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Fishing 20240602

Fishing 20240602


We open this episode with our traditional blind bourbon pour and cigar choice for the evening as we ramble on about fishing.



Hey, welcome everybody to another episode of the smoke show. So today we actually have a couple extra people with us So we have Khaliq. We have Jerry. We have Hickey. We have Jerry. We have me the mayor So I want to introduce everybody to the show today. And well, we're gonna go ahead and get started off on Our mystery taste test. We're gonna fly right into it because I think a couple of people are ready for a good stiff drink So Jared, why don't you take this away? Actually Jerry supplied this one this week So I am intrigued because this is extremely dark So yes, indeed. It is very dark. But uh, all I can recall is the name of it I don't remember anything else, but it is killing me just sitting here in front of me. I'm so ready to down this so That is that is good Very good It's good, but you said, you know the brand so it's a pot It's popular or is it like semi popular like some people wouldn't know what if they're in the if they're like in the bourbon game Yeah, I have no clue. No clue. It's the first time I've ever paid any attention to it. It was like the third shelf down but it's Look good, you got a good bite to it. It's not it's not an extra nasal You know, you feel it got a good bite The bottle itself is good labeling good presentation sitting on the shelf It has a little gimmick to it that I've never seen before and it kind of drove me in drew me into it And I think there was three or four different variations of it Think it was four It's good, I wonder what makes me so dark I wondered what it was aged in A different barrel. Yeah, that's not that's not aged in a charred oak. It's got like I believe it's a Sherry cask, I believe that's a bourbon. It is a little bit. I was wondering if it's gonna be sherry or wine Like a porter Like or a port. It's not as sweet as a port, but it's definitely in that like What was a high west has like a Manhattan barrel and stuff. It's like that it almost has that taste But I can't I can't figure out No, I could never figure out shit every single time I'm like, is it this is it this I give it a thumbs up And a bucket. What do you think it is? I don't know Have no clue You are no hit Skimmicky I can tell you what I am gonna do These air right this bottle is not laughing tonight. I can tell you that It reminds me of high west But it's not high west It's not aged as long as that It's definitely has a little sweetness to it High west is aged a little longer, but it's aged again in like old-fashioned or Manhattan barrels Which I don't fully understand. I've never seen an old-fashioned Manhattan barrel That's gotta be a sherry barrel Or brandy maybe It does taste like a sherry barrel I do agree with that It's almost got like a brandy taste to it, but not that sweet Yeah, but it's got a red color, but it's not overpowering. No, but it's got a good bite, but it doesn't overpower I don't have that extra nasal I wouldn't know what's going on No, and as someone who's not the connoisseur you guys are this is very good. It's got a carmel-y taste It's not really that oaky No, I'm definitely intrigued to know what it is, and I want more You want more? Yes More, more, more Put more, more, more Feed the mayor Get a little plastic bag here Alright, so what we have is Oak and Eden I've never heard of that I've heard of it, I never thought to get it Bourbon and Vine Oh, it's Cabernet Oh, I'm sorry I got it all wrong It actually has Look how dark that is Wow Wow, it actually has a fave in it I think it got darker It looks I think it got darker since I even opened it Well, you probably introduced air Yeah, introduced air, changed the pressure, oxidized it That is dark That looks like chocolate That's good That is something that I will keep Yes You could just add a little bit You could add just a little bit of That's actually what I was going to get at Leave out the simple syrup Smoke it and add a little bit of zest to it Oh, oh And a tiny bit of bitterness So leave out the simple syrup So this is a 90 proof, this is bottle 51 I'm sorry This is batch 51 Bottle 886 That is Lawrenceburg, Indiana That's like the only thing I know good that ever came out of Indiana No, our last week wasn't Lawrenceburg, Indiana too No, I was from Ohio Bond Brothers was from Ohio No, no Last week wasn't Wasn't that Indiana too? I don't know I know Bond Brothers It's Ohio Or Indiana, I'm sorry I think one of the ones we had last week was Indiana They're good, they must be good at it They're half decent at making whiskey Yeah, I mean, well, god It's fucking Indiana They're drinking their sorrows away Come on, man We're going to have to bring out the Jackson song We're going back to Indiana Indiana, man Come on, give me Indiana a hard time Actually, I got good friends that live up in Evansville Evansville, yeah I have a good friend that lives in Evansville, Indiana Full small town That's good, I give it an 8 Strong 8 A strong 8 A strong 8 No I'm not the kind of sir you guys are I give it a 9 Wow 8 A strong 8 Come on, bring it over here Pretty good, I like it 8's about right Yes I want to say this was around a $50, $56 a bottle somewhere around there It was the most expensive out of their lineup They did have, I think it was a sherry I believe it was a sherry I could be wrong So the three others were cheaper than this one Yes, this is the most expensive out of their lineup But they all had the piece of wood in it I like the bottle It's got a good look to it too Thumbs up and a bucky smile I'm good There you go, open easy And it is paired well Yeah, real well With this heavier dark cigar Medium model Well, what are you smoking on? I've got a 10th anniversary of the Crown Bordeaux That was the right stick with that bourbon That's fantastic Oh yeah I'm just going to go around to the left here I'm smoking what's called The Codwell The Tea The Truth This is a collaboration with Matt Booth AJ Fernandez and Codwell They have one other one out that's called Hit and Run The one that they brought AJ Fernandez in And I'm going to tell you what Those three are some of my favorite people in the blending game