"Numerals" is a captivating auditory journey that takes listeners into a futuristic realm through the powerful medium of sound. The composition begins with a distinct impression of synth, creating a harmonious blend that forms the backbone of the track. This is a sound that is both otherworldly and atmospheric, enveloping listeners in a unique auditory experience that transports them to distant, sci-fi inspired realms. As the track progresses, the presence of ambient elements becomes increasingly prominent, lending an ethereal quality to the overall composition. These elements, coupled with the synth, create a euphonic symphony that is both melodic and soothing. The atmospheric touches are well balanced with the futuristic vibes, making the track a perfect blend of the two. Interspersed throughout the track are various sound effects that enhance the overall otherworldly feel. These effects, though subtle, add depth and dimension to the track, making the listening experience all the