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The podcast episode features a guest, Joffre Murphy, discussing red flags in relationships with the host, Sophia Sunny. They discuss red flags such as bad friend groups, inability to treat friends well, liking every girl's picture on social media, and lack of faith or spirituality. They emphasize the importance of observing how a person interacts with others and the role of faith in a relationship. Joffre mentions being observant and having only a few red flags, while Sophia adds the red flag of an insecure or prideful man. Hello, and welcome back to From Love Podcast. I'm your host, Sophia Sunny, and today we have a guest, Joffre Murphy. What's up, guys? Joffre Murphy here. Really great to be on the podcast here with Sophia Sunny. I've heard a lot of great things about it, so I'm honored to be here, first day. As you should be. You're actually the first guy that's ever been on the podcast, so this is kind of a really big deal. Well, I hope I can set the bar very high for the next guys that'll be showing up, or set it low, and be complete trash talk. So, like how you normally are? Anyways, today we want to support our sponsors. Just kidding. But, today we're going to be talking about our red flags. Red flag, red flag, red flag. Do you want to go first, or do you want me to go first? I think you can open up this floor if you really want to. So, I feel like my first... Hold on. Quick question. Should we like... Actually, everybody knows what a red flag is. Continue. Do you want to explain what a red flag is? No, you're good. Okay. Okay. My first red flag that I wrote down was, a guy with a bad friend group slash his friend group is always talking bad about each other. And I feel like that one's pretty self-explanatory, because obviously that says a lot about a person. So, if you're looking at somebody and they have H-O-E friends, and they're the quote unquote only one who is not an H-O-E, that's kind of like, you know what I mean? Dead giveaway. No, for sure. I think bad company corrupts good morals, in a sense. Corrupts? Yeah. You can be influenced by your friends and the people you hang out with, for sure. No, I agree. And I think... Also, if you guys are talking bad about each other, your friendship is literally so important until you find your person, your GF or your BF, and they're talking bad about them. So, imagine how they're going to treat you when you get in a relationship with them. Pretty poorly, probably. Yeah. Okay, your turn. For sure. My one of my biggest red flags, for real, I would say if a girl, in a sense, doesn't treat her friends right, kind of on your same plane, but if she can't get along with her close friends or just friends or people in general, I think that reflects a big weight on her heart. In a sense, if she can't treat other people correctly, then why would she treat me correctly? And if she does, it's going to last for only a little bit before the switch is flipped, in a sense. So, that's one of my red flags, just seeing how you interact with other people. If it's not good, then honestly, I don't see really anything. Like the girl that hates everybody? Yeah. If you hate everybody and you're like, I need to stay away from people, I hate people, this and that. We were born and made to connect, build friendships, relationships. So, if you're purposely trying to stay away from that and you can't handle or don't know how to communicate with other people, then that really can be poor in a relationship. Right. I agree with that. Because it's like you're probably the problem. If it's everybody, you're the problem, babe. Okay. My next one is... Okay. This one's a little controversial. But I put a guy who likes every girl's picture or keeps streaks with pictures or keeps streaks with girls. My bad. But what do you want me to call it? And you're talking about in a dating relationship. Yeah. So, I put a guy who likes every girl's picture or keeps streaks with pictures or keeps streaks with girls. My bad. Excuse me. But what do you want me to call it? And you're talking about in a dating relationship. Yeah. I put a guy who likes every girl's picture or keeps streaks with pictures or keeps streaks with girls. My bad. Yeah. Okay. Like, I would not get into a relationship with a guy who is like... I go to look under my friend's picture and he's always like... You know how Instagram has like the people, they show up? Yeah. If he's always in somebody's likes, I'm like, that's so icky. And then also the keeping streaks, I feel like this is more like relationship-bound because obviously if you're single, you're going to do whatever you want and you're going to talk to whomever you want. But if we're like talking or in a relationship and you're going out of your way to start a streak with people or like make new girlfriends, like if you have girlfriends, obviously like I'm not like drop them right now. But if you're like going out of your way to start streaks with people that like you haven't had a streak with before, like prior to the relationship or like guys who are in relationships, I'm like, I'm really bad at Snapchat. So there's been a few times where guys will like double snap me and whatever and they have girlfriends. Why are you trying to keep the Snapchat alive if you have a girlfriend though? Like, I feel like it just shouldn't be like a concern. Yeah, no, I get that. I get that. I could agree with that too. I don't like the biggest thing for you. What you said is those after the connection that you and I have made, if you're