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Stephanie Garcia



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The speaker is discussing whether conspiracy theories are beneficial for society. They argue against conspiracy theories, stating that they lack statistics, contribute to poor health choices, and promote fear and denial. However, they also acknowledge that conspiracy theories can bring people together and provide alternative perspectives. The speaker suggests exploring the impact of conspiracy beliefs on personality traits and relationships. They express difficulty in finding the right position for their conciliatory argument. Their main concern is how to present their conciliatory argument effectively in their paper. For my multimodal presentation, I am discussing whether or not conspiracy theories are beneficial for society. The claim I am attempting is the antiposition, which is basically claiming that conspiracies are imaginative theories at the end of the day, with the majority having little to no statistics to back them up or justify them and are introducing unrealistic beliefs to society. Moving on to my supporting positions for the anti-argument, these are my arguments that I have that I have found. They include things such as lack of statistics, as well as the association with poor health choices like anxiety, depression, and disassociation. People that follow along very deeply with conspiracy theories can also tend to develop a heightened sense of fear and denial with worries such as world domination, artificial life, and extraterrestrials. And there is also shown that there is personal relationship declines that are revolving around those who participate in the more intense discussions revolving conspiracy theories. Moving on to my opposing positions, which is the pro that they are beneficial, these are my arguments that I have found for that side. A few of them include they can bring together a niche group of people and form strong friendships, bonds, and relationships. Another one is with the progression of unforeseen events happening, people that are researching and following conspiracy theories can have a new set of eyes and information on important matters that maybe not the important higher-ups are really focusing on. And there are other matters such as participating in these conspiracy theories and the world of it can reduce anxiety and uncertainty of those fearful of the unknown. Moving on to my conciliatory position, so for the conciliatory I found that the argument could be made that personality traits are affected positively or negatively by believing in conspiracy theories and how they could be balanced. So that is one of the points I plan to be making in my paper. As you can see I wrote my possible solutions next to my conciliatory. So I was thinking maybe finding out whether the impact, it could be positive or negative, revolving personalities of people that are very influenced by conspiracies. Another one could be, my third one, discussing whether relationships are positively or negatively impacted by indulging in conspiracies. And this is just a thought I had to counter there, declining relationships can be avoided by refraining from mentioning the topic and discussing it with those that you know for a fact enjoy discussing the same theories as you. That was a solution I thought of, but that's something I'm still having trouble with figuring out. Moving on to my dialogic arguments, these are the arguments I found that correlate with each other. For example, personal relationships can be affected by those heavily involved with theories and consequences. And the argument that being in a niche group can bring these people together, I thought this correlated by discussing relationships surrounding those involved in studying conspiracies. Moving on to the sources I will be using, I was planning on using scholarly essays. The first link is one that I found that I think I will be using for a lot of my paper, as well as scholarly reviews. That is an annual review that is more of an article rather than a paper to analyze conspiracy theories like their communications and consequences. And moving on to my concerns and traps of binary thinking, my only concern really as of now is finding the right way to position myself for the conciliatory. If you could hear with the way I was explaining my conciliatory, I obviously really don't know how to guide that as of right now. So I'm hoping I can figure that out so I can write it in a smooth way in my paper. So that would be awesome if someone could help me out with that. I can't seem to figure it out as of now. And with binary thinking, that's pretty much where I'm at with the same conciliatory of not finding how to word that properly. Thank you.

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