Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker introduces themselves as Samaria Denae and discusses their ministry called Planted. They express their goal of making disciples and leading people to have a relationship with the Lord Jesus. They emphasize the importance of preaching the gospel and making disciples who truly understand and follow Jesus. They mention upcoming plans for interviews and testimonies on their channel. The speaker also shares how they came up with the name Planted and their excitement about sharing their journey and experiences as a Christian. They mention upcoming concert vlogs and address the misconception that Christians cannot have fun. They provide social media account information for their ministry. The speaker then reads and discusses Psalm 1, emphasizing the blessings that come from avoiding wickedness and delighting in the law of the Lord. They break down the passage and explain the meaning of certain words and concepts. Hello, planted people, my name, this feels weird. Hello, planted people, my name is Samaria Denae, and this, wait. Hello, planted people, welcome or welcome back to the Planted channel. My name is Samaria Denae, and the verse of the day is Psalm 1. Hi guys, so today is a very big special day because today is the first episode of Planted. This ministry, my main goal is to go and make disciples, and I also want to create planted people. I know that ultimately it is the Lord that does all of the work, but I do believe that we are living, I'm sorry, this is my first time doing this, but I do believe that you know, like we are living for Him, and because the fact that He did die for us, like we are supposed to go and do the works that He called us to do, and that's just what I want to do, and I just want to be faithful to the one that has been faithful to me. I want to just lead people to Him more and more because, I mean, this is the good news, you guys, like everyone deserves, well, I just want everyone to know the Lord Jesus. I just want everyone to feel His love, and I just want everyone to have a relationship with Him, and the only way that's going to happen is if we go out and preach the gospel to the world, and we go talk about Him, and if we can make disciples, I mean, He calls all of us to make disciples, but I don't want to be out here making no, okay, say a salvation prayer, and you're good, you're going to heaven, like no, like I don't want to just make a disciple that's like, okay, I believe so, I'm good, like no, we are here to really walk this journey out with you, and for you to really learn about the Lord Jesus and everything that He is capable of, and the things that He's done and is still doing, and it's just, it's so beautiful. There's going to be so many things on this channel, there's going to be, I'm going to be interviewing people, I'm going to be sharing my testimony, my brother is going to be on here sharing his testimony, and I'm going to be interviewing people about their testimonies, we've got so many good things planned. I've got amazing things planned, you guys, just like, I don't even know what to really say, because I have so much I want to do, but I've got, someone is going to share their testimony about how their son lost their life because of their texting and driving, I've got my brother sharing his testimony about the jail life that he was living and is now being pulled out of, and everything that the Lord is doing with him. My great-great-aunt, who really is my great-aunt, but if y'all know who Aunt Joyce is, y'all, she's going to be sharing her testimony at some point, and you guys, like, there's just so many great things planned. I just cannot wait for you guys to be a witness, and also for me to be a witness too, y'all, because, I mean, it's always something new every day, there's something new to learn every single day, somebody is sharing with me, like, just so many different things, and, you know, it's never just, it's not just a one-way thing, like, this is a lifelong journey, and so I am here with you guys, like, I'm learning with you guys, I'm witnessing with you guys, I'm testifying with you guys, and I am, I'm just, I'm here with you guys, so, this is Planted, and I just want to tell, well, first, quickly, I want to share how I even came up with Planted, which, I'm just going to be real, you guys, I didn't come up with this, the Lord came up with this, y'all, because I was, like, thinking about having a sort of podcast, where I was like, oh, well, you know, that would be cool, like, but I was like, oh, we could call it Coffee with Jesus, because, like, Aunt Joyce is always telling me about how, like, Jesus literally drank coffee with her and her family, like, with her and our family, and, like, my whole family remembers it, and these are, like, older people, you guys, they ain't got no reason to lie, y'all, they're, like, grannies and grandpas, like, they're in their 60s and 70s, y'all, they ain't got no reason to lie, I'm telling y'all, like, this really happened, and so I was like, okay, well, that's going to be, like, my whole thing, like, as to why, but then I was just, like, eh, I didn't really have a passion for it, you know what I'm saying, I was just, like, I don't know, like, I was just, like, maybe, but I really wasn't, like, planning on doing it, and then, I mean, I was like, okay, like, maybe I actually will, um, I found out that this girl literally has, like, a podcast with a similar name, and I was like, okay, yeah, scratch that, this is not happening, also, ignore my, my missing