out there pursuing new people, then it's like, those were like trust issues show up in a sense. Right? But it's like, I feel like I used to be somebody where I was like, Oh, I don't care like what they like on Instagram. Like they can like, take pictures or like girls pictures and whatever. But it's also like, I feel like it's a plea for attention. You know what I mean? Because like, the girls in their girls group chat are like, Oh, look who's boyfriends liking my pictures. And then guys are like, what do you mean? It's just a like, like, but it's more than that. It's like the foundation. I agree with that. You agree? One of my next red flags, I think it should have been honestly my first one, but relationship with God. I'm very faith driven, very faith based. And I think a relationship with God is the most important thing for a girl, woman in my life to have. Because one, I'm not perfect whatsoever. I'm going to do my best and I'm going to give you my all when we're in that relationship. But understanding that going to God first or talking to him or asking him or praying to him about things about the relationship instead of, you know, necessarily asking people opinions because, you know, everybody's going to be opinionated for sure. You know, we all have one, but those opinions can influence a lot of things. Nothing wrong with that. But, you know, understanding going to God and, you know, praying about things is really good to find the answers to a lot of things. Because for me, I always pray or ask God, you know, those things of, Hey, if this person is for me or let me, you know, show me if this person's not for me, by all means, let them walk out of my life. And he has done that plenty of times. Yeah. Dude, I feel like I always see like TikToks or whatever about that. It's like, oh, you pray the prayer. And it's like, if they're not for me, take me out of their life, out of my life. And I have a funny story about that. I was fucking talking to this guy for the longest time. We weren't like talking, talking. We were just like texting and whatever. And I literally was like, dude, I do not want this man in my life anymore. So I was like, all right, let me pray a little prayer. And literally like two days later or like a day later, I met up with a friend and she had a mutual and she basically like her roommate had been like hooking up with him like this whole time or whatever. Oh my. And I was like, that's God's work though. Because I prayed the prayer that I didn't want to pray. And it took itself out. No, God is going to reveal a lot of things, whether or not we want to see them. But, you know, you pray that prayer and you're serious about that. You know, God's going to do what God does best. Right. The trash always takes itself out. But to go off of that, one of my red flags that I put, I put no faith or like spirituality. Like if there's just like no deeper thinking to life, then I feel like that's just a red flag. You know what I mean? If it's like very surface level with life, then it's like, like, you know, I want somebody that I can like talk to and build something off of. And if you like, it doesn't have to necessarily be faith. Like I go to like the Christian church. But if he's not like he doesn't have to be Christian, if he's like spiritual or if he just he just has to practice like something. I feel like. I can understand that for sure. You know, understanding where you're coming from, where your ideas and emotions, all that stuff. Like where does it stem from? Does it stem from places? Just like you're on your own out there doing your thing, then you're in for a wild roller coaster ride. But, you know, when you get that strong faith, wherever it may be, background or whatever, it's a lot easier to do and deal with a lot of things in and out of a relationship. Preach. I think one of my last red flags in a sense. Dang, you only have like three? Honestly, I. Guys, if you want a boyfriend, hit up Godfrey because he only got three red flags. I really don't look at people. I always look at people like, you know, I get to know who you are. Once I see something and it pops up, you know. Right. You feel it out first. Yeah. But I can also see a lot of things quite early because I'm a very observational, psychologically analystic person. Okay. Psychological bugger me. I don't know what that word was. I don't know what that word was. But yeah, I only got two right now if it's on my head. What was your third one? You don't have one. Well, maybe hearing mine, you'll. I can just kind of like bounce off. Yeah. For sure. Maybe you'll get the. So my second one was an insecure slash prideful man. Because obviously, if a guy is acting insecurely, he's going to project that onto you. Like, I feel like a lot of the time when guys are like, oh, don't wear this. Don't do that. It's like it's a very like insecure thing. You know, for sure. I think insecurities, like you said, project on another person. That's like, no, I can't deal with that. Like, that's what I'm saying. Or like, don't go here. Like, I'm not going to stop living my life because I'm in a relationship with you. Like, that makes no sense. Yeah, for sure. And then I feel like pride, that just goes into like arguments and stuff. Like, if a guy can't say, like, I'm sorry, like I was wrong. Like, I understand where you're coming from. And like, I apologize. I didn't see it that way when it happened. If they can't do that. Fuck that shit. Ooh, I got to reflect. I just popped the mic. Continue, though. I mean, no. Say yours before you forget. No, for