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CXO Handbook

CXO Handbook

CX PilotsCX Pilots



We asked Chief Customer Executives and CX leaders about their greatest challenges in establishing or optimizing their companies’ Customer Experience (CX) programs. Our research uncovered the core elements of stress, friction, and success in setting up, managing, and optimizing CX management programs. We discovered three surprising patterns that distinguish outperforming from under-performing enterprises. CX Reset challenges — One of the biggest execution challenges is for coalitions to decide wh

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The transcript discusses the concept of CX reset, which focuses on transforming businesses to adapt to the changing customer landscape. It introduces the Holy Trinity shift, which includes customer-centric access, CX-informed product innovation, and creative content marketing. The transcript then outlines five actionable steps for implementing a CX reset, including resetting the CX agenda, creating a hundred-day plan, forming a CX super group, resetting the CX ecosystem, and reevaluating CX performance measures. It emphasizes the importance of company culture and the role of the CXO in championing change. The ultimate goal is to achieve a triple win, benefiting the company, employees, and customers. All right, so today we are diving into all this CX reset stuff everyone keeps talking about. We're going deep on the CXO handbook thing, you know, with the CX pilot stuff. I don't know about you, but man, I love a good roadmap. And this handbook says they've got the inside scoop from C-flaters, CEOs, you know, people who have actually done this. Yeah, it's not just hype. This is like, this is the real deal. The business landscapes are totally different now. It's not enough to just like talk about customer experience. You got to live it because everyone's walking around with basically the entire internet like in their pocket. I feel like I'm stating the obvious here. It's even more than that, though. Think about it. Like the power dynamic has completely flipped your customer now. They hold all the cards. They've got instant access to all the information, reviews, competitor pricing at their fingertips. It's like adapt or die time for businesses that are kind of stuck in those old ways. Okay. Yeah, that's a way better way to put it than my whole the internet's in their pocket thing. So how do we adapt? What does this handbook say? This handbook says you got to completely change the game. They call it the Holy Trinity shift. Holy Trinity. All right. You've got my attention. Yeah. So forget about product sales and marketing is your main focus. Oh, wow. Those days are over. This handbook says that the new Holy Trinity for businesses is all about like a customer centric access shift, CX informed product innovation, and then like insanely creative content marketing. Okay. Totally intertwined. Wow. Okay. So this isn't just like a little tweak we're talking about. This is like flipping the whole business on its head. Exactly. I bet our listeners are already thinking about how this applies to them. It's a lot to unpack, but hey, that's what we're here for, right? That's why we're here. Okay. This whole like Holy Trinity idea is pretty out there, but let's get tactical here. How do we actually implement this customer centric revolution thing? Is there like a roadmap for this? Please tell me there's a roadmap. Oh yeah. Don't worry. This whole handbook has got you covered. Okay. They lay out like five really actionable steps for what they call a CX reset. Okay. And the best part is this isn't just theory. Like this is based on insights from actual CX leaders who have like actually gone and transformed their organizations. Okay. I'm all ears. Hit me with step one. All right. Step one is reset your CX agenda. Okay. It's all about getting really, really laser focused on aligning your CX strategy with your CEO's top priorities. You know, we're talking about demonstrating that tangible value from like day one, setting clear milestones for the first hundred days, 200 days, 300 days out even. It's like you're creating that shared vision, right? So everyone's on the same page working towards the same goal. Exactly. Exactly. And this handbook, they even give you this list of what they call foundational CX reset questions. Oh, cool. And these are designed to help you, maybe your team, kind of like really dig deep and define what success actually looks like for your organization. You know, it might even be worth like hitting the pause button on this deep dive right now. Oh yeah. And taking a minute to like actually jot down your answers to these questions. Okay. Listeners, I love that idea. So grab your notebooks because this is where the rubber meets the road. What matters most to your company right now? How can this CX reset actually drive those key results? Take a moment, jot it down. We'll be right here. Yeah. And while they're doing that, let's move on to step two. All right. Reset your hundred day plan. This step is all about speed and momentum. They really emphasize the need to like hit the ground running. You want to build those strong relationships with your key stakeholders, especially your CFO and your CHRO. Yeah. You want those people in your corner, right? Especially when you're trying to drive this kind of major change in your company culture. Absolutely. So that eye in is like totally crucial. Now step three is where it gets like really, really interesting. Focus on the nucleus of CX. So this is about forming what they call a CX super group. A super group. Okay. Are we talking like a band here? Because if we're bringing music into CX, I am all about it. Not quite a band, although I like the way you think. Okay. Think of it like a task force. Okay. But with way more power and way more influence. So this super group, it brings together these leaders from like across your entire organization. So you know, marketing, sales, product, even