nail, you guys, let me just, let's switch hands here, but, yeah, so, anyways, um, I was on a prolonged fast, and I was just sorting out my job, and literally, I'm telling you guys, it was just, like, a wave hit me, because everything was just downloading in my brain, all of these ideas were just going, boop-a-doop-boop-boop, literally, in my brain, I could not keep up, and I'm like, oh, my goodness, I have to, like, write all this stuff down before I forget, because I, I can't, the only way I can explain that is, like, it was just the Holy Spirit, because that was not me, I'm telling you guys, like, I lost all my creativity when I was, like, in high school, and I'm like, God, this has to be you, I'm gonna just trust it, I'm gonna trust the process, I'm gonna be obedient, and Planted has been in the works since that very day, um, and it was, I didn't even, like, I didn't come with a name or nothing, it was just Planted, and I was like, okay, Planted, and then, boop-a-doop-boop-boop, all the ideas started coming, I was like, okay, Lord, I'm gonna trust you, I'm gonna be obedient, okay, so, we are here now, and, um, a few things I do want to end up doing is, like, um, I got, sorry, I have concert vlogs that I'm going to be posting, I have concert vlogs that I'm going to be posting, I've got the Maverick City concert, and then, in about a week and a half, I am going to see Brandon Lake, and I am so excited, you guys, but you guys are going to be able to see these, um, events and journeys that I, that I, you know, um, document, and you guys can see how the Lord moves, and how he works, and just, um, how fun being a Christian can be, too, because there's a stigma where, like, people think that Christians or Jesus followers cannot have fun anymore, and I'm just like, hey, we can have fun, we, it's so fun, like, I love, love, love, love going to the concerts and everything, so you guys are going to see that side, and without further ado, I don't even, oh, sorry, you guys, um, so I have the TikTok up right now, which is We Are Planted People, and then the Instagram is We Are Planted Ministry, um, and so far, those are the only two social media accounts that I have up for right now, but if you are interested in keeping up with this ministry, then please, please go follow those, or go check them out, they would mean so much to me, but I just want to get into this word, because I'm just, I am so excited, I have been studying this, like, crazy, um, and I'm just gonna put this out here, you guys, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not really that best, I'm not really that great of a speaker, because I kind of have ADHD, and so, like, sometimes I'll start rambling, or, like, sputtering, and things like that, but just keep up with me, just, just bear with me, you guys, so let's get into this word, so the verse of the day, or the, I'm gonna say, actually, the passage of the day is Psalm 1, and it's really, I love Psalm 1 through 3, but I want to read the whole thing, you guys, so, but I want to read more, I want to keep going, so I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna start reading, you guys, and you guys can just keep up with me, but right now, I am reading the NIV, typically, I go for the NLT, but today, we're winging it, all right, so let's, let's begin, oh, and before I even start reading this, I just wanted to say the, um, the book of Psalms is a collection of ancient Israelite poems, and so the first one, the very first one, is what we're going to be reading today, so let's just start reading, so it says, blessed is the one who does not walk and step with the wicked, or stand in the way that the sinners take, or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night, that person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields fruit in its season, and whose leaf does not wither, whatever they do prospers, not so the wicked, they are like chaff that the wind blows away, therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor the sinners in the assembly of the righteous, for the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction, so this is Psalm 1 through 6 that I just read here, and we're going to break it down, okay, so first of all, blessed, what does it mean to be blessed, so the usual translation for blessed, the Hebrew translation, I'm sorry, is beru, I think that's how you say it, but it is, it means favor and abundance, but in this passage, the word that was used, I'm sorry if I butcher this, was ashray, I believe that's how you say it, and it is used to describe somebody that is beru, it is used to describe somebody whose life is good and desirable, so basically, we can also put in the good life in this passage right here, so blessed the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way the sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, so all of these things, when a person avoids these things, that they will become blessed, they will be blessed, but I just want to point this out, so they're stepping with the wicked, or they're walking with the wicked, and then they're standing in the way the sinners take and sitting in the company of mockers, this is a progression from moving to standing to sitting, so this is a progression from moving from moving to being stuck or being trapped, which essentially is what would happen if they did these things, so by all means, avoid avoiding those things, but it's also not that easy, trust me, I know, we're gonna, okay, so we're gonna talk about, I'm sorry, so wicked, first of all, let's start with