Holy shit Awesome Hey, there's only 100,000 of these That's all they're going to make So once they're smoked, they're smoked These things are damn good Damn good Highly recommend this bad boy It is smooth Oh my god it's smooth What you got there Malik? I must say that I'm still not the connoisseur but I'm working my palate I've got a Camacho Nicaraguan It's a good stick I'm becoming partial to the Nicaraguan You like a little spice? You're coming off flavored cigars I like my flavored cigars still but this is Now you got your big boy pants on Oh yeah I give it a Like I said, this is very good I would definitely buy it again It's going to change When you get about half way down Because that's a pure Nicaraguan The wrapper, the binder, everything is Nicaraguan So it's going to change when you get down to it You're going to pull all that oil And when you get about right there, it's going to change Well I'm liking it It mellows out pretty significantly What you got there Jerry? I have a Oliva O Series It's very good But at first I want to talk about the cigar I had on the golf course yesterday With my man Jerry over there I had a very nice Ave Maria Very nice It's smooth It's going to get well in my game My game got better As long as it elevates the golf game It's a thumbs up So I want to give two today Ave Maria, Oliva O Series Very good, nice smoke, very smooth I use it a lot in Connecticut But this is nice I like it Do you know which Ave you had? Was it the Lionheart, the Divinia? I really don't know I think it was the Divinia I don't think I had Lionheart I had Divinia It had a big blue shield Nice smoke Very very very nice I had two nice cigars I'm trying to get my buddy Jerry to hook me up Another one was called I can't think of the cigar I think it was called The Excalibur or something The Excalibur? I thought it was nice It really was It was nice yesterday I had a good time With the cigars I had I sent my man Jerry over there To hook me up with my cigar Let me tell you how much of a nice day it was yesterday Usually I just smoke with you guys I sat down on the porch yesterday And it was awesome The weather was beautiful I went with the Oliva Series V I've been on the Oliva Kick here For the past couple of weeks Series V is my favorite I like the Master Blend But the Oliva Series V Great stick It's a spicier Maduro As Maduros go It's not quite as light and smooth But it goes perfect It's going well with the bourbon I've been drinking Pluff Mud Quarter By Holy City Which has become my favorite cigar beer now It goes with everything I've been smoking The Oliva Series V You can't go wrong with I've had one I've liked for millennia It's a really good stick It's the Ave Maria Immaculata That's what they're It's a very medium to mild Very good My man Jerry Hooked me up yesterday Beautiful day For good cause Tournament I got a long list of putts yesterday Hey dude Nailed it What was it like 5 feet? No 17-18 feet How were the greens running? How were the greens running? Pretty good I've taken care of them This year in general Tiger Hood Tiger Hood Tiger Hood Tiger Hood Yeah you're the farthest from that Yeah I am So that's what's up Everybody's got a good stick That's a pretty strong collection right there Let's go ahead and jump right into what we're going to discuss So today I'm excited because we are going to be discussing Fishing That's right how redneck are we about to get Fishing Catch clean and cook right? Catch clean and cook We're going to talk a little bit about that Talk a little bit about The actual fun of fishing The stories from when we were kids What have you Then we're going to talk about Our aspect of different fish And then get into some of the ways we like to cook Now this is not by any means Are we professionals So go ahead and throw that out there So if anybody out there is a fisherman They think they have their own methods Great Keep them to your damn self This is us talking about what we like What we want to do What we enjoy catching How we cook and how we clean Maybe you might learn something So we're going to get into fishing So me I've been fishing For good lord Since I think I was like 7 I grew up fishing in the mountains of North Carolina Learned how to fish rivers Mountain lakes completely different Moved down to the Piedmont region Had to learn how to fish in a completely different way Because the water systems are different And it really changed my game So I've grown up around fishing Actually before I got married I actually told my wife She was never going to give it up She will confess to that The greatest thing we ever did for our marriage But I told her I said I won't put my responsibilities As a husband and eventually a father I won't put fishing over that Because I eventually want to get my daughters into it So that's my plan A little background on me Fishing is everything So Khalid what about you and your fishing days I've been fishing From probably the age of 6 To when my father died Just before 12 The first time I had been fishing was with Matt Last year when we went on John's boat But we used to Fish all the time in Maryland, Sandy Point I love fishing I just haven't had that crew Or that person to go with So my brother is taking it back up I may do some things with him Obviously I can probably do some stuff with you guys But some of my best memories Are fishing with my father and my cousins And fishing with my uncle Best time that I had Like I said earlier Was Sandy Point We caught a lot of black bass And then I actually caught a 30 pound carp at 7 And I couldn't reel it all the way in My father had to go in and get it with a net So I'm always fishing I always enjoy fishing I would like to do some I don't want to say deep sea But maybe some off shore I've actually caught a few sand shark Puffer fish as well And an eel With my father So that's the extent of mine But I hope to revitalize My fishing experience Well my fishing experience Is we all Well I ain't going to say we all Three of us are southern Well actually me and the mayor Are southern boys You're southern boys That's just what it is I've been fishing since I was 7 or 8 Caught some bass I've fished in Lake Olivent My whole life My dad taught me how to fish I love deep sea fishing I love fishing But with my