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Lighter Opening and Closing Plus Cigarette Burning Audio 064946

Lighter Opening and Closing Plus Cigarette Burning Audio 064946




The audio experience commences with the distinctive click and flicker of a lighter being opened. The rich, metallic sound resonates briefly before being overtaken by the satisfying snap of the lighter closing. This sequence of opening and closing the lighter is repeated, creating a rhythm that is both comforting and familiar. In the intervals between the lighter's opening and closing, there is another sound, more subtle yet equally engaging - the soft, consistent sizzle of a cigarette burning. The hiss of the burning tobacco is a persistent undertone, providing a stark contrast to the sharp sounds of the lighter. It's a combination of sounds that creates an atmosphere that's both intense and intriguing. The interplay between these two sounds - the metallic click of the lighter and the gentle whisper of the burning cigarette - forms the core of this audio experience. It's a simple yet evocative soundscape that captures the essence of its tags: lighter, open, close, cig, and burn.

Sound Effectslighteropenclosecigburn

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