The audio titled "Puppet" opens with an eerie, solitary drone, reminiscent of a lonely robot in an abandoned warehouse. The atmosphere is immediately set, evoking a sense of isolation and melancholy. A caustic, distorted synth joins the drone, its sound cutting through the bleak soundscape like a harsh beam of light. The audio then segues into the gentle chirping of insects, their rhythmic song providing a stark contrast to the synthetic sounds that preceded. The insects' chirping is raw and natural, a stark departure from the robotic, mechanical soundscape established earlier. The audio then transitions into a bluesy melody. The mournful notes of a blues guitar paint a picture of longing and sadness, its soulful tune cutting through the static noise of the synth and the chirping of the insects. Despite the melancholic tone, there's a strange sense of comfort in the bluesy melody, a sense of familiarity that pulls you in and makes you want to listen more