responsibilities And duties I haven't fished in a long time But I would love to go out there And fish It's tranquility, it's peace It feels so natural I mean it goes back To the days of the fisher of men It just It goes back to a time where That's how people live That's how people survive You go to the communities Of the The yesterworld The old world That's how they ate They ate fish I love fishing in the lands of North Carolina South Carolina Just like Taliq said I would love to go out deep sea fishing That's good stuff Get some marlins, swordfish Go out there and catch some of the Fish that you usually see Yes I love my fishing days She said She pissed me off I gotta get her out I grew up As long as I can remember I started back in Cub Scout Boy Scout days I gotta get in closer to the mic I'll remove that So I've been fishing Like I said most of my life I can't tell you when I hadn't been We were kids We'd grab the rods and go down And just take off and go places I got into fly fishing probably in middle school Early high school And I do a lot of backpacking That's my comfort zone When I'm just irritated I load up the fly rods Pack up the backpack And take off into the woods At least once a year I go up to the North Carolina mountains Find some native trout streams Try to avoid the stocked areas It is what it is It's all farm crap Doesn't have the taste And it's fun to catch I try to take 3 or 4 days And hit a trout stream And try to live off trout For a couple days with me and the dog Fly fishing is where it's at I live on a lake now We go out and fish there with my kids My daughters are a little older than the mayors Got them into fishing a couple years ago You have to bring 3 rods One's in the water One's in a tree somewhere And one's being re-rigged And you're just rotating them Hand the kid a rod Fix the one that broke And the next one's in rotation There's nothing relaxing about fishing With 6 or 8 year olds At least I'm getting them into it That's kind of where I'm at I lived at the beach for a while So I did a lot of surf fishing Different times of year Different things, runs Skate, stingray, shark, whiting Bluefish, kingfish Whatever's running Croaker is just a great fish to eat Perch is kind of the same way You go perch fishing, you have to get a 5 gallon bucket It's good eating fish And fly fishing You have to catch a handful of trout If you really want to eat I love fly fishing It's the ultimate relaxation It's the one sport that will piss you off Your first year of fly fishing You're going to lose everything You're going to snag, tangle, cuss Not be able to cast And then you're going to catch a fish The first year of fly fishing Just plan on being pissed off And then once you get the hang of it That's the most relaxing sport Standing in a creek in the middle of nowhere It is First year sucks The only thing with fishing Is it's not a competition Unless you're in a competition 100% a competition It depends on how you fish When you go backpacking I don't eat so it's it At any time do you use Some kind of electronic device To see where the fish are Or is it strictly just fishing Fly fishing? I'm just saying in general Some people use different radars I use that on a boat If I'm not on a boat Alright Jared I think I've been So fishing for me I think we started maybe 5 years old Down here in Roundup, North Carolina So we'd go up to Towards the mountains And do trout fishing And once again it was mostly corn And the trout farms But you know Lake Norman We'd go to Lake Norman and fish Or just people's backyard Fishing out of ponds and what not But you know through the years Growing up my grandfather down in Savannah Georgia He's a big fisherman, fly fisher He loved fly fishing But we'd go up to the Delaware River And fish Delaware River Across that Family up in Seneca Lake Up in upstate New York Where we're originally from Do fishing up there So you know always been around fishing Love fishing, just a good way to bond You know who you're with It's like golf, it's the same thing You get out and experience nature But it's also a bonding thing with who you're with So you know just always loved it Next weekend be up in Portland Maine up that way Once again be fishing up there So anywhere I go I'll take golf clubs and a fishing pole That's the way to do it After next week I'm going to be going up to the mountains Or the foothills In the middle I'm going to go hit up the Broad River Do some fishing up there The lake's private And it's very expensive to get on that lake Very expensive For a week it's like $300 Or some shit I mean it's stupid But man just go in the rivers The rivers are free And just take a four and a half foot oyster lake And tear them up Have a blast Take the kids this time So I'm excited about that I want to just get back up in the mountains Like you said Fishing is a great way to connect with nature I connect on a very spiritual level To me when I'm out fishing It's like my connection to God I am a Christian So I find ways to connect to Him And that to me is like the ultimate way It calms my heart I mean I can't even explain it I can be the most stressed out I've ever been in my life And get on a fishing pole Somewhere fishing in the mountains And dude the world goes away You can turn everything off When you're fishing You really do have to focus Like it's not something you can be Elsewhere mentally You're going to have a bad day But I've never had a bad day Outside of that first year of learning You're standing in a creek Sitting there listening to nature All you hear is the water trickling Floating your line down Grabbing whatever you grab You ever been fishing in the mountains? I haven't been fishing in the mountains But the water is very calming I've been fishing in a few rivers Definitely like to say in the ocean Here and there But with my uncle and my cousins And that was some of the best times of my life So if you're from Maryland You go to Western Maryland During the perch run in February Those headwaters from the perch run You can kill it with fish up there Same thing it's quiet While you're here in nature People you're with hanging out I drive my wife nuts We sat down there for an hour I think we said three words What did you guys do? We hung out for an hour Doing what? We went