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cover of "Turning On and Off a Large Ceiling Fan at Different Speeds for 10 Minutes"
"Turning On and Off a Large Ceiling Fan at Different Speeds for 10 Minutes"

"Turning On and Off a Large Ceiling Fan at Different Speeds for 10 Minutes"


This audio piece opens with the distinct click of a large ceiling fan being turned on. The fan's blades begin to rotate slowly, generating a soft, ambient noise that steadily increases in volume as the fan picks up speed. The hum of the fan becomes more apparent, filling the room with a steady, rhythmic sound. The listener can almost feel the gentle breeze produced by the rotating blades, creating a sense of serene comfort. Soon, the speed of the fan changes, marked by the click of the switch. The blades rotate faster, their speed directly proportional to the increasing volume of the hum. The sound is steady, consistent, and calming, a testament to the fan's power and efficiency. This pattern repeats a few times with the fan being adjusted to different speeds, each transition marked by the click of the switch. The fan's sound alternates between a gentle whisper and a more significant hum, painting a sonic picture of the large ceiling fan in action. As the audio piece

Sound Effectsfanceiling-fanblades

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