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First Podcast. Testimonies and the gospel

First Podcast. Testimonies and the gospel

The Last Trumpet



The Last Trumpet is a end times podcast with Logan Brunworth also known as Brunny. And Lucas Grigg. The two talk about Christian related topics and how to live as a Christian.

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Logan Brunner and Lucas Grigg are starting a podcast called The Last Trumpet. They plan to discuss topics related to Christianity and share a daily Bible verse. They talk about the importance of humbling oneself before God and putting faith in Him. They then share their personal testimonies about their journeys with faith and finding their relationship with God. They emphasize the need for a true and genuine relationship with Jesus and the importance of following His teachings. They encourage listeners to not just attend church or do good deeds, but to truly live for God. Good afternoon, everyone! I am Logan Brunner and this is the first ever podcast of The Last Trumpet. I am here today with my co-host, Lucas Grigg. How's it going, everyone? I'm Lucas Grigg and I just got to admit, Brunny, I'm so stoked that you even considered me to do this podcast with you. I'm at a loss for words. I'm so ready to talk about the Lord, the ways of his teaching, the ways of his word, just about him himself. I'm so excited, my brother, so let's get into it. Yeah, I'm excited too, man. Alright, first, this segment is basically just going to be, what is this show going to be about? So, first, we're going to be talking about the Lord and just everyday stuff that relates to Christianity and then we're also going to be doing a daily Bible verse. So, let's open up our phones and go to the, this is off the Holy Bible app, you can get this on your phones. Verse of the day, 1 Peter 5, 6, it says this, Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. So, basically, what that means is when you humble yourself and you aren't prideful, God is going to use you in ways that you can't even imagine. Yeah, I mean, humble yourself, it's like, don't try and think you can go this walk of life on your own, I mean, you can't. Say that back, yes you can, but you're not going to be living the true Christian way. You're going to be kind of on the walk with essentially temptation and Satan and all this negative stuff, man. But if you humble yourself and you swallow your pride, it's not even a pride thing, it's just following the word of the Lord and just walking side by side, hand in hand with him. Yeah, and another thing is just like, you got to realize that he is the creator of the universe and he already knows what's going to happen tomorrow. He already knows what's going to happen five years from now and the best thing that you can do, truly, is when you just trust him and put your true faith in him. So, enough of that, we're going to get started with our testimony. So, I think, Lucas... I think I can go first? I think it would be an honor if you'd go first. Oh, thank you very much, Brunny. I wrote a little something down on the notes app on my phone. I'll be reading off that and then I'll chime in with other stuff. Sounds good. I wrote this in one sitting, so I apologize if some parts may seem a little unclear and such. My apologies ahead of time. So, I followed this way, it was a five-step way, showing off, it was to outline your testimony and such. To be honest, I didn't know what a testimony was before Brunny said, oh, we should talk about our testimonies on our show. Like I said, I had no clue what one was, researched it, and just educated myself about it. So, with that being said, let's get into it. From a young age, I always knew that there was a higher power. To what it was, I was unsure. At the time, I didn't try to search it out. I was content not knowing. Keep in mind, I was under the age of ten in a household that wasn't very religious and such. Since I was young, there were deaths in my family, but I was too young to comprehend death. And that was until I was age of nine and my dad had developed cancer and was dying very quickly. I didn't know what to do. On June 29th, he passed away in his sleep. I was devastated. Everyone said that he's in a better place. I didn't know what to believe. As I started to wonder about where my dad went, I didn't exactly understand heaven and hell yet. But I was soon to learn. People started explaining the concept of death. And the more religious ones in my family explained heaven and hell and the man named God. It started to make sense to me, but I just left it as is. Fast forward to fifth grade. One of my friends invited me to their church. I attended a few times and started showing up regularly. When I joined the youth group, everything was going phenomenal until 2020 when COVID happened. I stopped going to church due to the lockdown and life just kind of fell off and such. Once the lockdowns were removed, I didn't go back to church. Not that it was my choice or it just didn't seem to work out. Moving to my sophomore year of high school, I still knew about God and I knew that he loved me and I loved him back. But that was about it. Until my friend Evan and his friends created the Finding Answers group at