up for the game We were sitting there We were sitting on either side of a rock Three feet away from each other That's all there was A tiny little area that we could fish And we could cast I was casting one way He was casting the other way Your knee was still busted I would still have to learn how to fillet Because like I said when I was young My dad died when I was twelve But he always did all the filleting And all that kind of stuff So I haven't gotten to that point yet But when we used to just eat Whatever we caught It was the best thing ever There's nothing better than pulling a fish out of the river In the morning and putting it in a frying pan That afternoon I put it on a stick Take that thing and shove it through its mouth Stick comes out of its butt Mountain man That's the easiest way Scale that thing off You can scale it with anything Have you scaled a fish with a water hose? No How do you do that? That's how we do it at the coast A lot of the piers will have a water hose I had this old black guy show me how to do this I was sitting there just watching him And he was taking the hose And putting it at a really steep angle Up against the fish And all the scales were coming off It was clean as a whistle That dude was cleaning fish I'm telling you he was popping them out That was back now like in the Carolinas You have a krill limit You can only catch 50 fish of any kind in your cooler It used to be you could have like 200 fish So when the spot would run You'd catch the shit out of them He probably had 150 fish Give or take about 10 or so That dude cleaned that fish in probably 20 minutes I'm over there scraping them with the scaler That dude was just hitting them with the hose Because they got good pressure If you don't have good pressure you can't do it You're like on a whale with low pressure I clean fish that way I use a cheap aluminum serving spoon And just scrape it down the side You can scale out a fish in a couple seconds Just work down the fish The scaler is a problem You go to scale and you end up shredding the skin at the same time And the same deal I ran into some guy that was like Get a real thin cheap serving spoon And scale it tight I cut the handle off It's just a regular Dollar store serving spoon You can scale out a fish in no time I saw a guy cut an end off of old tongs You know the really cheap metal tongs He just cut one end off of it Left about a 3 inch handle He filed it down so it's not sharp That way it works You can get all these fancy high end crap At a dollar store I do it better than these high end crap If you see a 90 year old guy doing something You do what he does No matter what he's doing Watch him Everything you're about to try He's done twice There's a reason he's not doing it now Oh yeah Those guys know what they're doing Because they learned it from their grandfather They've been doing it for 70, 60, 80 years There's a reason why they're still doing it I don't even scale trout anymore You put the slit up in the middle Take the guts out Put it on a stick Peel the skin and bones out It just depends on what you're fishing for Perch the same way I don't scale perch Cut the head off Stand it up in a little teepee With some butter and garlic There's so many different ways to do it My kids are leaving Monday I'm going to be out fishing every freaking night this week You are We'll have to plan a good fishing trip I want to go down to the dam Below the dam There's great catfishing down there I'd love to go get a couple big catfish Lake Wiley Dam It's a good one I've heard all these stories People talking about, oh don't eat catfish Every time I've had catfish It's been off the channel Do you want to eat catfish below the dam? Yes The water that comes out of Lake Wiley Doesn't come out of the dam I've just always been told They have a mud taste in the lake If you get them below the dam where the water is moving more They're more on a solid bottom You don't get that mud taste You can fish lakes that have catfish in them Depending on the lake There's a little lake that I would go to We would catch catfish You can't catch catfish that are over 3 pounds and eat them If they get too big You're going to get a weird taste You catch them when they're like a pound and a half 2 pounds, 3 pounds, 4 pounds They're good You can eat them And there's ways depending on where you are The waterway you catch them in If you catch them in a river and they're 10 pounds By all means eat them They're going to be good But if you're in a lake The smaller the better They're scavengers They're on a solid bottom They're eating more like crawfish They're eating smaller fish If you get blue cats They're more predatory than scavengers You get more out of them Never eat anything out of a golf course pond I don't know The colder the water The better the taste I went to this place called The Rocking Crab in Atlanta And I got the catfish It was great It's all about how you bread it and cook it Catfish, brush it down with mustard You can also take catfish And suck them in buttermilk You can suck them in a little bit of buttermilk Or a little bit of water and purge the taste And you're good Catch them that day Throw them in some water Let them soak for a little bit You'll see it get purged out And then it's good You can eat carp They purge them You just purge them There's a way to tell with grass carp I don't know what it is There was an Asian dude who used to fish A conowingo in Maryland And we were catching grass carp down below there And there was something he could tell by looking at it That the meat would be different And we caught a bunch We were down there fishing for walleye And every so often with kids You know you throw a little dough ball out there And the Asian dude came up Once you're catching a carp I was 5 or 6 years old There's something to do with the coloration of the lateral line If it's a certain color If it's off color It won't be And he gave us one to try That was one of the best white fish I ever had When I got older I know there's a difference I caught like 4 or 5 So I kept 2 One was a little yellow One was red There's something to do with that I don't know what it is I don't know how to tell It was this little Asian dude He was like yeah this one is good It was damn good I've never had