do not walk in step with the wicked, so what is a wicked person? A wicked person is somebody who's basically morally backwards, like they think that all things bad are good, and they think that good things are bad, and what, I'm just gonna be completely honest here, this is a huge trend in morals nowadays in this world, people nowadays, they just think that everything bad is good, everything good is bad, but we are called to discernment, we're called to have discernment with those things, and when we do not follow that and follow those wicked people or follow those false things that people think is good and they're really not, when we don't follow that, we'll be blessed because we're gonna be saving ourselves from a whole bunch of stuff, you guys, so if people think that smoking weed and getting drunk and partying and all this other different stuff is good and it's fun, and we avoid those things, then we will keep ourselves from destruction, we'll keep ourselves from a lot of dangers and a lot of things that are harmful to us and that can harm us when we just follow the Lord and we don't follow those things and we don't take delight in those things, and delight, we'll get into that in a second, but we're going to continue on to defining these specific people that's talked about in this passage, so we've got wicked people and then we're also talking about sinners, now sinners aren't necessarily wicked people because we are all sinners, obviously, but the Lord has made us righteous by his blood and so sinners or sin is really when we miss the mark or when we turn away from God and we turn to something else or we take our own way instead of his way and the mark is to love God and to love other people and so when we miss that, that is when we are in sin and so when we portray that love, when we love people, when we love ourselves, when we love God, when we love our neighbor and treat our neighbor as ourselves, we will be blessed because number one, it'll bring you favor among men, but number two, you will be blessed by God because you will be walking in the example that Jesus walked and you're just going to be, you're going to be a more joyous person. There's no people who are just hating on everybody that's actually happy and actually have true joy, but when you truly are loving people and you truly do have that love in your heart, then you have that joy of the Lord and so I just love, love, love, love this passage because there's so much to take away from it, but so that is what we're talking about when we're talking about sinners and then mockers are people who cannot see the beauty anymore. They can't see, I'm sorry, mockers can't appreciate goodness or beauty anymore and so these are the type of people that will feel contempt for anything that isn't like them. So um a lot of times you will see like let's say this is okay really quick we're going to take a pause I don't know. How do I get out of here? I don't really know. Okay, all right. Sorry you guys, I'm gonna have to keep doing that, but I want to, what was I talking about? Let me, let me see. Oh yeah, so they, okay, so you ever see how like some people when you talk about um let's say political issues or or even religious or moral issues, how certain people they tend to just get they tend to just spew hate, anger, rage onto the person that disagrees with them instead of you know just having that conversation like um some people I would say in well you guys know I'm not going to bring anything up right now because we're not going to get in trouble in the first podcast episode okay and that's like a whole nother video that I could probably talk on for a really really really really long time, but I'm just going to say certain issues and certain things like people will just end up spewing hate. Okay, number one, actually I will give an example. Okay, so the war in Israel right now, okay, as believers we know that we are to, as believers and as people that read the Bible, we know that God gave Israel the land, but when we say we stand with Israel, we're just agreeing with that and we know what the Lord has said about that specific group of people, but other people who are you know siding with you know Palestine and everything like that, they just tend to spew hate on you and think that you are just supporting people dying when in reality there are people dying on both sides and you don't want anyone to die, you just know what your God has said. So there's an example. I have had people actually cut me off because I posted I stand with Israel and not even like you know it's a whole thing you guys, but not even like hear me out or like just like I don't even know and it's like it's not even going on in my country. There's just no reason to feel that way towards me, but I don't know you guys. That was an example of mockers. I'm sorry. You could be mad. I'm sorry. You can be mad if you want to. We're just going to move on. Okay, so ultimately, sorry, I gotta go back to the passage. Passage. Passage. Okay, so how many mockers? Okay, but then we have but whose delight is in the law of the Lord. So first of all, don't walk and step with the wicked or stand in the way of the sinner's tape. Another translation says, I'm sorry, another translation says, don't be counseled by the wicked and first of all, how can you, first of all, how can you expect to live for God and you know, fight spiritual warfare battles and seriously overcome sin and overcome that disobedience and all of those things that you're struggling with and all of those things that you want