our school. It was a club about answering questions about the Lord. That's when I truly felt God. Now, it wasn't just, oh, I had a realization. No, I mean, God genuinely came to me. He made me realize that if I keep going down the path that I was going down, I might stray too far away from him. It was not that I did anything too bad. It was just, I didn't really put God first in my life. He was kind of a secondary thing or a thirdary thing. He was just kind of there and such. But Finding Answers really showed me that the only way in life is the Lord. You can live life without putting God first, but you're just not going to be happy. I mean, I can honestly say this was the happiest I've ever been in my life. I weeded out the junk friends in my life and the ones that don't have the same values as me and such. Like I said, I'm putting God first now and it's really benefited me. Wow, yeah. I mean, the Lord's your move in so many ways. It's insane. So, you want me to go or? Yeah, go ahead. Wow, I didn't even know like any of that really except for probably, of course, obviously like your dad. Yeah, we went to the same elementary. Yeah, and actually I remember specifically when you told me that. I actually remember that moment. I don't know why I remember that moment, but it really, it just, it was one of those memories that just kind of stood out. Yeah. So, for me, my testimony is I like grew up in church. I don't really want to say the church, but the church, it didn't really have like, it was kind of dead, if that makes sense. Like it didn't have any, it didn't have the Holy Spirit. It didn't, nobody was really like, like, I guess you could say into the faith. You don't do the motions. Yeah, I feel like everyone was kind of just there, just, just like. They go to church. So, yeah, yeah. I mean, I grew up in church. My family would probably go try to make it every Sunday. And then eventually, I would say probably around maybe fourth grade, maybe it might have been even like fifth grade. We started doing a lot less and then, cause you know, sports and stuff and that happens to probably everyone. Yeah. And then, so for me, yeah, like right, right when I feel like COVID hit, you know, when everything shut down, that's when, you know, like nobody can show up to church. Obviously, there was like online churches that we watched, but any of my friends or anything, that was when like, I just, so yeah, that was when I completely like, again, fell off of faith. I, I mean, I started just following the things of the world. Like I thought money would satisfy me. I chased, I chased money. I, believe it or not, I tried chasing girls. Didn't really work out. But again, it would never satisfy you. Or just never satisfied me. And all these things that I was chasing, it never satisfied me. And fast forward to summer, July, 2022. I was in my bedroom alone. I was scrolling on YouTube and this is where I discovered what sin was. Before this, in church, I didn't even know what sin was. I didn't even know what a relationship was with Jesus. I didn't even know really who Jesus was, honestly. You just heard the name, but you weren't like really familiar. Yeah. Yeah. I just heard, I just heard of Jesus. And I thought he was like, like, I mean, I knew he died for me, but like, I didn't really know much about him. So summer of 2022, I was in my bedroom alone. I was scrolling on YouTube and I remember there was this video about sin, like how Jesus loves me. And in that moment, I knew that if I was to die, even though I grew up in church, even though I 100% accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. So yeah, even though I did all of that, the reason why I say that I was still going to go to hell is because I didn't have a true relationship with Jesus Christ. I was still living in sin, even though I said all of those things. I didn't repent of my sins. I didn't truly turn away from the world. I was still living in the world. And after, after I got saved in 2022, after I repented of my sins truly, I fell back into this lukewarm lifestyle of living. Like I would, I would still do things that the world would do. I would still prioritize other things before God. I would, like, basically I would just only come to God again if I was like in need of Him. Yeah, like when it's convenient for you. Yeah. And this was kind of like this until maybe, I want to say, after basketball season of this year. So late February of 2024. I almost forgot the date. 2024. Yeah. That's when I truly started, like, to follow Him. And I truly started to turn away from my ways. And then that is when I started to actually live for Him and serve the world. It's one thing to live for the world and say you love God. And it's another thing to say that you love Him and then truly follow Him. Matthew said in John 14, 15, if you love me, keep my commandments. So as followers, we can't just listen to the word and not do it. Actually, this is actually my wallpaper. We have to listen to the word and then do it. James 1, 22 through 24 is the Bible verse for that if you want to know. So what really convicted me to leave my lukewarm lifestyle was the Bible verse Luke 16, 13. And it says this, no one can serve two masters. You either love one or hate the other. You