The audio piece titled "Fish Seller" transports the listener to the bustling cityscape through its immersive binaural recording. The audio commences with the distant hum of a city in the background, punctuated by the occasional bird call and the soft rustle of trees. Gradually, the soundscape transitions to a more concentrated field-recording, bringing to life the vibrant, chaotic symphony of a street market. Central to this audioscape is the seller, whose voice rings out in a clear, booming announcement. The words are rich and inviting, painting an enticing image of the fresh fish on offer. The seller's voice, warm and persuasive, ebbs and flows in a melodic rhythm that is almost hypnotic, blending seamlessly with the diverse sounds of the city. As the audio progresses, the listener is drawn further into the market. The clattering of equipment, the occasional splashing of water, and the intermittent chatter of other sellers and customers create a palpable sense of immersion.