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The speaker ponders the existence of gods and demons in different cultures and wonders why they are present in human consciousness. They speculate about the role of the right brain, DNA, and the subconscious mind in shaping these beliefs. They question why certain figures like gods are worshipped while others are not. The speaker also considers the influence of light, hormones, and sleep patterns on these beliefs and dreams. They express a desire to discuss their thoughts with an expert and explore the origins of these ideas in human DNA. So, I have this thought right now inside my head. So, I wanted to record it. So, it is related to the hidden things inside human brain actually. So, this is more than 99% of DNA. So, we are more or less similar. But due to epigenetic factors and lots of more things, we are different. But if you try to analyze the human beings, in past every human being or every culture had some element of superior organism which is called God. And in every culture there is some concept of God. Right? But we don't know if God exists or not or some people believe in God, some people doesn't believe in God. But why these things come inside our head? Ok, psychological factor is different thing. That is a practical thing that we believe in something which is superior, which will be present everywhere, which will support us psychologically. But why does it came at first time? Why the intellectual people in the past designed all this God and demons? Where does that came from? And why they started praying nature? But why they didn't started praying creature from sea? For example, starfish, shark. What was the reason behind choosing a particular thing to pray, to incorporate inside a religion, to pray them? So, what I am trying to say is, sometimes when I close my eyes and try to analyze my own brain, my own right brain actually, I think left brain obviously is a serial processor and right brain is a parallel processor. So, right brain is much more interesting than left brain. I am not a neuroscientist but I have some idea based on the internet things and based on the tiktoks that I have watched that right brain is different from left brain and left brain is what we are using, what most of the people in contemporary world use. So, when I see myself, when I try to analyze myself, my right brain after closing my eyes, after having certain type of music, then I also find some disturbing elements in the form of demonic figure or in the form of ghosts that Hollywood or Bollywood movie shows. So, where does that thing come from? It is hidden inside our right brain, I think. And why does that figure come from and why we fear from that? There must be something inside our DNA. So, I don't know, there is inherently we fear from these creatures and we inherently are attracted to certain figures, for example God, for example. So, it is in our DNA. And if you believe in evolution, why does these things are hidden inside our brain even though they didn't exist in the past? I know it might be due to, if some scientist can explain that it is due to random firing of the neurons. But why does that random firing figure presents that kind of image? Why don't random firing presents certain, for example, geographical location? And why does people don't pray the planet? Why don't people pray something else? See, if you try to observe the behavior of God or what you say, category of God, every God is a human being. He is in every region, more or less, every God is having one head. So, it is like a self-projection with superior powers. But in Hinduism, this is not the same. I don't know, I am not expert in religion thing, but I am trying to observe. So, this thing came inside our brain and I am trying to find an answer. But why does these things come inside our head? Why does a child, for example, a child doesn't know about God and doesn't know about fear and doesn't know about ghosts. But even though he didn't learn from anywhere, he automatically fears from certain figure. So, we don't know how he will fear. But if you try to observe, that fear appears at certain stage. I don't know, an infant who is just born, I think his brain or her brain is not able to process that kind of information. But it is in the back of that infant's mind. And it starts into the conscious mind, actually. Conscious mind is everything. It is like a RAM of the brain. And subconscious mind is like a hard drive where everything is stored. I think, this is an analogy, might not be true. But hard drive, for example, if you install a software, where does the computer get the software running? It is from the hard drive and it loads into the RAM and everything runs fine. And what does control all things? It is the kernel. If you see the Ubuntu design or Macbook iOS design, it is based on kernel systems. So, kernel is like traffic management. So, there is some traffic management inside our brain, just like kernel, who controls all these things while we are sleeping, while we are deciding consciously or subconsciously. So, I think it is all inside our brain. But that kernel doesn't access that level of knowledge, because it is not required in day to day life for our survival. And I don't know if some experiment has gone inside this world or not, regarding what if a human being is not exposed to a superhuman being, just like God. And