This audio piece, titled "Monster Without Arni from September 29, 2010," opens with an eerie silence. Suddenly, a series of chilling roars break the quiet, making it evident that a monstrous entity is present. The atmosphere is tense, and one can almost feel a shiver running down their spine. In the midst of the fear and chaos, a group of people band together. Their voices, filled with determination, rise above the monstrous roars. There's a sense of unity and camaraderie despite the palpable terror. Without warning, the monster lunges, and a large man is grabbed, his surprised yelp echoing in the air. The group's voices rise in a crescendo of panic and fear. They scramble, the sound of their hurried footsteps adding to the chaos. In a desperate bid for survival, they make a daring move. The man is chopped up, his screams turning into a strangled gasp before abruptly cutting off. The