to stop because you love God and we know you love God. But you're being counseled by people that are doing those same things or you're being counseled by people who don't have the same morals as you or you're getting advice from people who would tell you there's nothing wrong with what you're doing. You don't even have to change. This is who you are. This is what your heart desires. Well, our hearts are liars. And so we should not listen to our hearts or other people's hearts. We should only listen to the heart of God because the heart of God will tell us what is true and it will save us from things that that are not good for us. And thus being said, we should not be counseled by people who are not God, number one, but people who are living in habitual sin, the same sin that we are trying to get out of. Personally, I'm sorry, I don't even know. But that was just a little that was just something that I took from this passage because then I just feel like it is it is a chain. They are chains and which is also another reason why, you know, we really shouldn't be unequally yoked. But that's a whole nother thing. But those that's just it's a weight. And I just I don't know, like, it's just not possible, you guys. I just don't think that it's possible to be blessed and be free from those from those desires and that sin and, you know, all that stuff if we're listening to people that encourage that behavior. So who's the light is in the law of the Lord and meditates on his word or his law day and night. So his in the passage, I believe the Hebrew word was Torah. You guys can correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not in I'm not in Bible school yet. Okay, so I'm not that good. But another. Oh, wait, wait, wait. But so the word or the instruction or Torah is the instruction of God's teaching or wisdom. So Torah is God's teaching or wisdom. And this is the law or the instruction on the word. And then meditates is quietly reciting. So quietly reciting day and night. So when you first get radically saved, or when you are really deep in the faith, and you're truly serious about God, and you're truly serious about the Lord and his word, and you are trying to stay away from wicked things, or you're trying to stay away from things that are not of God, people start to look at you like you are a loon, literally. And I had to struggle many, many times when I, you know, fully submitted to God. And, you know, I'd be hanging out with friends from my life before. I'm gonna just say before Christ, because it's like I knew God, but I wasn't really as serious about him. So I'm gonna just say my friends before Christ. And every time I would like, you know, playing this Christian music, worship music, and Christian movies, and like my social media posts, and like TikTok videos, videos I'm sharing and stuff like that. And they're just like, okay, this girl is crazy. She's obsessed. And also, why are you literally is that the only thing that you listen to? Like, can't we? Like, I remember, we were driving to Michigan adventures, or I think me and my friend were driving somewhere. And she was like, she was like, is there anything else we can listen to? Like, can we please listen to, like something else? Can we please listen to like Jhene Aiko? Or, or I don't know how to say her name, y'all. But she's like, can we please listen to like Drake? Like, can we please listen to something else? And I'm just like, that's how I know. Like, it's really deep in me in my spirit, because I didn't even really like realize like, how loony it looks to people who are unbelievers or people who just, you know, aren't as deep in it. Or like, you know, they haven't really had that, that true experience of God yet. And so I was just like, I look like a loon. I know. I know to all of you guys. I look like a loon. I look crazy. I look like obsessive, but I am obsessed. I'm obsessed with Jesus, y'all. Because I love him so much. And like, also how like, like I did, I had this other friend, because I also do talk about him a lot all the time. But I'm not gonna lie, I had a situation with a friend where I don't even know you guys, I don't even know what I was saying. I was just like, just rambling about Jesus and just like, this was like, when I first got radically saved. And like, I didn't even know what I was talking about or doing. I was just going, it was, you know, you know, you go in that period where you're like, overwhelmed, and it's like, right before that sanctification. So I'm not even sanctified yet. I'm just out here just like, I don't even know. And then like, she basically stopped talking to me. And I was like, what the heck? Like, I don't even know. And when we ended up, like talking about it, finally, she told me, I didn't think we could ever have a conversation about God. Like, she's like, I didn't think we couldn't have another conversation about God again. Like, basically, she thought that every time we talked, I was gonna bring it up or bring God up or whatever. And it's like, I know some people may think, then why are you friends, but to me, it's like, we don't have to, because I'm not gonna, you know, force, you know, nothing like that. A lot of people have unsafe family members, and you know, things like that. And they don't, they get along just fine. And life is good. They keep praying for them and whatnot. And this person isn't, it's not like she's unsafe or nothing. It was just like, I don't know. But I'm not here to talk about that. I'm just I was trying to say is that she thought that every time we talked, I