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Disasters Are Not Political

Disasters Are Not Political


Steve is frustrated over all the conspiracy theories that are impeding the help those affected by Hurricane Helene need and makes a passionate plea for unity in times of disaster.

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In this passionate message, Steve expresses frustration with conspiracy theories surrounding the hurricane disaster in North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and Florida. He emphasizes that FEMA is not denying aid based on political affiliation or race, and urges people not to fall for these false narratives. Steve highlights the importance of recognizing disasters as humanitarian crises that require unity and support. He mentions the efforts of the National Guard and encourages listeners to donate money and supplies to legitimate charitable organizations. Steve concludes by urging everyone to set aside political differences and work together to help those in need. Hey folks, this is Steve. I've got to get something off my chest right here, right now. And it's about all these dad-blamed conspiracy nuts who are out there complicating matters in the middle of a frickin' disaster where thousands of people in North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, the areas that have been affected by Hurricane Eileen need our frickin' help. Let me start by saying a few things. Number one, FEMA ain't going to take your property. Number two, FEMA is not denying people aid because of who they voted for or what their race, creed, color, whatever. They're not denying you aid because you're a white guy. They're not denying you aid because you voted for the other political party. They're not denying you aid because illegal immigrants have a higher priority than poor people who need the frickin' help. These are just some of the things that are just being spread viciously through a whole bunch of dad-blamed conspiracy nuts. If I were in the situation that they were, I would be scared as hell myself. And I'd be wondering, what the hell is going on? I need some help. But, it doesn't help those people by engaging in all sorts of conspiracies such as, this storm was created by some magical weather machine or... Oh Lord, I tell you what, it's just grinding my frickin' gears. Disasters are not Republican, they're not Democrat, they're not black, they're not white, they're not Protestant, they're not Catholic, they're not Jewish, they're not Hindu, they're not Muslim. Disasters are disasters. Frickin' humanitarian needs, for God's sake. Don't be sucked into these dad-blamed conspiracies. People are getting the help that they need. Maybe FEMA's not doing it as fast as you want it to be done. But there are people besides FEMA. You have in North Carolina alone, you've got the National Guard. I listened to a ham radio repeater where they were trying to get aid into Bat Cave. These people were over there working their butts off to try to get the helicopters in, to get the food supplies and whatnot in, so that the people can get it as opposed to, say, the bears. In fact, they were literally asking to make sure that there was somebody on the ground that could get these supplies to them so that the animals don't get to them. There are dire needs out there. Western North Carolina, Eastern Tennessee, East Central Georgia, Southeast Georgia, Northern Florida. We need to come together. We need to stop this conspiracy BS, and we need to realize that this is a frickin' humanitarian disaster. And oh, by the way, the governors of the affected states have put partisan differences aside. For example, Governor Brian Kemp, a Republican governor of the state of Georgia, has been very grateful to Democratic President of the United States, Joe Biden, for reaching out to him and offering assistance. Democratic Governor Roy Cooper in North Carolina has been grateful for the assistance. And frankly, folks, ain't nobody caring whether you're a Republican or a Democrat, or what race, creed, color, what have you. There are people out there, both governmental and non-governmental, who want to help and who are trying their damnedest to help them, who are working their butts off. If you want to help, donate money. Donate supplies. Conduct a supply drive to get supplies to these people. But whatever you do, work with legitimate, charitable, and humanitarian agencies to get those people the help they need. And for God's sake, let's stop arguing. Let's stop playing politics, at least for now. I know that there are a whole lot of emotions that are going on. And yeah, I got emotional in this thing. People need help. Do what you can. If you can give the widow's night, for God's sake, give it. Well, folks, that's it for now. I've calmed down. It's off my chest. Thank you for listening. Thank you for whatever you're doing to be part of the solution and not the problem. And until next time, God bless and peace out, y'all.

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