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The harm caused by plastic use is often ignored due to its convenience. However, this mindset can lead to the end of humanity as the earth suffers and becomes unable to support life. We must consider a plastic-free future and the importance of preserving our planet and the well-being of all living beings. We are often unwilling to confront the immense harm caused by rampant plastic use because of the convenience it provides. Is it really worth it? Because just like in Le Guin's story on page 4, they know that if the wretched one were not there sniveling in the dark, the other one, the flute player, would make no joyful music as the young riders line up in their beauty for the race in the sunlight of the first morning summer. This connects to reality because many people know the earth suffers at the hands of plastic consumerism, but have convinced themselves that the effects are not as severe as we think. Or some have even gone as far as to believe that our earth is too far gone so there is no point in trying to protect or save it. This just further justifies the cost of convenience for them. This mindset is the kind that will result in an end to humanity because soon enough our earth will die and no longer be able to support life. Can we imagine the plastic-free utopia the ones who walk away go to? Would it consist of innovation to replace plastic? Or would the convenience it provides simply vanish? Are we really connected to our humanity if we allow our convenience to suffocate not just ourselves but every living being? Who are we to determine who should and shouldn't have a good quality of life?