was going to be talking about it. And to people on the outside, it's just like, they just don't get it. But this is what the word is telling us to do. We got to meditate on his word day and night. We got to be focused on God day and night. I'm gonna be talking about God day and night. I'm gonna be listening and watching sermons day and night. I'm gonna be listening to holy worship music day and night. I'm gonna be focused on him day and night. You know why? Because that is how I give thanks to my God. That is how I start that is how I stay blessed. That is how I stay walking in his will. And what he has for me. And that is how I keep my sanity all because without God, I would not be saying you guys may think I'm insane now. Y'all should have seen me BC before Christ because I'm y'all that was that was not sanity at all. That was just somebody that was so lost and just so just crazy, crazy, insane. I'm so sorry, you guys, I'm kind of hyper right now because I just love talking about God and it's just crazy, but got to meditate on his law day and night. And so there is this loop that you notice when he is talking about delighting and meditating, because I meditate on what I delight in, and I delight in what I meditate on. So the more you're in the word, the more you are, are in the delight of the law of the Lord in in the Lord himself, the more you are going to become like him, the more that he is going to work on you, sanctify you and change you from the inside out. The more you are focused on him, the more that you will let go of those sinful desires, the more that you will let go of those weights in your life, the more that you will let go and you will feel peace letting go of people who are not right for you anymore. And people who are who are just leading you into a bad path like this passage is saying, sinners, mockers, wicked, you won't want to hold on to those people anymore, because the more you stay focused on the Lord, the less you're going to even want to be a part of that and even want to be a part of anything that those people are doing and things like that. And so that is why when believers share their testimonies, they talk about how God changed them and how the Lord really took those desires out of them. And it's because when you are focused on him, and in your word, that's when the Lord has so much access. And I guess I kind of say control over those things that you once had no control over. So yeah, so yeah, it's not going to be as hard to stop bad habits and to make new ones, it's actually going to be at some point, much easier, because you're not doing it by yourself. You have the Lord with you, you have the Lord fighting for you, and you have the Lord just working within you. And when you have God on your side, you can literally do anything. And that is why the verse says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, because literally, you guys, he strengthens me. Because literally, you guys, he is the one who is your strength. He is the one that's doing the works within you. All right, you guys. So yes, I put I was taking notes the other day, you guys. So I'm like looking at what I wrote down, but I wrote down cause and effect. And it's so true for this passage, because the cause is you staying in your in your word, aka being rooted in the word, you will be rooted in Jesus, the effect is Jesus does the works in you. And in once Jesus does the works in you, you're going to start to see fruit. Yes, everybody, we're going to be seeing fruit in our lives, and fruit in other people's lives, the people who are around us and witnessing to us. So this isn't just for you and me. This is for everyone. This is for the people around us, our family, our friends. Once we get radically saved and changed, and we are stuck in the ground, planted in Jesus, we got new seedlings to sprout, we got new seeds to plant, and they're going to sprout, and they're going to grow. But God's going to use us to touch other people. So when you think about this, first of all, okay, okay. Alrighty, so I'm going to continue on reading. And we left off at who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither, whatever they do prospers. First of all, um, I don't know if you're peeping the language here, you guys, but this is very much Genesis talk. This is very much tree of life. Okay, so this is giving tree of life. And like, let me let me just point this out to you really quick. We got a tree planted by streams of water, living water, fruit in season, leaf does not weather, whatever they do prospers. We got abundant fruit, we got leaves that don't die. You know, we got abundant fruit, we got leaves that don't die. You know, I'm saying this tree is eternal. This is an eternal tree. So when you are meditating on his word day and night, it says that you are like a tree planted by streams of water. Like, you guys fruit. I'm sorry, I'm getting way too ahead of myself, you guys. Okay, let me just slow down. Let me slow down. Okay, so that person is like a tree planted by streams of water. And I was just questioning, like, you know, why did God compare the person to a tree? Well, we have to think about what is a tree, a tree is big, it doesn't move, it doesn't, this one doesn't die. And it's unshakable, it's unmovable, you cannot rock this tree, you can't uproot. Like certain like you can't uproot this tree, like the roots are so deep. This tree is stuck in the ground, this tree is planted in the ground, this tree ain't moving y'all. Just like this wig, this tree is not moving. So when you are rooted in the word, rooted in Jesus, focused on him, focused on his commandments, what he said, what he's called you to do the things that he's spoken to you, personally, you, first of all, his blessing is over your life, his favor is over your life. But not only that, but you are unshakable, you're an unshakable disciple, you are, you are just like a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, you are a tree, love, love, and good deeds. And if we look at Second Corinthians 9.8, I'm gonna look up real quick. It says, and this is an NIV, by the way, this is Second Corinthians 9.8. