The audio titled "Leakages" begins with the distinct, high-pitched sound of a single water droplet falling from a faucet. This is followed by the echoing resonance as the droplet hits the stainless-steel sink below. The rhythm is slow but steady, creating a monotonous pattern that reflects the relentless passage of time and water. As the audio progresses, the dripping sound becomes more pronounced and frequent. It's as if we're moving closer to the source, the leaky faucet. Every drip and drop is heard distinctly, the sound amplified against the backdrop of an otherwise quiet environment. The audio then explores the journey of these water droplets. From the faucet, falling freely through the air before hitting the pool of water gathered in the sink. The splash is small, but noticeable, and the resulting ripples audibly disturb the previously still water. The atmosphere is damp, and there's a sense of wetness that permeates the audio. The dripping becomes more erratic,