The audio unfolds in a chilling environment, featuring the distressing yet captivating sounds of neck twisting and bone crushing. It begins with a low, tense murmur, setting a spine-chilling atmosphere, gradually building up to the heart-stopping twist of a neck. The sound is a unique blend of a swift, sudden rotation and an unnerving crack, inducing a shudder in the listener. As the neck-twisting sound subsides, it's replaced with an equally unsettling sound that conjures images of bone being crushed. This sound is a combination of a persistent, grinding noise and a sharp, sudden snap, much like a tree branch breaking under pressure. The distinct crunch resonates, creating an imagery of raw power and brutality, bringing forth the sensation of bone fragments grinding against each other. The audio progresses, oscillating between these two sounds, each repetition more intense than the last. The neck twisting and bone crushing sounds intertwine, creating a hair-raising symphony of prim