one that was any good since You gotta find an Asian dude They're weird They're like It flakes It's kind of like finding an Asian lady To stand on your boat Asian lady giving you a massage On your back Is awesome So you gotta find an Asian dude To tell you how to eat a carp What the shit Gotta find an Asian dude To teach you how to eat a carp Oh god Good to see you If you could pick any fish in the world Mayor back from New Jersey Good to see you brother I'm telling you I could have I'm glad to see you I would have missed it for the world I was ready for some normality Get back around my people If y'all can't tell I am from the south My accent does not give it away I'm from South Jersey I'm going to tell you Just to change the subject for a second I will say this Growing up In the south The way I did I had my stereotypes Of Jersey I met my wife She moved from Jersey when she was 6 She still has family up there So we go back up there quite often I've been to a lot of places I've been to a lot of Raw Jersey And honestly They're no different than us Different accent They have the same I was in the cigar lounge They have the Great place It's called Cigars and More In Point Pleasant, New Jersey It's like South Fork, North Carolina Very similar South Fork being smaller But same feel Great place, great people Great selection of cigars Highly recommend if you ever go to Point Pleasant, New Jersey Go to Cigars and More Right on the cusp of Britain In Point Pleasant Alright Were you anywhere near the Tappan Zee Bridge? Mmmmm Could not tell you You had to go across Tappan Zee Bridge It's where you come out of Pennsylvania That's probably the bridge Sure Don't pay attention All I know is why am I paying to go on roads Still trying to figure that one out Because you can't drive there without paying to go somewhere I had a friend from Nantowette, New York But he's near the Tappan Zee Bridge But then he took us somewhere to a restaurant And you get good seafood And they had like a garage door That they would let up And you could see the Tappan Zee Bridge That's in Poulsboro I'm not sure the name of the So where you're talking about When you come out of Philadelphia You go across the bridge there You're talking about across from the Man y'all were splitting hairs Coat yard there It all sucks So I had similar experience in Jersey Depends on where you go in Jersey You go to like Ft. Amboy, New Jersey It's a cool little town It's where Bon Jovi's from If you go to the town of Ft. Amboy It's really cool The outside of there It's like little India And I don't mean that in like It's just because it's all Indian people I mean it's just tight But then if you get into like Trenton Just don't go to Trenton But it's like I don't go to Chicago Because I'm just not going to get shot today We used to play Trenton State And there's like One of my coaches from New York He was like I've been in playing a game Or whatever But every place has that You don't go there How many places around here Do we say don't go there We have places in the streets It's America man Every town's got their spots Everybody knows the spots in America You guys know where And not to go in your town The Pineberry in New Jersey Cape May That's a beautiful place Highly recommend go to Cape May Wildwood is the Myrtle Beach Of New Jersey That means don't go That's what it means Cape May is the Charleston Point Pleasant is the South Port You know Myrtle Beach is always good for a lot of No Myrtle Beach ain't good So Myrtle Beach I will tell you There's local spots in Myrtle Beach That are cool But everything else in Myrtle Beach stay away from I agree Myrtle Beach is trash We go there for a few spots Very few Not for the beach You can count them on one hand It's one of those places where if you know people And you know where to go Don't go I hate to sound like that I hate to sound like that Myrtle Beach is trash That's because being South Carolinians we know Myrtle Beach Myrtle Beach It's a legend within it's own right You're better off knowing someone named Myrtle Better off coming here So grounded back to where we were on fishing Yeah Back to one point If y'all could pick anything to fish for to eat What would you fish for? Walleye Fresh water Salt water I'm saying You could only fish for one thing ever again And you had to eat what you caught Eat what we caught I can break that up into two different things Walleye All day Best fish I'm on lake trout Lake trout Plankton Plankton Trout is very good It's got to come out of cold water Where it's fishy as hell You get mountain stream trout Or up north in the Great Lakes Where the water is real cold I love some lake trout It's fun to fish for It's like walleye What do you think Jerry So down here in North Carolina You can get walleye just because of the temperature of the water Of course the North Carolina mountains Massive hayloft that way You can get walleye Just a matter of getting there is the problem Junaluska, Montana Lake Let's go I would love to fish for walleye Have any of you guys ever caught salmon Never caught it But love to eat it I love to eat it But you're smoking a label Supposed to be going to Washington State Junaluska has a little drift boat He does coho, steelhead So that's the plan I think it's October We're planning on going This October I'm excited to go Never done anything like that before Except spent plenty of time in Delaware River But it's going to be a whole different experience Let us know if it's where the gotcha is Anybody ever caught tuna Oh I know people who have Outer Banks North Carolina Outer Banks You can catch them all day Have you been upstate New York Black River We were doing work in Fort Jerome A long time ago We took an excursion up to do Black River Salmon Fishing That was a blast Fly fishing for salmon You have to fight it You can't just reel in a salmon Salmon They can't close their mouth You have to literally drift it into their mouth And set the hook And once you set it You're going to be on that line for an hour That's why bears use their mouth I tried that I don't have the skills You could bear grill that bitch And catch it with your hand Just eat the liver I want to go fly fishing For uh Is it tarpon Tarpon fly fishing It might be tarpon I saw some guys doing it down