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78 Fixed Loop

78 Fixed Loop


This audio piece, known as "78 Fixed Loop", takes us back in time, immersing us in an intimate experience of vintage vinyl records. The audio begins with the distinct hiss of a vinyl record player, immediately followed by the characteristic scratching sound, as if a needle were carefully being placed onto the record's groove. As the audio progresses, we are introduced to an entrancing locked-groove loop. It's a repetitive, hypnotic rhythm that takes centre stage, providing a rich nostalgic feel. The loop, consistent and unchanging, is reminiscent of a 78 RPM shellac record, continuously spinning on a turntable. Along with these sounds, there's an underlying tone of ambient dust particles, adding an extra layer of authenticity and texture to the audio. This dustiness, combined with the steady scratch of the vinyl and the repetitive rhythm of the loop, captures the essence of the vintage vinyl experience. In its entirety, "78 Fixed Loop" is a compelling

Sound Effectsdustscratchrecordvinylhisslocked-groovegrooveshellacloop78

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