can't serve both money and God. And that's exactly what I was doing. I was serving the world and I was serving God. So I knew that if that's how I was living and I wasn't truly living for Him, that I was on my way to hell. It's not you can't just go to church, that won't save you. You doing good things is not what saves you. You giving to the homeless is not what saves you. You saying all these things, a sinner prayer once is not what is going to save you. What's going to save you is a true relationship with the Father. And so, yeah, after basketball season, I started cutting off things that wasn't for me. I started cutting off, I started playing things I was doing that was prioritizing God over everything else. Like basketball, I stopped playing basketball a little more or a little less. I stopped playing video games a lot less because I felt like I was putting that above Him. But yeah, I just really wanted to seek the Lord. So that's when I really started to seek the Lord. And another Bible verse that convicted me is Revelation 3, 15 through 16. And it says this, I know your deeds, you are neither hot nor cold, but since you are lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth. Here's the thing, as a Christian, you can't have one step in the church and one step out. You can't be 95% in for God and 5% out. You can't be 99% in, 1% out. The path is narrow and few will find it. You have to be all the way in or all the way out. You can't just be the person who only comes to God on Sunday and then live for the world six other days of the week. You can't be doing that stuff. And that's exactly how I was living. Oh, I can't hear that way. Yeah, that's exactly how I was living. I was living in this lifestyle of, oh, if I just say I'm a Christian, then I'm going to go to heaven. Oh, if I just do good things, then I'm going to go to heaven. No, that is not at all what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches that once you repent and put your faith in Him truly, then you are made perfect and He will sanctify you. So once you truly do that, then you are perfect. And even if you do sin, even if you do fall short, He still doesn't look at your sins. So that really changed my mindset. And now I'm just on fire for the Lord. And that's just kind of my testimony. I grew up in church, and then I fell away. And then He just showed His love for me when I didn't even believe in Him. I was a borderline atheist. I borderline didn't even believe in Him. And now I started doing research. And for anyone questioning the Bible, here is the proof. There's over 1,800 predictions in the Bible. Over 1,800 predictions. And none have been false. There's over 350 predictions alone about Jesus Christ. And He came and He fulfilled every single one from 40 different authors. 40 different authors from three different continents over the course of hundreds and thousands of years. Written before He was even alive. He was even alive. And He came and He fulfilled every single one. He shed His innocent, holy blood. Also, once you repent and put your faith and trust in Him, you will be saved. And that is the gospel. That is the good news. Once you truly have a relationship with Him, you will be saved. So, yeah. I would just like to add something to that real quick. I don't remember the exact number, but I know it's a high number. Then Scott said it was over a mile long just with the cross reference. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. There's also, like... We don't remember the number offhand. Yeah. There's... Yeah, it's like... It's basically like each, like, I guess... What was it? Page in the Bible, right? Stacked up with every cross reference. To each other. In the Bible. And keep in mind, there's... I don't know exactly. A lot of these authors never met each other. They never knew who they were and such. They were different time periods, different continents, like Bruny said. Yeah. I mean, it's undisputable evidence that the Bible is real. You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. But when we have all this evidence laid out in front of you, it's kind of... Why doesn't everyone just believe in the Lord? Yeah, um... Yeah, that's... I mean, that's just something I... It's a tricky subject. I'm not gonna... I just think about, like, all the time. I feel like whenever I'm trying to share the gospel with my friends, even when I tell them these things, a lot of them still don't put their faith and trust in the Lord, which is 100% okay. That is 100% your choice. And, I mean, I'm still gonna be your friend. I mean, like, even if you're not a Christian. A lot of people will say, Oh, you can't be a Christian and still have worldly friends. No, that is a lie, because even... Let me add something to that real quick. The Lord will forgive you. As long as you put all your trust in Him, put all your marbles in His bag, He will forgive you. It's... Our Lord is just. He's not gonna just say, Oh, because you have a few friends who are not believers, you have a one-way ticket to hell. That's not the truth. The Lord is understanding. I mean, He's holy. So, yeah. It's obviously not a sin to have worldly friends, but it's one thing to conform to the world and to give in to the patterns of the world, but