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cover of "Jumping and Scuffing Sounds with Slippers on Tile - Audio File 033494_01-23.wav"
"Jumping and Scuffing Sounds with Slippers on Tile - Audio File 033494_01-23.wav"

"Jumping and Scuffing Sounds with Slippers on Tile - Audio File 033494_01-23.wav"


This audio file replicates the distinct sound of footsteps in an indoor setting. The file begins with the noise of slippers making contact with a cold, hard tile floor. The rhythmic pattern of the footfalls creates an atmosphere of domestic tranquility and routine. The footfalls get progressively louder, suggesting a person is moving from one area to another. Occasionally, the sound of jumping surfaces, producing a louder, more resonant noise that echoes slightly, conveying the idea of a spacious room or hall. The jumps are intermittent, breaking the monotonous pattern of the footsteps and adding a playful or energetic element to the scene. Interspersed with the footfall and jumping sounds, you can hear the unique scuffing noises that slippers make against tile when the foot is dragged or shifted, adding a layer of authenticity to the audio. This foley sound effect file is excellent for conveying a sense of indoor movement, potentially in a domestic or casual setting.

Sound Effectsfootstepssfxfoley

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