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Tharsis Souza is a senior VP at Two Sigma Investments and a lecturer at Columbia University. He has 10 years of experience in the data world and has worked globally. He shares his knowledge through publications and conferences and mentors underrepresented students and professionals. He has impressive credentials and is known for his passion for data. He is a sought-after speaker and disruptor in investment management. We can expect great things from him in the future. Welcome to PodcastFi, your personal Gen AI podcast. Tharsis Souza, huh? Now there's a name that pops up in some fascinating circles. You know it. Senior VP at Two Sigma Investments. Talk about a powerhouse. His work with data-driven products is seriously making waves. Right? And it's not just the corporate world he's slaying in. The guy's a lecturer at Columbia University, too. Can you believe that? Oh, absolutely. He's shaping the minds of future analysts with that MSC in Applied Analytics gig. Talk about influence. It's like he can't get enough of the data world. And you know what? The guy's got the experience to back it all up. 10 years, they say? From scrappy startups to Fortune 500 giants. US, Brazil, UK, this guy's a global player. Yeah, and get this. He's not just applying that experience, he's sharing it. Scholarly publications, conferences, you name it. Tharsis is there, dropping knowledge bombs. Impressive, to say the least. It's actually really inspiring, you know? And it looks like he's using that platform to lift others, as they say, mentoring underrepresented students and professionals. That's the mark of a true leader. Couldn't agree more. And to think, all of this stemmed from his PhD in Computer Science from UCL. That's the University of London for anyone who needs a quick geography lesson. He even has an MPhil and an MSC in Computer Science and an ASC in Computer Engineering. The credentials are definitely there, no doubt about it. But it's his passion for data and his commitment to sharing that knowledge that truly sets him apart. Plus, have you seen the lineup for his interviews and talks? Oh, tell me about it. Mentorship Spotlight, FactSet Investment Process Symposium, Battlefin Alternative Data. The guy's a wanted man. Those barrel elites clearly knew what they were doing and dubbed him a disruptor in investment management. Disruptor is right. Scarcissussa is a force to be reckoned with and I can't wait to see what he does next. On that note, thanks for joining me on this episode of Podcast Fi. We'll catch you in the next one. Ciao.

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