does scientist have studied that thing or not? If some person has not been exposed to such concepts. Even though I think he might be fearing, if he is not in the light. And I think light has very very important implications on these things. And it has been already in literature that, in regards to Prakash Cure, something is obviously. And I think it is hormones. And how does light interact with our eyes and what is the importance of light in our day to day life. So, I think light has very important role to play in accessing those deep level of brain. That's why some people say that, it's because there is no light. And supposedly, if I travel from a place where there is very artificial light and it's still, naturally it's still 12 o'clock in the night or 3 o'clock in the night. These two are times that I got from the literature on the internet that demonic activities are maximum. But I think that is related to sleep pattern inside our head. So, I don't know if people have analyzed it or not. But it might be due to the sleep cycle of the brain. And I think that at that 3 a.m. or 12 p.m. in the geographical region or due to epigenetic factor, that time has been decided or it might be just a hoax that someone decided due to some bad experience. But the thing is, it's in the night and in the night due to sleep pattern and due to the absence of light something is going inside our brain which is activating those deep level of neurons and making us fearful. But some people overcome this fear because of knowledge, because of experience. So, for example, soldiers and whatever. So, they try to suppress, if you try to train your brain in that way, for example. So, the kernel is trained in that way of our brain and it doesn't access those parts of the hard drive where it is stored. And accessing means firing the neurons. It's not like accessing those boot sectors or whatever. I am just giving an analogy. It's not like a hard drive or RAM. But kernel of our brain is very much affected by the external factors and internal factors like hormones and how your food was. So, for example, it's all perception basically. How you perceive external stimuli. So, that is different. And when you are sleeping and you are dreaming. So, it's not external perception, it's not external stimuli at that time because your senses, organs are set off from the external world. So, whatever you dream, whatever you feel. So, for example, some has seen the dream of God. So, where does that come from? For example, I also did. Because even though I don't believe, I was believing in God in childhood. I did pray because of Hinduism. But I recently, due to certain reasons, I stopped believing in God and started thinking. But few days back, I dreamed of my God, I dreamed of the God from Hinduism and certain important things which is going inside my life. That is totally fine. But why I did dream of God even though there is no connection. I was not thinking about the God since past few years, one or two years. But that came actually inside my dream. And I was like surprised, what? And I tried to analyze and I had one news. I have collected all the proofs to study in future whenever I will have time. But it's very very complex to analyze the brain. But it's all inside there. Trillions of connections, billions of neurons, you can't control every firing. It depends on your DNA, it depends on your epigenetic factor, it depends on external stimuli, it depends on the food, internal factors. So, it's quite complex. But it's all inside your brain. So, certain people... So, I want to talk to some expert. If this has been analyzed, I think it's all inside our DNA. And where does these things come from? Are those Gods and Demons, were really part of our real life in past? Or are those things our predecessors, means they are ancestors? I don't know. Every human being has every element. But every element is not activated for every human being. Some are bad people, some are good people. But everybody has every element. That is all part of synchronization. But that activation of goodness or badness depends on external stimuli or internal stimuli. It's depending on the mood also, for example. But it's good that some people have thought in the past and created this reason. Or it might be there. But still I am wondering, why does these things come inside our head? Is it already inside our DNA? Why only these kind of things? Why only positive things? Why only negative things of certain types comes inside our head? Why don't I say that this tumble is my God? If I start believing that this happens in day to day life, because people start exploiting the blind belief. But if I am thinking as a rational thinker, why don't I associate myself with certain figures? I am trying to understand, where does these things come from? And is it hidden inside our DNA? Because people haven't... I am from biotech and biochemical background, so I know DNA is everything, if you believe in science. And DNA means, I am not talking about... I solve basically biology, not DNA. But DNA has the secret of life. So, it might be external factors also. So, I think I am repeating my point. So, I want to know answers. People have studied about the God and the brain. So, I think it's all inside our brain, but why? Why? Why? I still have not a clear answer. Ok, that's it for now.

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