In this audio piece titled "Croaking of Frogs", we are immersed in the serene ambiance of a nature field recording. It is springtime, the time of rebirth and renewal, and the orchestra of nature is in full swing. The major performers in this magnificent show are the frogs, their croaking resonates throughout the recording, creating a melodic rhythm that is both captivating and soothing. As the listener, you find yourself crouching by the water's edge, drawn in by the harmonious water concert. The frogs are the conductors of this symphony, their croaks in tune with the kum-kum beat of the water. The audio paints a vivid picture of a tranquil spring night, where the only sounds to be heard are the croaking of frogs and the gentle lull of the water. This field recording manages to capture the raw beauty of nature in its purest form, transporting the listener straight into the heart of the wilderness, where the croaking