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. So I know we're not saved by works, but we are going to have fruits of the Spirit and good works being shown, witnessed, and done in our lives. And really quickly, I did want to tell you guys what the fruits of the Spirit was. Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, gentleness, and self-control. Okay, I was on a roll too, and I just got a little bit interrupted. Okay, um, so another thing I wanted to talk about was, delight in the law of the Lord, who meditates on his law day and night, that person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields fruit in season. You guys, this is also the desires of your heart, okay? Because, hello, delighting in the law of the Lord, delighting in the Lord, and he'll give you the desires of your heart. Y'all, first of all, let me, let me pull up the verse real quick. Okay, so we have Psalm 37, verse 4, delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Oh, let's keep going, because first of all, let's keep going. I was going to stop there, but I'm going to keep going. We're going to read NLT, NLT today. 37, verse 4. Okay, so take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord, trust him, and he will help you. He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like noonday sun. That is so good. Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don't worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. This is so good, you guys. Oh my gosh, first of all, so the person who delights in the law of the Lord, and the person who delights in the Lord, is also given the desires of their heart. That's another fruit that yields in its season. Like, there is just blessings on blessings on blessings on blessings. Like, God just pours it out in overflow. He's gonna bless you in overflow, you guys. I'm hyped right now, because the Lord is speaking, y'all. This ain't me. This is the Lord, y'all. He is speaking. Okay, okay. Commit everything you do to the Lord, day and night, y'all. It's all matching up. It's all matching up, y'all. Can't nobody say, oh my gosh. Okay, I'm sorry. I'm so excited about this. Okay, so I think I'm talking a little bit too loud in the mic. I'm not gonna lie. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Okay. Dude, it says commit everything, everything you do to the Lord. That is why in this verse, it says meditate day and night, commit everything you do to the Lord. Hello, it's all coming. It's all coming together, y'all. It's all connected. And then it says, trust Him and He will help you. He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like noonday sun. Trust Him and He will help you. He will take those desires out of your heart. He will sanctify you. He will change you from the inside out. Both of these passages are so connected. Like, literally, it is, this is so good. So good. You gotta give it to God. You gotta give it to God. Give those desires to God. Give it all to God. Because I'm telling you guys, you will be so blessed. This is a blessing. Anybody watching this, I just want you to know, you're gonna be blessed. Whatever's gonna happen this week, you guys are gonna be blessed. Blessing is coming. Okay, I can feel it in my bones. Blessing is coming. Okay. Like, blessing is coming. I mean, we already have, we're already blessed. Let's just be real. We're already blessed. But I'm just, I'm believing for deeper, for deeper blessings. Like, like something specific. I don't know. But let's keep reading, though. Let's keep going. We're gonna keep going. Okay. So, we've got, whose leaf does not wither, whatever they do prospers. So, my notes that I took, that I wrote down was, roots, the roots are sunk daily in the water of God's word. I wrote, let God's word water your roots like flowers every day. When you keep watering a plant, it will grow bigger, stronger, and more beautiful. So, the more you are in the word, the more that you let God's word water your heart, the more pure your heart's gonna be. I don't know if you guys ever seen those videos of people saying, oh, what God did for me, and it's like the glass with the dirty water, and the sink is just pouring and watering the dirty glass, and then it gets clear, and it's pure water. That's exactly what the Lord does to your heart when you are staying in the word. He will just sanctify, renew, cleanse everything, and restore anything that the enemy took from you. If you feel like you don't know how to love people, or you feel like you got trauma, you don't know how to heal, you feel like you got pain, you feel like you got darkness, you feel like you got hatred, and rage, and anger, God's gonna take care of you. You feel like you got hatred, and rage, and anger, God's gonna take all that out of you. He's gonna remove it all, and He's gonna replace it with beauty, love, peace, joy. He's gonna do so much. You guys gotta just trust Him. Stay in that word. Don't give up. Don't give up. Stay planted, okay? He's gonna