sure. I think a big, big red flag that has just popped in my head is the word accountability. Right. I think, me, myself, personally, there are actions that happen in life and I can be accountable for them. Be like, you know what? That was my fault. I apologize. And I know I'm not perfect, but I'm going to work on that, right? Accountability. I think if someone doesn't know how to take accountability and blames other people or blames, say, like, yeah, other people like you say, I did this because they did that. Like, you had the choice to, you know, choose the better option. Right. But you decided, you know what? Because of them, I'm going to choose this. Where I'm like, you know what? They may have done that, but I'm going to take the high road every time and be like, you know what? I forgive you. But, like, I'm going to have to step away because you need to learn how to be accountable in this situation. But, yeah, the word accountability, I'm like, wow. I feel like that almost ties into your first one a little bit, too, because we were talking about, like, if they don't, like, like other people and they're like, I hate everybody. It's like, okay, do you hate everybody because people are shitty or do you hate everybody because, like, you're shitty and you don't want to, like, be accountable for, like, your actions? But I feel like that's also just our age group. Like, I feel like a lot of people want to, like, point fingers because it's just, like, easier to, like, do that. But then, like, they just keep on putting themselves in the same situation over and over again. Yeah, no, pointing fingers is huge. People love to find other faults before accepting and understanding, you know what? I can actually be a bit of a bleep or a bit of a bleep, guys and girls. And I think that's just, like, hey, you know what? We all need to come to agreements that we hold ourselves accountable for our own actions. Yeah. So, like, everybody try and be good. Yeah, going back to the prideful men, I feel like pride destroys a lot of things, too, because I feel like a lot of guys, like, there's been circumstances with, like, friends and stuff where I know the guy, like, cares for the girl. But it's, like, they're too prideful to be, like, like, tell them they care. And they, like, abuse the power of, like, having the pride and whatever. And they just, like, don't want to put the pride aside to have something actually good with somebody. Yeah, no, I get that. And would you stem that into – because, like, I just want to – I don't want to, like, in a sense argue or counteract it. If someone, in a sense, is not being prideful but just, you know, not scared of commitment but doesn't want to commit because they want to get some stuff in order first before they, like, you know, pursue a relationship with you, how do you feel about that? Let's kind of, like, dive into that, you know? Because I think from both the male and female side of things where a guy wants to get with a girl in a relationship speaking, in essence. But, like, she likes the attention from him, but she's not going to give into it because she just wants that constant attention knowing that he's going to stick around. And then when it all is said and done comes, you know, all right, who do I have left? Oh, it's this guy who's been knocking at my door for, like, the past, what, years. You know what I'm saying? I put that the other way. You've got a guy, like, you're speaking about the pride where the girl wants to pursue something with him, but he's like, I like her attention, but, like, I'm going to keep her off to the side. So, like, what do you mean by, like, get things in order? Like, what do you mean? For sure. I mean, I think when we speak about, you know, us as our age group, there's a lot of things that we all pursue. We're pursuing careers. We're pursuing either getting, some people have to say getting engaged and getting married and having kids, right? And some people want that to be their life within the next two to five years, right? But what if they're, say, a guy or girl, there's some things that they don't have in order yet, you know, where they don't want to be, they're not where they want to be in their careers just yet. And so before they can start, in a sense, some people think of it as distractions, whether that's male or female. You add a distraction in your life, and now it's, like, another thing you've got to, like. I feel like. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, I understand what you're saying, but I know I've had, like, girls and guys alike, like, bring the point up to me. But, I mean, me personally, and I'll let you answer this after you can put your two cents in. Three cents. But, yeah, but me personally, like, a relationship is never going to stop me from, like, being where I want to be. And if I, if that person's stopping me from, like, pursuing a goal or pursuing a dream, then, like, that's not somebody I want to be with. Because, at least me as a partner, if somebody's, like, oh, I want to work on this, this, and that, and I'm, like, I'm going to do everything in my power to be, like, a support system to get them where they want to be. Boom, boom. Right? You know what I mean? I get that. I get that. Like, if somebody's, like, oh, I want to, like, you're pursuing a career in football, whatever. That's just an example because I'm, like, thank you. I'm joking. I'm joking. You literally scared me. But what do you want to call it? Okay, well, we'll do another one. If somebody says they want to start a business or