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cover of Tableware

As the audio titled "Tableware" begins, the familiar sounds of a bustling kitchen fill the air. The clinking of cutlery, the gentle clatter of crockery, and the simmering pot on the stove create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Suddenly, there's an unexpected accident. The soothing symphony is disrupted by the sharp, alarming sound of a plate smashing onto the floor, followed by the cascading crash of cutlery and pots tumbling down. The collapse echoes throughout the kitchen, leaving in its wake a disarray of broken tableware. The once cozy ambiance has now been replaced with a scene of chaos and destruction. The sound of shattered crockery lingers as the audio draws to a close, leaving a poignant reminder of the accident that took place.

Sound Effectsaccidentcollapsecrockerycutlerykitchenplatepotsmash

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