it's one thing to, you know, be exactly what the Bible teaches us to do, and that is to be the light in the world when there's darkness. So, yeah, there's... Alright, so there's a few Bible verses I want to go over on my phone. The first one is Matthew 10, 39. It says this, Whoever finds their life will lose it. Whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. And second is Luke 14, 27. It says this, And whoever does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. So even if you say you claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ, even if you claim to do, to, you know, go to church and do all these things, what truly matters is you following Him, you following the ways that He commands us to live, and if you live your life living for the world, you will lose your life, eternity, and if you, but if you lose your life on this earth for His sake, which means to turn away from the things of the world, and once you truly follow Him, then you will have eternity in heaven, and here's the thing, everything on a worldly basis matters on an eternity level. Everything you do here on this earth will matter for eternity, because if you don't repent of those sins, the things that you do here on this earth, you will go to hell. Here's the thing. I said this once. I'll say it again. The path is narrow. The path is so narrow. Only few will find it. We have to walk on that narrow, narrow road that leads to righteousness. We can't sit here and be one step in and one step out. I preach this message to you because here's the thing. A lot of people think that they're on their path to heaven, but really they're on their path to hell. I'm not here to condemn you, but I'm here to try to save you. Here's the thing. Many, many churches are not even preaching this message. They're not even preaching repentance. Repentance, yes, you have to repent. Luke 13, 3 says this, No, I tell you, unless you repent, you too will all likewise perish. The wage of one sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal, everlasting life. So once you repent and put your faith in Jesus Christ, you will be saved, and that is the good news, the gospel. He came to live the life that we couldn't, and died the death that we undeserved. So once we put our faith and trust in Him, we will be saved, and that is the good news. It's not the bad news, it's the good news. And people will try to persecute you. People will try to say all these bad things. Say, oh no, it's false. Whatever you're teaching is false. And here's the thing. This is not what I'm saying. This is what the Bible is saying. Don't listen to me. Listen to the Bible. I will say that again. Don't listen to me. Don't listen to what I say. Listen to what the Bible says. Everything I say is coming, or not everything. Yeah, not my testimony is coming from the Bible. But everything that I'm saying is what the Bible says, and this is what the Lord is telling you to do. But as Christians, we have to be in a relationship with God. It's just like a friendship, right? You can't expect to have a good friendship when you're not even paying attention to that person, when you're not even talking to them, or even just hanging out with them. All God wants you to do is hang out. That's all He wants is to hang out with you. He just wants you to just be there with Him. And, yeah, that's all I've got to say. I mean, your relationship with the Lord, I mean, it's give and take. You're going to take His love. That sounds bad, but like, you're going to receive His love, but you also got to give Him love back. It can't be one way. If it's one way, then, I'm sorry, but, hell, that's the reality. Yeah, and to put it into other words, it's like He's offering this gift to you. It's a gift, and you can choose to either to accept it or deny it. Here's the thing. We are born into a sinful world through Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve rebelled against God. This world was perfect. We were actually meant to live forever, but sin came to the world. That's why all these bad things happen. Everybody questions, why do these bad things happen to God? Why are you doing these things? It's because of sin. It's not God. It's the devil, and we have to realize and understand that there's an enemy out there. There is a real enemy, and yes, hell is real. Hell is a real place. Hell is real. I would say it again. Hell is too real. Why do you think that people with sleep paralysis, they see demons. These demons and his fallen angels are real, and the spiritual realm is so real, and actually, there's hell testimonies out there. I do want to react to one eventually on this podcast. If you just go on YouTube, just go on YouTube, look up hell testimony, and watch just a few of them, you will see that they all have something in common. When they die, their soul leaves their body, and they're hovering above their bodies. They're just like that for a few moments, and then all of a sudden, they get set to wherever they're going. It's either heaven or hell. It's no in-between. Here's the thing. Most people in this world will go to hell. A lot of people think good deeds save them, and that is a lie from the pit of hell. Good deeds is not what saves you. Being a good person, again, is not what