Ep1

TheBigStory Ep1

The Big Story



In this first episode of the Big Story, we meet Ruffles - a six-year-old half-dog half-human who is not afraid of a challenge. In this first adventure, Ruffles is sent his first challenge on a scroll from aliens... Happy Listening!

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Louie James and his mom are listening to a story about a dog named Ruffles who wants to save the world. Ruffles sets out on a journey to find gems and encounters a dragon guarding a gem in a cave. Ruffles manages to grab the gem and escape before the dragon wakes up. Louie asks his mom questions pretending to be the dragon. Ruffles later encounters an alien and fights it with his sword before saying goodbye. Hi everybody, my name is Louie James, and I'm with my mom here. Hi everybody. And we are going to listen to a story. Okay, here we go. Once upon a time, there was a little dog man named Ruffles, and he wanted to save the world. One day, when he was about just six, he got a scroll saying that he had to save the world and get some gems so that he could save the world. So he started on his hike. A couple of hours later, he noticed that it was going to become dark soon. He needed to set up camp, so he took out his camping bag and used the camping stuff to build a camp. So here we go on the camp. And he was off. And when it was morning, he set up, he got everything into his bag, and he went, got on his journey. Now, when he found his cave, the cave, he wanted to investigate. So he went in with a candle. So he found the gem, but it was holded by a dragon. He had to be very stealthy. So he walked up a bit more, bit more, grabbed it, and ran. So it was, so it was gone. So when the dragon woke up, he was already miles away. Oh, how did the dragon sleep so well? I don't know. Maybe we should find out. I'm going to ask my mom some questions, because NC's going to pretend to be the dragon. Okay, everybody, here we go. Oh, where's my gold? I don't know, dragon. Do you want to answer these questions? I was sleeping, and I woke up, and there is no gold. My gold is gone. Okay. Maybe you should look for a dog. What would a dog need gold for? To save the world from the aliens. What aliens? Don't you know? Look out your cave. There are aliens. Oh, my goodness. I'm just going to go back to sleep. I could sleep through anything. Back to the story, everyone. Okay, so, Ruffles was climbing up a mountain when he found an alien. Now, what did he do here? He pulled out his sword and launched it, and launched it at the alien. It hit. He was able to get away. So, goodbye, everybody. Bye-bye.

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