The audio titled "Orbit Cycle 2112" opens with an eerie, otherworldly sound that echoes through the vastness of a cosmic landscape. It's as if you're aboard a distant spacecraft, looping in an unending cycle around unknown celestial bodies. The audio creates a loop, a recurring cycle that immerses you in an odd yet captivating space exploration journey. You can sense the weirdness, wrapped in mystery, as the audio progresses. It's almost as if you're suspended in the middle of an alien realm, where familiar rules of time and space don't apply. The loop of sounds, maintaining a constant rhythm yet adding incremental changes, mirrors the spacecraft's never-ending orbit cycle. As the audio progresses, the weirdness doesn't subside, but rather, it grows. The loop continues, each cycle adding another layer to the strange but enthralling space journey. The audio feels like a cosmic symphony, a rhythmic pattern that encapsulates the infinite