saves you. What saves you is once you repent, you turn away from the things of the world, and you truly follow Him, and you put your faith and trust in Him. There's a difference between believing in Him and truly having trust in Him. Even demons believed. Even Satan believed. What makes you different than a demon? That's a perfect way to think about it because you can't... So, believing and trust is two completely different things. Even atheists, even some atheists believe in Jesus. And here's the thing. It's not really about belief as much as trust. Trust and belief are two different things. Yes, once you have trust, you also believe. But without trust, or without belief, you can't trust. So, you have to have belief, and then to trust in Him. Put your faith and trust in Him. And there's also one more Bible verse I want to go over. It's Matthew 7, 21 through 23. It says this, Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, did I not prophesy in your name and in your name cast out demons and in your name perform many miracles? But I will tell you plainly, this is the Lord speaking, depart from me. I never knew you. You who practice iniquity. Keyword, practice iniquity. So, if we practice the things of this world, if we practice iniquity, even if we claim to be a Christian, we can still go to hell. But here's the thing. There's good news. And there is a way out. And that's through Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ alone. Not Muhammad. Not Buddha. Muhammad died. When Muhammad died, he stayed dead. When Buddha died, he stayed dead. And when Jesus Christ died, he rose from the dead. That's what separates every other religion from Christianity. Yeah, because it's the truth. And I know that sounds obvious, but it is. It's the truth. He said, I'm the way, I'm the truth, I'm the life. John 14, 6. He is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through him. I just wanted to say something real quick. Yeah. I feel Brunny kind of jumped over this, and that's okay. Good deeds won't get you into heaven, but don't stop doing good deeds. Yeah. You don't want to be the person to go around and... No, no. And... Don't... Yeah. Keep doing good deeds. It should go without saying, but... Yeah, keep doing good deeds. They won't directly get you to heaven, but if you're doing good deeds, it's almost like you have a good foundation that you can follow. If you do the right thing, like... If you're doing the right thing, like right then and there, I mean, there's a good chance you probably could stay on the path to go to heaven. If you're, like, doing the right thing by doing good deeds, that will lead into you doing the right thing by staying in your Bible. Doing the ways of the Lord, I mean. Yeah, yeah. And one thing I will say about the path of Nero is, like, it's not like you could be going down this path and then once you, like, maybe commit one sin, you're going to hell. No, that's not what we're saying. What we're saying is, once you repent and you put your faith in Him, the Bible says in Hebrew that you are perfect. You are then sanctified. You are perfect in the Lord's eyes. So even if you do fall short, if you get back up and you still walk with the Lord, you will be saved. There's a Bible verse that says this, that the righteous man will fall seven times but then get back up. It's not about how many times you fall. It's about how many times you get back up. I know that sounds like a motivational quote, but that's, like, straight out of the Bible. Yeah. And, yeah, so just, it's really all about just following Him and, like, what He really wants from you is the relationship part. He doesn't want you to never talk to Him. You can't go to God only when you need Him. That's not how it works. Many people are like, like, why are these bad things happening? Lord, Lord, help me. And here's the thing, those bad things will always happen, but if you put your faith in Him all the time, your life will be way better than ever before because you are trusting Him. Whenever I am worried, I always put on the Lord and everything works out perfect. Not great, not good, perfect. Everything works out better than I could ever expect because I trust in the One who already knows what's going to happen. So, uh, yeah. Wow. So, yeah, uh, I don't want to sound like I'm giving too much praise to Brunny and such because all the praise should be going to the Lord really for giving the gift of Brunny in order to help preach His message and such. But, yeah, I just want to give thanks to Brunny for a minute because, I mean, the stuff that he's saying, I mean, really take a listen. Yes, it's in the Bible. It's in the Bible. But, I mean, he's just like a funnel to the Lord's Word. All glory to Yahweh! Yeshua! Jesus Christ, the one true living God. All glory to Him. But, yeah, I think that kind of summarizes up this whole podcast. We just want to say thank you guys for tuning in. Thank you guys for listening to this podcast. I hope this helps. This is our testimony about how we got saved. And, just, God bless. First episode of Hopefully You'd Come. Like Brunny said, thank you guys so much for taking a listen. We're really thankful for all you guys. God bless you all.

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