in Florida I want to see it They're fly fishing in shallow water I know they fly fish for I think sheepshead Sheepshead is fun But they were fly fishing for something I don't know if it's tarpon But I can't remember but I saw them doing it And I was like I want to do that I haven't done tarpon I've done sheepshead Sheepshead though you have to keep away from those rocks But you want to talk about a bucket of fish Muskeloon Dogfish tuna Tahiti Oh Well you just went to a whole different Never heard of dogfish tuna I've got a friend that we use as a vendor At work And he's going down to Tahiti I think next week He mentioned two fish that you cannot catch off the coast of Carolinas Through the Atlantic So he's gone down to Tahiti And one of them was a dogfish Tuna And there was another one I cannot remember the name But it was specific to Tahiti This guy is going to a whole different hemisphere It's his bucket list It's game changer It's pretty fast I haven't done a whole lot of offshore fishing I've caught thrashers and what not You guys ever had any shark? Oh yeah Blacktip There's a lot of mercury in it But it's very tasty It depends on what kind of shark you're going for Blacktip actually it's good If you cut up shark and try to cook it right away It has a really ammonia-y taste to it But if you cut it up and soak it in buttermilk And cut it in steaks Lemon shark tastes like lemon I'm just kidding I have no idea I don't think you can actually catch lemon shark I'm pretty sure it's protected Swordfish is real good too Any steak fish is good Oh stingray I've never had stingray The wing is off of the sting I've never had stingray I see the guys that punch it for like scallop You take it and actually like cookie cutter it You know what though I may take back the fish that I enjoy eating Walleye is good I know but have you never had brown Atlantic puffer I haven't Phenomenal Fucking nominal But puffer eat all kinds of shit Puffer eat coral Yeah See and here's the thing There's only six puffer fish that aren't poisonous And brown Atlantic is one of the six That's not poisonous Now there's not a lot of meat on them Because they don't get huge You're going to catch in the breakers They're like this big Y'all can't see how big it is It's like the size of the junior league football Yeah they're not very big Junior league is not bad It's not bad You remember there's like little Nerf footballs Two-tone Nerf footballs It's about the size of one of those There's only two back straps you're going to get off of So you get these two strips off the end Off the back of it Boy you fry them bitches up I'll tell you what's really good It's lionfish I've never heard of lionfish They're invasive in the Atlantic They're the ones that have the big frilly fins But they're highly vulnerable But we use the spearfish for them You take them out and you cut the spines off of them When you fillet them You cut the back spines off So you don't get stabbed while you're filleting it You only get two little fillets off But it's really really good Bright white fish That's good Sounds great Me and the mayor enjoy this bottle This bottle Let's say this At one time it started at full And we're down to like an inch and a half to two inches Needless to say Oh see everybody's glass is empty No we can't have that We can't have that This might be a staple right here I'm someone who eats sushi Let me make sure everybody gets a little bit And my father Tried to catch an eel a few times He got an eel But it's such a strong It was rocking the boat We had to cut the line Did you cook it? No I've had sushi eel If you don't cook it Wow Empty Look at this A lot of the guys that do crabbing in Maryland When crabbing season ends They start eel fishing I tell you boy This guy's a crazy man This guy's a crazy man This guy's a crazy man But you gotta have it cooked right It's very good My wife used to work for a company Up north And there's a lot of people from Korea that work there They have plants in China And Japan They all knew how to make sushi We get invited over to a house party Where I learned how to make sushi And they came in and we were the only white people there And the only ones that didn't speak Korean, Chinese or Japanese And I was like This is going to be interesting Because we walk in It's a very traditional house You walk in and take your shoes off And they have slippers Only they don't make slippers in Japan Apparently for rednecks The biggest size is like a 9 And that ain't happening So They're burping So we went in And they were like Do you know how to make sushi I was like I have no idea Can you fillet a fish Fillet the fish And the guy looked at me and was like Where did you learn how to do that I've been fishing my whole life He was like we don't know how to fillet the fish We always get it filleted We just figured you'd be the one And I was like Why would I be the one None of us have been fishing They grew up very white collar So they always got the fresh cut salmon fillets And they were like yeah you do it But they had everything all chopped up Raw salmon is awesome You wouldn't believe how many countries And cultures around the world Do not allow you to actually fish Like Germany, Japan You can't just go out and fish You have to have a permit But you have to have an actual license Like a government license To actually fish for retail So yeah One of the things I really like The most is salmon steaks Excuse me, tuna steaks That's good I love raw tuna You can't eat them once a week You have some fears of mercury You don't want mercury You don't want mercury Do you eat thermometers No Not really The ones that work directly There you go Tuna, shark We're not talking about the battery power We're not going to talk about the glasses We try to teach you a lesson Tuna, shark Realistically most people aren't going out And just chow on salmon, tuna and shark A lot of the stuff too A lot of your farm raised A lot of your farm raised Is where you're going to get a lot of mercury And a lot of stuff like that Honestly if you can pay attention You can do fresh caught, wild caught And be careful with fresh caught Fresh caught means they caught it fresh from a hatchery If you want wild caught Or go to a good market that you know Who gets it from fishermen