cleanse you guys. Just let God's word water your heart. Let Him water your heart. And then we got, all that He does prospers, or all that He does is successful. So, I mean, we already talked about the desires of your heart, but also it says all that He does is successful, which means that you can do all things as long as they're in alignment with the will of God. And that is why we've got Philippians 4.13, I can do all things to Christ who strengthens me. You can do all things. I know we quoted that earlier, but I just want to quote it again because it's so true. And it's like everyone's favorite verse, like everyone's favorite verse. Everybody knows that verse, but we need to seriously like take that verse and really plant it in our hearts because there's so much meaning to that, and it's just, it's all connecting you guys, and it's just beautiful. So, so how to be planted? We're going to go over this. How to be planted? Stay in God's word, okay? Consistently, though. Consistency is key, you guys. Anything that you want to be able to do, you've got to stay consistent, you've got to stay committed, and you know, you've got to have fellowship, that firm foundation, because let's say if I'm lacking, I know my brother in Christ got me. If he's lacking, he got me. If I'm at a two, and I need somebody to carry the rest of the eight, my sister in Christ got me. If she's at a two, you know I'm carrying the rest of the eight. You know what I'm saying? We got, we got each other like that, and let's say I need somebody to read the word with me. I need somebody to explain it to me because maybe I don't know how to read the word, or maybe I've never even opened the Bible before or read the word before. That's why we got the fellowship. You see where, you see where I'm going with this, you guys? So the fellowship will not only help you stay consistent, but you got someone to lean on. You're not lonely. We always know we have God, but it's always amazing to have that fellowship, having those brothers and sisters in Christ, and hello, you guys got me now. So we're Gucci. We're good there, okay? But yes, consistency, not only consistent with reading the word, but also consistent communication with God is so big because you know how the word says, pray without ceasing. Like we have to keep continuous communication with the Lord, like because how can we expect him to speak to us, and expect him to change us, and sanctify our hearts, and show up for us, and give us blessings, and everything like that, and for us to even recognize the blessings, first of all, if we're not in communication with him, if we can't hear him, if we aren't listening to him, if we're not looking for the signs and the things that he's showing us. So we got to stay consistent with prayer and communication with God. So yeah, I'm really going, you guys. I love this so much, but ultimately, this passage is just showing two people. Well, okay, let me just keep reading. So now it says, whatever they do prospers, not so the wicked. They are like chaff that the wind blows away. Therefore, the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction. I'm sorry, that was really close. Listen, because the wicked people are not planted and rooted in Jesus, and they are not in the word, and they, you know, they don't necessarily, they don't, they don't agree with God's law, and they don't want to follow it, and they're not going to follow it. But because the wicked people are not planted, they will not stand. They will not stand. They will not stand in the judgment. Okay, nor will the sinner, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. I think that was kind of self-explanatory. But for the Lord watches over the way of the righteous. The Lord is watching over you. The Lord is taking care of you. He's providing for you. He's going to bless you. But the way of the wicked leads to destruction. Sin leads to death, period, point blank, period. Like that is the only, the only consequence of sin is destruction and death, and the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, which is why his works lead to destruction. And the best way to avoid that is to just keep fighting, being planted, being stuck in the Word, day and night meditating on the Lord, so that number one, we can't be deceived like Eve was, okay? But two, so that our desires are like the Lord's and become similar to his, and that we don't want to do wicked things, and we won't be led to the road of destruction. Ultimately, this passage is showing you two people, two different sides of the spectrum, okay? It is showing you one person who's delighted in the Lord and who follows his will and is obedient to him, and is in their Word, and there's the other person who just wants to go their own way. They're a wicked person, and they don't want to follow God's Word. They, and you know, it says, it says they're like chaff that blows away in the wind. It's ultimately just two sides, and it's really your choice to choose which path you go on. You can be like the man that's like a tree planted by water, or you could be like the person who is wicked, and their ways lead to destruction. It's your choice. Everything in life is a choice, but what makes it easier to make the right choice is when you have someone like Jesus fighting for you, and on your side, and planting things in your heart, and transforming you, and then you can be like the man that's like a tree planted by water, or you can be like the man that's like a tree planted by the wind, then you can be like the person like the tree by