whatever. Obviously, I'm going to know, like, okay, mentally, like, this person is going to be having their, like, hands tied a lot and whatever. So, I'm going to do my best as, like, their partner to help relieve some of the stress, whether that's, like, making meals, like, making lunch for them when they're going out, having dinner ready, maybe helping with chores. Obviously, I'm not going to be, like, your bitch. I talk how I talk. I'm just reacting like I react. I know. I'm not going to be, like, your bitch, but, like, if I know that you're trying to go somewhere and do something, like, you're taking care of yourself, but in a sense you're also going to end up taking care of me with this career. So, I'm going to step in and pick up some of the slack until you get where you need to be, and I feel like that's how a proper relationship dynamic is. So, when people are, like, oh, I don't want to be with this person because I'm not where I want to be, that makes no sense to me because I feel like a proper, healthy relationship. You're constantly pushing each other and, like, picking up the slack in departments when they're chasing their goals, and then I expect my partner when it comes to me chasing my goals, I expect them to be equally as supportive, but that's when people are, like, I also don't think that I'm, like, a naggy girlfriend or anything. You know what I mean? Like, if you text me and you're, like, hey, I'm going to be, like, in the office doing X, Y, and B all day, I'll text you when I can. I'll do my best to, like, have dinner ready because I know you're going to have a long day, or I'll try to clean. I'm not a clean person, but if I know that I need to help somebody do it, then I'm going to step up to the plate. You know what I mean? Yeah, no, I 100% agree with that, and I think a lot of the statements that you said within that spiel there was, like, actually switched my thinking into – not switched my thinking because I also agree with that. Like, if a relationship is supportive from both sides and you're both working towards your goals, then I, you know, in a sense don't see an issue with – or I see now that issue of, oh, I don't want to be in a relationship because I'm not ready yet. But, like, if you're going to help push me and I'm going to help push you, then by all means engage into it, right? Right. But you've got to understand you're ready when you're ready, and she's ready when you're ready. You know what I'm saying? She's ready when she's ready, and you're ready when you're ready if she's ready. In my eyes, I feel like the girls and guys, like, being like, oh, like, I want to get my, like, ducks sorted out or whatever, I feel like that's more of an excuse. I can understand that. Because I feel like if you were, like, attracted to the person enough and, like, you really wanted something with them, you'd be like, hey, like, this is kind of what it's going to be like. I don't know if you're, like, willing to, like, commit to that because this is, like, might not be the lifestyle that you're signing up, like, you want to sign up for. But this is what it's going to be like, and I'm willing to try it if you're willing to try it. I feel like that's, like, the mature way to, like, handle, I don't, like, I'm not where I'm at right now, but I do like you. I like that. I like that. That was really good. That was really well said. No, I really do like that, and I do agree that if you like each other and you're ready to pursue something, you're going to push for it, you know, go for it. Just go for it. That's what I'm saying. I feel like people overthink it too much, and then they, like, just do it. I think society has gotten into a lot of people's heads. I won't even lie. Society has gotten into my head just a little bit, too, just, like, understanding that, yo, like, sorry, let me speak correctly. I see that, you know, some people are really succeeding in what they're doing, and then, like, they bring someone along. And I've always, like, mentally had that where I need to, like, set myself successfully financially speaking, all this stuff, and know, okay, I'm set, and now I can take care of someone, and I definitely had that mindset. I won't lie, but after, you know, Sophia, you spoke a couple of things, I'm like, you know what? That is actually true. Like, if I had someone supporting me, I don't think I would be upset about that because they know I'm going to start somewhere and get to where I'm going, and if I'm, you know, with them and they're in it with me, then I definitely, you know, I definitely had a mind switch right there. I'm not going to lie, because I've had that idea of just, let me get set, and then maybe, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Which is, like, I feel like that's definitely could be negative. Some people, like, they really want to be in a relationship, but, yeah, no, no. Eyes open on that one for sure. Eyes open for that one. Yeah, well, I'm glad that I could switch your mind. I also feel like I read this quote one time, and it was, like, God wouldn't give you the opportunity if you weren't ready, and I like that, too, because it's, like, a lot of people are, like, oh, I'm not ready. Like, I'm not ready to commit. I'm not ready for this, and it's, like, when somebody gets pregnant, it's, like, they're not, like, they don't know everything about a child. They just kind of, you figure it out as you go along, so that's my. Children have four limbs, right? Shut up. No, I agree with that, and that's when you bring that into it, and I'm, like, when do