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cover of Bathing Tub
Bathing Tub

Bathing Tub


This audio recording, titled "Bathing Tub," immerses you in the experience of being in a bathroom. It opens with the sound of a bath being filled, the water gushing out in a steady stream, creating an atmosphere of relaxation and tranquility. The echoes against the ceramic bathtub accentuate the sense of space and privacy. As the bath fills, the listener can hear the gentle tinkling of water droplets as they fall from the faucet, a rhythmic drip that punctuates the silence and adds an element of serenity. The sound of the water changes subtly as the tub fills, becoming deeper and more resonant. Intermittently, the sound of water running into a sink can be heard in the background, providing a counterpoint to the main melody of the bathwater. The metallic clink of the sink plug being adjusted adds a realistic touch. The audio concludes with the soft, comforting sound of water settling in the bathtub, waiting for someone to step in and

Sound Effectsbathroomdripbathwatersinkbathtub

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