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Team Crewsaders PodcastTeam Crewsaders Podcast



As team Crewsaders are getting ready for the J4 tournament this weekend. Crewsaders will need to stay focused and stay steady as the big dance upon us.

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The host of Team Crusader's Podcast discusses standout players Jamar, P-Long, and Austin Lee. Jamar is a dedicated and inquisitive player who shows great potential as a safety. P-Long is a motivated offensive lineman who looks up to Jason Kelce. Austin Lee is a motivational teammate who brings energy to the team. The team will be facing Tier 1 and Unknown in their upcoming games and they are focused on finishing strong. The host emphasizes the importance of competitiveness and confidence on the field. The team recently had a bonding session where they watched film and studied their opponents. Overall, the host had a great time with the team and is looking forward to the next game. Welcome to Team Crusader's Podcast, I'm your host Tony, and today we'll be talking about our standout players, almost like our captains, to flip the coin for the game. And not just that, you know, we'll also be talking about the prediction to the game and also preparation. And I know in my last video I have made a preparation podcast about it, but today I just want to talk more about it too. And also guys, thank you to our sponsors in Bubble Bay, Little Tokyo, Asian Taste, Richter Barber, and Vokoma. For Crusaders today, for the following members, or the active roster guys, I don't know, I'm just gonna, I'm just trying to make up things to make it sound interesting, guys. The players that are very intriguing to me, which is Jamar, Jamar Brown. And this guy here, man, he's a hustler in every aspect of his life, you know, whether working on the field or working, you know, he's still, you know, for him to be a player to really ask a lot of questions. And on last week's Sunday, we were having a little team meeting thing, watching film. And I just love the way how he keeps on asking questions on defense of what to do, you know. And I know that Tyler and AP kind of gives some shit about it, but you know, that's how the game works, you know, AP understands that asking questions is not a thing that you should be stupid of. You know, be confident of your questions to know what the play is, you know, what the game plan is, you know. And for him to kind of be that guy for a safety back, you know, he's been great, he's been great of a player, you know, he's very explosive down deep. And when he calls a play, when he sees what the quarterback is calling, he can see it from afar, you know, it's great for him. And the way how, like I said, the chemistry with us guys, the players, you know, is amazing. And the first time when I met him, it was literally at Sheboygan tournament. And when I played, I was playing corner and he benched me because I don't play corner. So then at that time, you know, I never knew who he was, but I remember his face, I remember his attitude. And his attitude is like, I want the ball, you know, he's like a Derral Revis type player. And he wants the ball, give me the ball, he's going to pick you off pretty much. So I love him, the guy, he's an amazing guy. As of right now, his goal of the season, you know, is to allow zero touchdowns and a win. We want the win, you know. So for him to have the mindset of no touchdowns allowed, you know, and no wins for the other team, I love that. Another guy I want to talk about is also P-Long. P-Long is another guy that I, you know, I met a while ago too. And the first time we met each other, he asked me if I was mixed. And I told him, no, I'm actually Hmong, you know, he's like, man, I thought you were like a Laos or you're white and half Asian, something like that. And I get that a lot, you know, to me, my face, my young face, I don't have a young face. You know, they always think that I'm a young guy still, which is great, you know, to get to my Hmong genes, the Asian genes. One of the questions on the post kind of asked, hey, what's your motivation to play football? And he replied, my boys, you know, my boys, because they have been by my side playing football since we started Hmong Football together, you know, and that's great for him, you know, that's great that he's committed to the team, you know, he wants to play, he wants to play hard. Now for him to play offensive lineman, it's very hard, you know, blocking, it's a game where, you know, you have to do your best to give your quarterback time to throw the ball. And he's been great, you know, there are times where I match up against him on the line, and he's a great center, and the way how he blocks is amazing. And he blocks like Jason Kelce from Philly, you know, and it's just funny because that's his favorite player. So for him to kind of have them, you know, to kind of look at, you know, Jason Kelce like that, say, hey, I want to be that type of blocker, you know, be that type of center and player, which is great for him. Up next we have Austin Lee. I met Austin a while ago back in Shipwreck, and I believe he's related to Derek from what I know so far. But the guy is amazing too, you know, he's a very motivational type guy. He loves to really give the players, the teammates, the motivation to hype up, to get hyped up pretty much, you know, and the way how he's going to hype us up is like the way how Reggie White does with the Packers, and the way how he does is the same thing, you know. He loves the boys, he loves everyone here, and he loves to compete in every single game. And for him to be out there on the field, you know, I respect that, you know, I respect him in this, and I acknowledge him. So moving on forward from there, French 2, J4. From what I know, from who we are going up against is Tier 1 first game at 7.30, really early, really, really early. I wish that our, you know, schedule was a little bit more later, like maybe at 10 would be nice. But at 7.30, that means we gotta wake up like at 5 to get there and to the field and, you know, get there early pretty much. And that's a thing that, you know, I don't like doing, get up so early, but I used to get up early because I used to work first shift, but, you know, to play at 7.30, whoo, man, it's gonna be, it's gonna be hard and tiring. So our first game, we will be going up against Tier 1, another team in Wisconsin that we've been competing for a while now. And we've been, you know, competing for the best team in Wisconsin, and there's no doubt about it that we are pretty much rivals, you know. And after that, game 2, we gotta play, I guess, Unknown. And I believe that game will be around 10 o'clock for what I know, maybe not. But as of now, those are the two games that we're facing, those two teams, not bad guys, team, not games, team. And what's my prediction for Crusaders in Tier 1? There is no prediction for me. What we had to do, like I told you guys many, many times before, you know, it's not the way how you start, it's the way how you end it. And when we end it, we gotta end it to the point where they can't get back up. And that's the mindset of being that type of a player. And a perfect example is Richard Sherman. I was watching their Super Bowl run back in 2014 to 13. And the way how Richard Sherman carried himself, that's what we had to be. You know, on the field, I get it. You want to compete, you know, you want to be the best out there. And that's what we had to have. And for Richard Sherman to really shut down Cavalry, and after Aaron Andrews comes up to him and says, hey, what's your game stats on this? And he went all out. And a lot of sports people or reporters were saying that it was inappropriate for him to do that, but at the same time, man, this is a sport. This is a competitive sport. Kids some days will learn that sometimes being nice, being humble will not get you where you want to go when it comes down to competition. Yeah, be humble outside of work and outside of who you are, but when it comes down during the game, that humbleness will come later. You know what I mean? So during that time, during that moment, you have to show that one second that you're the best guy on the field, on the court, or anywhere else. After that, I guess, unknown. I'm not too worried about unknown, but at the same time, we had to be ready. The coach always says, don't be complacent just because we're the better team. Any team out there can literally beat us out of nowhere. So we had to stay positive, stay humble, and win this game, too. And that's just my take on the preparation for against Tier 1 and unknown. And lastly, what I want to talk about is we had a team bonding thing, in a way. We were just having a few drinks and watching a film, had some laughs, ate some pizza, chips, and some more, et cetera. We're just watching a film all together, and we're studying on how this team works, how this team plays, how their defense does, and how their offense runs. Doing that with the guys is amazing, but them just wanting to study, asking questions out of the blue, just figuring out what can we do to be better as a team. And with doing that, it shows to me that they're committed, very committed, and it shows to me that they want to get better for the next game and the next game forward. And I had an amazing time with these guys, and they love to drink. That's for among people, for sure, and AP. So thank you for tuning in to Team Christian's podcast. I'm your host, Tony. Until next time, guys, see you in the next one.

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