you, like, know? You know what I'm saying? Like, when do you know the person's the person? Because, like, for me, my faith base is, like, I understand that I'm on this path. My future wife's on this path. I hope the camera can see this, and, like, we're working on getting to where God wants us to be, but, like, that's where the whole prayer comes in. Like, once you read something, it's, like, pray for that person. Pray, like, God is this person supposed to be in my life because, like, the devil, in a sense, will send distractions. He will send the thing that you want most as a distraction at times, and that's, like, something that I'm also just, like, wary about, and that's why I had that mindset of, wait, if I don't feel like I'm where I need to be with God or where I need to be in my career, then if that person does come along, like, are they going to help support or are they going to, like, bring me away because I've had some past negativities in being, you know, in a sense, feeling like I was pulled away from God and pulled away from, like, a career that I should be pursuing wholeheartedly. Yeah. I also feel like you're right. There are going to be distractions, but I feel like that's why you just need to be, like, clear with your communication because if you sit down and you're, like, you lay out your goals and you tell somebody, like, hey, like, my life's going to be pretty hectic, but, like, I want to pursue something for you, and they're, like, what? You're not going to be giving me detention all the time? You're not going to be doing this? Like, you're blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And that's how you just know. You're, like, all right, like, that's clearly not something that's from God because, like I said, I feel like in my mind, you're going to try to help. I totally understand. I don't want to interrupt like that, but I totally understand what you're talking about. Again, speaking about this, if it's from God, it's going to bring you peace and clarity. If it's not from God, you're going to be, like, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Your mind's going to be thinking, and I would rather feel that peace and comfort and love than to be feeling that discouragement, anger, whatever else. Confusions. Exactly. But, yeah, I think that's a good way to decipher, though. I would agree. I would agree. I like that. Okay, this one's a little controversial. Moving on to the next slide. Okay, hit me with it. Okay, I put – I'm going to elaborate on it. I put doesn't go to the gym slash, like, isn't active. Okay. And I feel like a lot of people are like, that's so superficial, but I have, like, my shit going on. I have my podcast going on. I have my internship going on. I'm always, like, make time for the gym, and I'm always finding ways to be, like, active, whether that's, like, going outside and going on a walk, whether that's lifting weights, whether that's playing volleyball. I'm always constantly being active. So, for me, I would not want to be with somebody who isn't active. Like, if I start dating somebody, and I'm like, oh, like, let's go, like, on a hike, or let's go do this, and they're like, oh, let's just sit at home and watch TV. I'm like – Yeah, nah, like, get your butt up. Yeah. Work out. No, I agree with that. And I think a lot of people look at that, in a sense, and have their opinions, for sure, because, you know, we're all opinionated. But if you're not willing, in a sense, to match where I'm coming from, then, you know, conversations will happen, and, you know, separation may happen, too, as well. Or, like, you don't, you know, fall apart from that person. But, you know, I could agree with that. If I'm an active person, I would like you to be an active person, as well, and want to, you know, keep yourself healthy. That's really what it is. Keep yourself healthy. I also feel like, for me, a lot of it is also, like, I feel like somebody who's, like, active and, like, going to the gym and whatever, taking care of themselves, I feel like it also says a lot about their drive. That is true. Like, are you making shit happen, or are you just talking about it? Yeah, no, for sure. If you're going to work on bettering yourself physically, then I know you're working on yourself mentally, spiritually, emotionally. You know what I'm saying? Well, I don't know if they're doing all that, but at least it's, like, the step in the right direction. Not to shut you down, but... No, I get it. I get it. I understand, for sure. But, as you know, I look at it. Go ahead. What? No, I mean, I understand what you're saying, though. Like, it could be one case scenario, but, like, are they doing the other bits and pieces, too, as well? Yeah, but at least it's, like... Because you could be, you know, super duper uber attractive physically, but, like, if you're emotionally unattractive, let's say, in other words, spiritually unattractive, like... Like, unemotionally intelligent? Yeah. What would that word be? I think it would be... Yeah, emotionally... No. Emotionally unintelligent. Yeah, there's a word. There we go. There we go. A little bit. But, yeah, no, I think that one right there, that's a good red flag, but also, like, you know, a lot of controversy in it, but I think we agree on that one. Yeah, I feel like once it's explained, because I've said it to a few people where I was like, oh, like, doesn't go to the gym, and they're like, really? And they kind of, like, look at me like, you superficial fucking bitch, and I'm like, no, let me cook on it, like, let me talk about