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cover of "Switching on Laser Power on June 1, 2015"
"Switching on Laser Power on June 1, 2015"

"Switching on Laser Power on June 1, 2015"


The audio commences with the distinct sound of a power button being pressed. It's June 1, 2015, and the hum of energy fills the air as a machine is being powered up. Following this, there’s the characteristic foley sound effect of a laser being activated. The machine whirs to life, its mechanisms whizzing and clicking into place. There is a sense of anticipation as the power builds, and then, with a dramatic sfx, the laser is switched on. The energy discharge is almost palpable, signifying the raw power harnessed in this machine. The ambient noise gradually fades out, leaving the lingering echo of the laser's power still resonating.

Sound Effectspowermachinefoleysfx

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