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"Cowbell Sound at 115 Beats Per Minute - File 043177.flac"

"Cowbell Sound at 115 Beats Per Minute - File 043177.flac"


This audio file is titled "Cowbell Sound at 115 Beats Per Minute - File 043177.flac". It features the distinct and resonant sound of a cowbell, a percussive instrument known for its unique, clangorous tone. The cowbell sound is delivered at a rhythmic pace of 115 beats per minute, creating a steady and consistent beat that's perfect for setting a musical rhythm or providing a sound effect. It's a foley audio, which means it's designed to replicate everyday sound effects that are added to films, videos, and other media in post-production to enhance audio quality. The cowbell sound in this file is clear, sharp, and well-defined, making it an excellent choice for various audio projects requiring sound effects.

Sound Effectscowbellsfxfoley

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