What was the Ron Swanson thing Give a man a fish he eats for a day Don't teach a man to fish He's a grown man It's not that hard But I'll tell you something Talking about that right there If you go out fishing A lot of people when they go out fishing They get pissed off because they didn't catch anything Or they didn't catch what they were going for Like if somebody's going out for a large bass Large mouth bass Fuck that, that stuff is good They get pissed off If they're just catching brim Or crappie And they're like I want a bass This is what me and my dad started doing My dad, he's getting up there in years So when I go fishing with him It's special now I don't take advantage of it or overlook it But we started changing our mind And saying Would you go hungry We would catch fish And the whole thing would be Would you go hungry And no, like times we go out there We're like no we wouldn't go hungry today There's some times yes We would be very starving and wanting to eat each other That really changes your mentality On fishing and how you can have a better day Of enjoyment just because you're catching fish There's one thing I like to do I'll catch for brim Or small fish I'll try to catch small fish If you're in an area And you can't catch a brim You're not going to catch a lot of bass That's just been my luck That's how I fish There'll be days I won't catch anything And then we'll start going for brim And all of a sudden we went from catching nothing And we're walking away with 10 or 15 bass One thing too If you overlook brim fishing But you get a light tackle on an ultra light rod You can have fun catching brim Especially perch Sometimes when you go fishing If it's too small you got to throw it back So depending on what you catch My brother does that a lot But when he does catch something he can keep He's thankful for it If you get a couple pan fins about the size of your hand That's good eating Anywhere you get You don't want to go in warm lakes Unless you're generally speaking You're not going to get as good a taste River fishing if it's the size of your hand or bigger You're good There's a guy that taught dive lessons At the school When he first moved to the beach He lived the beach bum lifestyle He taught dive lessons Made enough money to get by He'd go buy a pound of squid from the store Then he'd take 4 or 5 strips out and fish with it If he didn't catch anything he'd eat the rest of that pound of squid for dinner But if he did whatever he caught he'd eat Looking at that I'm like That's kind of a rough lifestyle When you think about it But it's kind of cool It's always good Especially in Jersey It's fucking great It's so good They can cook it That's awesome I'll tell you this though Talking about cooking I have found a way This is something I found the other day I was cooking some salmon steaks They had no skin on it I was wanting to plank it Really the only time you plank fish You don't really need to plank it That's the whole reason why you use a plank It's for indirect heat You can cook off indirect You can put something down like parchment paper But I didn't have anything So I had a lemon I took a lemon and I cut it very thin Thin slices of lemon I put that down as my barrier Between the meat and the grill plate And cooked it on lemon I'm cooking all fish that way Lemon is one of the best things you can cook That's what I'm saying You take slices of lemon And you lay it down big enough To whatever you're cooking Lay it down on it Put a little bit of oil on it You always want to put a little bit of oil On skinless steaks I do olive oil Sometimes I do coconut oil It changes it up a little bit I put it down on that lemon It gives it that little bit of lemon taste It's not like squeezing lemon I'm going to try that next time Even if it has the skin I'm going to take the skin off I'm going to do what you just said You can turn it upside down And put lemon on top Game changer Game fucking changer I'm so glad I learned that little trick It was great I've done that First you take onion wedges Cut real thin Put butter and garlic Even when I smoke stuff And you have the can of water I put some lemon juice in it It's good A little acid Acid on fish is the way to go Way to go I'm going to tell you When you're done smoking When you're done eating fish To me, a natural cigar afterwards Something natural Not a maduro But that sweetness When you're done and you want a good cigar pairing Go with something natural Go with something like Long Live the King Caldwell You could go with Ave Maria Would be a very good one A Valkyrie would be good You could do a Valkyrie That's Connecticut It would work with it Especially if you're drinking a white wine A Valkyrie would be great Connecticut The Valkyrie is Connecticut The heavy Connecticut The very complex Connecticut I love the Valkyrie The ESG acid would be bad That would actually be really good The ESG There's a lot of good natural If you could fish for anything and eat it What's your favorite fish to catch? Muskeloon Musky The fish of 10,000 cast They'll swim right up to your shit And swim away I've caught one in my lifetime The best fish I've ever caught That was amazing Like Gerald Every time they'll jump in your boat Really? They'll wipe your canoe out They're big and heavy If there's something they want They'll lunge out of the water If you miss it You'll see one launch itself out of the water They're crazy They're ugly I don't know anybody that's ever eaten one I don't know anybody in the mountains That's ever eaten one Again, it's the super cold water I've never seen them down here You won't talk about super cold water Go in the rivers in the mountains I promise you it's cold 55 degrees Glacier water Northern pike If you want to fish When those things hit It's no joke They scale fish when they eat them If you're reeling and fishing You'll see a pike come up and smack the side of it And knock the scales off When those things hit It's like a freight train If you're targeting pike You won't catch one I want to go ice fishing Let's do it Smokehouse bucket list Ice fishing Let's do it I'm down You'll be alright I'm not getting the cold You go up there Every house has an ice house I love sauna You go to the fish shack They have a fire You go into the sauna Get