The audio titled "The Fourth Dinosaur" starts with an eerie silence, gradually growing into an ambient backdrop of primeval sounds from the Jurassic era. The soundscape is punctuated by the occasional cheep of prehistoric birds and the distant, haunting screech of a monstrous creature. Suddenly, a deep, guttural roar echoes through the dense forest, introducing the king of the dinosaurs, the T-Rex. The forceful roar sends a shiver down your spine, capturing the raw power and ferocity of this apex predator. Its rampant slavering sounds create a chilling effect, instilling a sense of fear and respect for this fearsome beast. The audio narrative then subtly shifts to the fourth dinosaur, the Basilisk. Known as the 'king of serpents' in mythology, its presence is made known by a distinct, bone-chilling hiss that stands out from the ambient noises, creating a sense of dread and anticipation. The Basilisk's hiss is