Welcome to the audio titled "Fumes." This humorous podcast begins with the enchanting sound of a lively, upbeat tune, setting the tone for the comedy that awaits listeners. The podcast revolves around the central theme of dishonesty, from harmless fibs to elaborate lies. The podcast hosts engage in animated discussions, sharing tales of colorful characters, each a master of deception in their own right. From those who exaggerate their deeds to win approval, a behavior humorously likened to 'brown nosing', to those who spin intricate webs of lies, each story is more amusing than the last. The hosts' lively banter, punctuated with bursts of laughter, adds a layer of charm to the podcast. They delve into the psychology of lying, sparking thought-provoking debates about why people lie. While they discuss this serious topic, they maintain a light-hearted tone, ensuring the podcast remains a funny exploration of the art of lying. The podcast "Fumes" takes listeners on