a brandy I want to do the ice fishing I want to do the real ice fishing I want to drill a hole Go to Minnesota You can go to the Great Lakes You can do that Ali's cousins I went to their wedding Her cousin Rob They're big into ice fishing They just go to upstate New York Let's do that They go up there all the time I've asked them so many times Screw that We'll do it We'll figure it out Sackett's Harbor up in New York That sounds stupid Sackett's Harbor Sackett's Harbor is a little town There's a Catholic church A brewery That's it That's from Shawshank Redemption It's a little warmer there It's like you talked about Beautiful countryside There's a castle up there God built for his wife Every doorway Everything is a heart It's in Oswego What fish would you want to catch? If you had one fish to catch Not to eat Panfish is the fish You catch them By the bucket You find a hole They fight It doesn't matter how big It's not It's not going to keep you going for very long You can just catch them all day long It's enjoyable They keep your hopes up There's bigger fish It's like making a par on the 18th hole I would love to catch a marlin It depends on how you do it We do offshore fishing A lot of the fun gets sucked out I know it's a big ass fish They're fast They hook it They do all the work All you're doing is hanging on for deer life The captain has to run the boat I don't care It's fun When I think of fishing I want to start to finish I want to get on the fish I want to catch the fish I want to land the fish That's the thing I'll go marlin I'm not knocking marlin fishing I want to go out and find the damn fish I don't lift weights anymore I can imagine the struggle What's a workout? Jerry, what about you? One fish you can catch Tom's up Shark What kind of shark? Just a big ass shark Carolina Hammerhead Why not? I want to do a shark How do tiger sharks taste? I've never eaten a tiger shark I've hooked into them, but I've never eaten one I love tiger sharks We tag them I know off of North Carolina I love to catch something that can kill me I want to catch something that can kill me You want your own Jaws movie, huh? I mean I don't want to get out fishing I want to kill something I want to kill something dangerous A bear, a lion A shark Something that can kill me That's what I want to kill In Maryland, it's called shark wrestling It's illegal now You take a dog tie out on the beach You get a paracord line You put a big steel leader on it You take a chunk of chicken out with a shark hook You throw it out there You wait for the tide to come in You hook into a tiger shark Or a sandbar And literally play tug of war with a shark This was 20 years ago Now it's illegal as hell Because they said we were attracting large sharks Well, I know you can fish for shark You know, certain times of the year Oh, you can fish for it, but shark wrestling is outlawed Yeah, I don't know about shark wrestling But I know you can go on the surface And fish for shark And like bite them in the nose I want a fucking shark You're literally just saying You play tug of war with a shark I want to do that shit I want to do that Hey, that's on my list Alligator Alligator is very good You know what Believe it or not I've been alligator hunting And I'll tell you what happened There was a girl who worked for me years ago She was 5'4", 1'30 And this is how we went Low country In a boat A small boat And we started Alligator hunting Like at about 10 o'clock And it was out there A flashlight She'll cast the shark She'll bring on the boat And my job was to have the aluminum bag That was my job She gave me an aluminum bag She said, hey When I tell you to hit the alligator That's your job You go out there She'll shoot it With a 12-gauge shotgun Right through the boat She put it in the boat She turned it over She told me to crack it on the head 4 times with an aluminum bag That's the most scariest Fun and scariest don't go together This oxymoron At the same time I absolutely loved it She brought the alligator in the boat She told me to hit it with an aluminum bag Crush its skull And we caught like 5 alligators And it was an absolute exhilarating feeling It was 5, 4, 130 pound girl She knew what the hell she was doing Me and her In the middle of the night Can't see shit She got a flashlight She got a 12-gauge shotgun And I got an aluminum bag And that was awesome I don't know what she did with it She told me hey you want to learn Come with me And I had a great time Well I got to say guys This is some pretty good stuff About the stories of fishing And stuff like that We're going to start wrapping things up We're running short on time But I have to say Khalik, Jerry, thank you I'm glad you guys are finally able to make it to the show Get out here and start telling us some stories Hear your side of things Thank you Jerry Hickey For sharing everything We got a smokehouse I missed the last week I was on a cruise I'm glad you were able to come out I miss you brother I miss you too I thought you were going to make it today I'm glad you were having a good time We're doing that by the way Mayor My man don't want to do a cruise But we're doing it We're doing it It's going to be alright It's a big ass hotel on water We're going to have a phenomenal time I don't like being around people that much I don't like fucking people But he's going to be around his people What do you prefer to fuck? What do you prefer to fuck? What do I prefer to fuck? I think we made it the whole session Without the effort of being drunk There he goes You know what You're going to be with us You're going to be with us We're going to have a good time It's going to be phenomenal It's going to be phenomenal I promise you I know I've been on a cruise Not with us I'm afraid We're going to end up falling overboard No you won't We're going to have an awesome time I'm going to worry about killing somebody You're going to worry about everybody kicking us off Being too loud That's what's going to happen We'll just take over the smoking deck It's going to be awesome I'm going to love it We'll see what happens That's another bottle down fellas Another good show Thank you everybody for joining us We appreciate it Thank you so much Peace and chicken grease

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