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cover of Closing the Bathroom Door
Closing the Bathroom Door

Closing the Bathroom Door


In this audio, the soundscape of a typical day in a domestic setting is brought to life. The sound piece is titled "Closing the Bathroom Door". It begins with the faint, ambient noise of a home, possibly an apartment, where you can perceive the distant hum of household activities. Suddenly, the focus shifts to the specific action of closing a bathroom door. The door is tall and heavy, perhaps made of solid wood, as suggested by the resonant thud it makes upon closing. There's a unique characteristic to this door, a slightly high-pitched screeching sound it makes as it moves on its hinges, possibly due to age or needing some oiling. This screeching sound is both jarring and eerily familiar, evoking a sense of discomfort yet nostalgia for those well-worn spaces we inhabit daily. The closing of the door is not rushed; it's slow and deliberate, adding a sense of realism to the audio. It's not just about the

Sound Effectstallers-upfbathroomclose-doorupf-cs12screeching

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