"Construct" is an audio experience that captures your senses with its unique blend of sound effects and melodies. The short yet captivating audio piece starts with a gradual build-up of sound, much like the assembly of a structure, layer by layer. The melody, as delicate as the drizzle of rain, intertwines with the raw sounds, creating an effect that is both mesmerizing and stark. It is melodic, yet retains an element of surprise, much like a work-in-progress construct. The audio piece is a beautiful blend of sound, melody and effects, encapsulating the essence of creation and building. The sound effects used are reminiscent of a construction site, yet they harmoniously blend with the melody, creating a piece that is both unexpected and intriguing. The audio journey is short, yet it leaves a lasting impression, much like a melody that lingers long after it has ended. In the end, "Construct" is not just an audio piece, but an auditory journey that takes