In the audio titled "Joker's Second Laugh", we dive deep into the eerie world of a deranged mind, personified by a character known as the Joker. The atmosphere is tense and unsettling, setting the stage for the maniacal laughter that will soon fill the air. As the audio commences, there's a palpable sense of insanity that immediately takes hold. You can almost feel the Joker's crazed smirk, hidden behind the chilling silence that initially greets your ears. This silence, however, is quickly disrupted by the Joker's unmistakable, spine-chilling laugh. The Joker's laugh is not that of joy or amusement. Rather, it's a laugh that is deeply rooted in his psychotically twisted mind, a laugh that is a stark reflection of his villainous disposition. It's a laugh that is as maniacal as it is unforgettable, as bone-chilling as it is haunting. About halfway through the audio, there is a noticeable shift.