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cover of Loud Heartbeat
Loud Heartbeat

Loud Heartbeat


As the audio begins, the prominent sound of a loud heartbeat fills the air, mimicking the rhythmic pulsation of life itself. The heartbeat, raw and visceral, pulses steadily, creating a steady, throbbing baseline. Soon, other noises begin to layer on. They're high-frequency sounds, akin to the hum of electricity or the whir of a machine at work. These noises create a kind of sonic landscape, a terrain of sound that's as complex as it is compelling. Suddenly, the tranquility is interrupted by a crackling noise, like the sound of a fire or static on an old television. Its sporadic nature adds an unpredictable element to the audio, breaking up the steady rhythm with its spontaneous bursts of noise. Without warning, the audio glitches, distorting the sounds in an almost jarring manner. It's a digital hiccup, a brief moment of chaos that adds a touch of the unexpected to the composition. Throughout it all, the heartbeat continues, steady

Sound Effectsnoisesomahigh-frequentcrackleglitchether

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