it. But, yeah, I guess that goes into the next red flag. I put no allegiance to anything. So if they have no loyalty towards a sport... I was going to talk about the American flag, talking about I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Okay, it's a remix. But, no, not America, allegiance, like, as in, like, loyalty. I mean, and obviously it doesn't have to be, like, a sport, but I'm just saying, like, when you're growing up and you're, like, committing to a sport, you're committing to that role. Or say you're in a club, you're committing, you're showing up every week over and over and over again and putting forth effort towards this. And when people have, like, no allegiance towards anything, like, they do what they have to do because they have to do it and they just are getting by, you know what I mean? It's just, again, kind of like the drive thing. If you can't be loyal to a sport that you love, are you going to be loyal to me? Probably not. I can understand where you're coming from for sure. I mean, I think as we all grow up, we learn different commitments, different things we got to get done, whether that's be chores, you know, growing up. I had to do a lot of those. Anyways, but, like, you commit to getting those things done. Your parents say, I need you to get this done before I get home. Otherwise, you're getting a little butt whooping. And I got too many of those. But, like, I did myself. Like, I was committed to that. So I do understand you saying that, you know, if you learn commitment at an early age, then by all means, when you're pursuing a relationship, then, you know, that red flag is not necessarily going to be there because you know how to commit to things like that so you know how to commit to you or me. Yeah. I like that. That was good. That was good. Great. Thanks. Okay. This one was Mr. Talk that talk but can't walk the walk. Is he crippled? Sorry, my fault. You go. And I said, guys, I don't turn their words into actions. So, like I said before, like, the guy that's like, I'm going to start a business, I'm going to start a club, I'm going to do this, I'm going to do that. And then it gets to the point where it's like, okay, at this point, you're just chirping because you're not putting anything into action. Like, you talk, talk, talk, and then you put no energy into starting a business, no energy into starting a club, no energy into blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, for me, I feel like a lot of girls can relate to this. Like, I'm very attractive to a guy, a guy that like makes things happen. He's like, I'm going to do this. He gets up and he does it. Yeah, for sure. I agree with that. And I think when you first said that, the thing that popped into my head is like actions speak louder than words. Like, when people say, I can do this, I will do this, or I'm going to do this, but then like, your actions show you're not doing it whatsoever. I'm like, wait a minute. That's crazy. But, um, I thought you were, you know what I'm saying? But it's just like, I think if you can align your actions and your words and they line up, like, you could say it by all means, you can say it. But if you are consistently following through with what you're saying, then I'm going to like that. I'm going to find that attractive, right? But if you're saying one thing and then I'm like, but you're behaving this way, like, your words eventually, unfortunately, mean nothing to me. Exactly. It's like actions do speak louder than words. Yeah, and actions is actually longer spelled than words, if you think about it. I just tried to put those together. You know what I'm saying? I just came up with that epiphany right now. So patience is longer than words? No. Actions is spelled longer than the word words. Oh, is it? A, C, T, I, O, N, F. Actions is seven words. Words is W, O, R, D, S. Only five. Think about that. Seven to five, like, come on. Actions are always going to speak louder than words. Okay, nice ratio. Nice ratio. That's awesome. That's awesome chat. That's awesome chat. So my next one was no patience or emotional intelligence. You have so many good ones. Why do I, like, have no red flags? Like, what? Like, I do, but, like, I don't write them down. You know what I'm saying? But continue. Because you were supposed to write them before you came on the episode. Boom, roasted. Don't call me out on the chat. Boom, roasted. Yeah, no. Roasted like a pig on Thanksgiving. I actually eat turkey, not pig, on Thanksgiving. Anyways, but go ahead. No, so no patience or emotional intelligence. I think when you're communicating with somebody, like, yes, I feel like communicating is a good thing. But if somebody doesn't have the emotional intelligence to understand where you're coming from, they're never going to, you can tell them, tell them, tell them, and they're still not going to understand. You know what I mean? Like, I guess I'll just use this as an example. When girls are like, I don't like when you like girls' bikini pictures. And they're like, it's just social media. It's just a like. Like, I'm not doing anything. But, and then it's like, they don't understand the background behind it. And, like, if you have no emotional intelligence, it's like, how am I supposed to explain these, like, concepts and these things to you if you just will not, like, do not have the capabilities to understand? Yeah, no. I agree with that. This is a good question. Yeah. I mean, it's like, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, 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