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8 habits that destroy your kidneys

8 habits that destroy your kidneys


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The video discusses eight habits that can cause kidney damage. It emphasizes the importance of taking care of the kidneys to prevent serious kidney issues. The habits include: overusing over-the-counter medications, consuming too much salt, not drinking enough water, making poor dietary choices, leading a sedentary lifestyle, not getting enough sleep, smoking, and drinking excessive alcohol. The video encourages viewers to avoid these habits and suggests alternative options for maintaining kidney health. test test. Eight habits that cause kidney damage for diabetic or not. Hi everyone have you ever stopped to think about how much your kidneys actually do for you? Well let me tell you those little guys work hard to keep your body balanced and healthy. So or so much so that if they aren't given the proper TLC they can become damaged and lead to serious kidney issues. But fear not my friends because there are plenty of things you can do to protect your kidneys and keep them in tip-top shape. Just remember avoiding bad habits that we will talk in this video will be a big win. Think of it like giving your kidneys a VIP treatment and they will repay the favor by keeping you healthy. It's a win-win situation folks. Let's talk about this. Number one over-the-counter medications including NSAIDs like for pain and for PPIs for your GERD for your reflux disease. You know what they are or you know what they say too much of a good thing can be bad and definitely applies to over-the-counter medications and when it comes to kidney disease. It turns out that those trusty NSAIDs like your ibuprofen or Mortrel right they are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for those who didn't know are one of the biggest villains in this story. Yep the same pills that help relieve your aches and pains are also putting your kidney system in danger or your renal system and if you are already living with risk factors for kidney disease like high blood pressure or diabetes it's like playing a game of Russian roulette. So if you want to keep your kidneys happy and healthy maybe steer clear from popping that Advil and pick up some alternative options like some gentle stretching, ice therapy, acupuncture, physical therapy you name it. Your kidneys will thank you and who knows you might just find a newfound love for that yoga mat gathering that's just around the corner. Namaste away from kidney disease my friends. Number two eating too much salt. Did you know that eating too much salt puts your kidneys in a right pickle or should I say a salty situation? Yes my friends it is true excess salt can cause fluid retention and high blood pressure which can lead to kidney failure and let's be honest we have all been guilty of salt overindulgence at some point in our lives but let's not forget that our poor kidneys are the ones paying the ultimate price for our salty cravings. So next time you reach for that bag of potato chips think about your kidneys and maybe opt for a healthier snack instead. Your kidneys will thank you later. Number three not consuming enough water because repeated dehydration I'm not saying just drown yourself with water but repeated dehydration can create long-term damage. It is essential to consume a lot of water on a daily basis unless you have a lot of edema or heart failure and your doctors tell you not to but a decent rule of thumb is to drink the equivalent in ounces of half of your body weight in pounds. Therefore like for example somebody who weighs 180 pounds should consume around 90 ounces of water each day unless like I said there is a medical limitation to their water intake. The amount of water used in a day should not surpass one gallon also. Although water is always the healthiest choice it is quite acceptable to replace it with other beverages that are not in high in calories like tea or coffee. They will count to your daily fluid intake. I always let my patients know that they can substitute another liquid for up to 24 ounces of their recommended daily fluid intake. Obviously this is not the case with each and every patient. Those who are experiencing like I said heart failure or extensive kidney problems that they cannot get rid of water at all, chronic edema or who are currently undergoing dialysis are unable to consume this much of fluids. According to research by the way individuals with stage 3 chronic kidney disease which a lot of you have, you knew or not, maintain a healthy level of hydration with water may be able to delay the advancement of their kidney disease. The consumption of beverages like soda and other liquids that include artificial sweeteners can be detrimental though remember that. So don't drink soda to replace your liquids. Number four poor dietary choices. All right folks grab a seat okay put down the bag of chips. Let's talk about processed foods. It's an easy go-to when we are in a rush but let me tell you it is not your friend. You know who's your friend though right? Fresh fruits and veggies. They're like the cool kids you always want to hang out with in high school and speaking of high school too much animal protein is like that annoying jock who has always causing drama. It generates acid like it's getting paid for it. Switch to plant-based proteins and watch those drama filled days fade away and don't even get me started on sugar. It's like the popular kid who turns out to be a total train wreck. Diabetes is no joke though. Keep it in check with a balanced diet full of healthy goodness and all the water your kidneys could ask for. And I won't make any more high school metaphors. I'm done. Number five living a sedentary lifestyle. Listen up folks if you have been living a sedentary lifestyle it is time to get off your couch and start moving. Did you know that being a couch potato can put you at risk for kidney disease even without diabetes? Yeah you heard that right but don't worry I am NOT saying you have to become the next Olympic athlete. Just 20 minutes of exercise a day can do wonders for your kidney health. So let's put on our dancing shoes play some funky music and get our way to healthier kidneys. Who's with me? All right six not sleeping enough. So let me get this straight. If I don't sleep enough at night my kidneys are going to be all out of whack. Well I guess that means it's time to break up with my late-night Netflix binge habits and cozy up with a good old-fashioned bedtime routine. Who knew that getting a full eight hours of shut-eye could be so vital for your organs. I guess it is time to start taking my pre-bedtime routine seriously. And if you still can't sleep go to SugarMD.com and get our sleep support. That can help but you cannot afford to lose your kidneys. Okay good night folks. A couple more minutes and you can turn off the YouTube and go to bed if you're watching this late at night. Number seven smoking. So listen up smokers. I know you might be thinking that you look too cool with that cigarette hanging out of your mouth or whatever. But did you know that is actually contributing to your chronic kidney damage? That's right. The insides of your arteries are getting as hard as a rock. And that's not good for anyone. Plus smoking is just asking for trouble when it comes to high blood pressure and damaged kidneys. And your kidneys have a lot of blood vessels right? That's why. If that's not enough to convince you to quit, smoking is also linked to kidney cancer. A good way to die right? I mean come on. Do you really want to risk losing a vital organ just for a nicotine fix? Just say no to smoking folks and we'll move on. Your kidneys and your sense of humor will also thank you. Number eight drinking too much alcohol. Yes not just smoking. Drinking too much alcohol can really be a party pooper for your kidneys. They can handle a few drinks here and there. But if you start downing more than for a day, you are asking for trouble. Trust me your liver won't be amused either. So if you have been making margaritas your morning coffee, it is time to pump those brakes folks. Because drinking too much might turn your kidneys into a sour pickle. Did I say enough? You fix these problems, get this habit straight and you'll be good to go and your kidneys will love you. Share this video, subscribe, like it and I'll see you in the next video.