HR. Yeah. Okay. They become like the driving force behind this whole customer centric transformation. So it's about breaking down those silos, getting everybody rowing in the same direction, right? Precisely. It's about creating this shared ownership of the customer experience. And that brings us to step four, which is reset the CX ecosystem. So the handbook breaks this down into four interconnected areas. Okay. Feel, voice, activation, and measurement. Okay. Walk me through this. So feel, I'm guessing that's like the emotional connection that a customer has with your brand. Yes. You got it. It's all about crafting those experiences that really resonate with them on an emotional level. Okay. You're building brand loyalty that goes way beyond just a transaction, right? And then there's voice, which is really about truly listening to your customers, understanding their needs, their pain points, their aspirations, what they want. Okay. And then activated is where, you know, it all comes together. Yeah. The rubber meets the road here. Okay. This is about taking all those insights that you've gathered and turning them into like concrete actions that actually improve the customer journey. Okay. I think I'm picking up what you're putting down here. So we've got the emotional connection. We're listening to feedback. We're taking action. We're about measurement. That's got to be about proving that this whole CX thing is actually working. Exactly. Step five is, like you said, reset the CX performance measures. Okay. And it's all about ditching those vanity metrics, you know, the ones that look good on paper but don't really tell you anything useful. Yeah. Instead, you focus on the metrics that actually directly correlate to those positive business outcomes like customer lifetime value. Okay. And then, you know, how much your CX initiatives are actually impacting your bottom line. Okay. So you've got to be able to show the money, right? Yes. But even with all the right metrics, all the right strategies, sometimes I feel like the biggest hurdle is the company culture itself. Yeah. It's like that old saying, right? Culture eats strategy for breakfast. Totally. You can have like the best laid CX plan in the world, but if your company culture is not on board, you're sunk. It's so true. And this handbook really, I think they hammer that point home, which I like. Yeah. It's not enough to just talk about, you know, customer experience. That would be like a bullet point on your little mission statement on the wall. Right. Right. It needs to be like woven into the actual fabric of how your company operates. Yeah. From the C-suite, you know, all the way down to like the front lines. It needs to be something people live and breathe, not just, you know, hear about in meetings and stuff. Exactly. Yeah. The handbook actually uses this great phrase. People need to see, feel, touch, and hear CX to believe it. Ooh. I like that. Yeah. And that's where, you know, the chief experience officer, the CXO, really comes in. According to this research, you know, the number one job is to be that champion of change, to like engineer those moments of delight for the customer and also, you know, smooth out those frustrating bumps in the road. It's a tall order, right? Yeah. Especially when you've got like departments that, you know, they just don't seem to ever get along. And office politics, like we've all experienced that, right, those silos that seem impossible to break down. Oh, for sure. And the handbook, they actually address that, which I appreciate. There's this one line that really jumped out at me, it says, never misread politeness or like in-meeting affirmations as actual agreement. Right. Those whose support you'll actually need will show it through their actions, not just, you know, with their words. Ooh, that's real. You can't just rely on those head nods in a meeting and the smiles. You need to see those people actually walking the walk, right? Exactly. It's about like transforming those skeptics into advocates, one action at a time. I like it. Okay. So we talked about the why and the how of this whole CX transformation thing, but what does success actually even look like here? What's the end game? That's the exciting part. When it's done right, you know, the CX reset, it isn't just about making customers happy, which is great, obviously. Right. But it's about creating this like ripple effect, a positive change that actually benefits everybody. The handbook calls it the like triple win. Okay. The win for the company, a win for the employees and a win for the customers. Okay. I love a good win-win, but a triple win. Okay. Tell me more. Well, think about it. When employees feel empowered and they feel good about delivering those like really amazing experiences, you know, they're more engaged, right? They're more invested in their work, which of course then translates to happier customers who stick around longer and tell their friends about you. Yeah. And then, of course, that leads to, you know, increased revenue and growth for the company. Right. It's like a beautiful cycle. Exactly. Everyone wins. And it all starts with that internal, you know, that focus on CX. Yes. I love it. So according to the CXO handbook folks, this is all achievable for any organization that's willing to put in the work, right? That's what they say. And, you know, on that note, I kind of want to leave our listeners with this final thought from the handbook. Okay. It says, if a CX reset feels undoable, you're in good company. However, and this is key, you'll never know until you try. Oh, I love that. It's a call to action, everybody. Don't let that fear of the unknown hold you back. Embrace the challenge. Be bold. And remember, you know, put that customer at the heart of everything you do. You never know. And that is all for today's deep dive. We'll see you next time for another deep dive into the world of business breakthroughs.

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