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Audio Tour of Whitworth Park, Manchester

Audio Tour of Whitworth Park, Manchester


Welcome to the audio tour of Whitworth Park, a verdant oasis located in the heart of Manchester. As we begin our journey, the gentle rustling of leaves in the wind fills the air, creating a soothing soundscape that truly captures the essence of this urban park. As we move along the gravel path, you can hear the crunch of pebbles beneath the shoes of passersby. The ambient sounds of distant traffic serve as a gentle reminder of the bustling city just beyond the park's borders. Every now and then, the joyful laughter of children playing in the distance punctuates the tranquil atmosphere, while the occasional chirping of birds provides a melodious backdrop to our tour. As we approach the park's heart, the sound of rippling water from the ornamental lake is distinctly noticeable. The soft splashing of ducks diving for food adds a unique rhythm to the soundscape, while the gentle hum of conversation from park-goers enjoying their picnics on the grassy fields reson

Sound Effectsparksoundscapemanchesterfield-recording

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