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cover of 018963_Ascending and Descending Elevator
018963_Ascending and Descending Elevator

018963_Ascending and Descending Elevator




In this audio, titled "018963_Ascending and Descending Elevator", the primary focus is on the sounds produced by an elevator as it moves up and down. The audio commences with the distinct mechanical hum of the elevator as it begins its ascent, captured with a high degree of fidelity to give the listener a sense of being inside the elevator. The ambient noise subtly shifts and changes as the elevator continues its journey upwards, interspersed with the occasional soft dings that indicate the passing of each floor. This is followed by the muted whirr of the machinery, conveying the sensation of the elevator slowing down as it reaches the top. Then, the descent begins, with the audio capturing the initial jolt and the steady decrease in speed. The descent is characterized by a deeper, slower hum, giving a stark contrast to the sounds of the ascent. The audio concludes with the familiar ding of the elevator as it reaches the ground floor, the doors opening with a soft, pneumatic

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