the water. You can have that eternal tree of life and be that tree of life to other people as well, so long as you just stay focused on him, and just love him, and love others, and just really, really seek him out, and really do your best to be obedient, and really just stay consistent with him, and just just don't give up. Just don't give up. Keep going. Just keep going. So, so yeah, not only will God do the work in you, but he's going to do the work in other people as well through you, and through your word, and through them. It's going to be like, oh, it's about to storm. It's going to be like, like this cycle where you've got you being changed and transformed. You witness that person starts to get close to God. They get changed, transformed. They witness, the next person witnesses, and the next person witnesses, and it's just like this whole thing, and it's just forever and ever ending. And so, not only will he do the work in you, but he does it for other people too. And I also wrote down, we're almost done here, you guys. I also wrote, um, okay, sorry. But not only is God going to change you from the inside out, and he's going to work through you, but he's going to fill the voids in you. He's going to fill you up so much, and he's going to bless you so much. You're going to have overflow. That overflow will continue to pour out to the other people, and that overflow is going to reach your friends, your family, your kids, your significant others, and even strangers, okay? And that is why, that is why when you make this decision to be a disciple of Christ, and to follow him, and be obedient to him, and submit it to him, and you crucify your flesh, and just really trust him and love him, it's something that you will never regret. And it's only, it only can bring good things. It can only bring beautiful things. And so, let me fix my hair real quick, you guys. So, that was my word for today. Next week, we're going to be talking about discipleship, I think. Don't, don't be mad at me if I change it, you guys, but I'm planning on talking about discipleship for next week. But, um, you guys, Jesus loves you so much, and he's so real, and you guys just have to know that. I mean, this is the best thing that, he's just the best, he's the best thing I could ever have in my life. If I didn't have Jesus, I would have nothing and nobody. I mean, seriously. And the Lord is just so good, and when you are serious about him, and, and true, and, and genuine, and you really want him, like, he will show up in your life, and you're gonna see, you're gonna see what he will do in your life. You won't be blind to it. But, um, if there is anybody here who, who doesn't know the Lord Jesus, can I just say that he wants you to come home with, and his arms are open so wide. He loves you so much. He put this video in your path for a reason, and whatever you're going through, or whatever, whatever you need, like, he will provide for it. He will be there for you. He is with you, and he loves you, and he is going to continue working in you, okay? You don't have to come perfect. You don't have to be perfect. He will sanctify you, like we've been talking about the entire time. Like, he will change you from the inside out, so long as you trust him, so long as you are committed to him, and so long as, as you, um, you truly believe, and you truly want him. And, and I'm telling you, you guys, like, he will not fail you. He will not fail you. He really won't. He died on a cross to pay the price that you and I could never pay. He loved us so much. He loved us even in our sin, that he would die for us. A brutal, horrible death by his own children, by his own creation, by the, by the ones he loved so much. And he had you on his mind. And Jesus is at the right hand of the throne, praying for you right now, fighting for you. So, if you feel in your heart that you do want to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, at this moment, we can say a prayer together, and you can repeat after me, but I do want you guys to know that salvation is not just a prayer. It is a choice. It is a lifestyle. It is a mindset. And it also comes with repentance, not only asking for forgiveness, but turning away from the sin and from the things that kept you separate from God. So, if that is you right now, let's just bow our heads and say a quick prayer to Lord Jesus. Thank you so much for your love and your forgiveness. And I thank you, Lord, that you are with them right now, God, that you are with them, that you are fighting for them, that you sent your Holy Spirit to convict them and to to be with them right now. And I thank you, Lord, that you are with them right now, and I thank you that you are with them right now. And I thank you, Lord, that you are with them right now, God, to convict them and to to feel that now is their time. And I thank you. I thank you for how good you are. I thank you that everything is according to your plan and your purpose. So, Lord, as we are about to say this prayer, Lord, I will just ask, I just ask that you would not only convict their hearts, but that you will change them, transform them, touch them with your Holy Spirit, Lord, and I pray that you will just overflow their hearts with love. All right, you guys can repeat after me, Lord Jesus. Thank you so much for the blood that you shed for me. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that he lived, died, and rose again just for me. I ask and accept him into my heart and into my life. And I ask that he sends his Holy Spirit to me. I love you and I thank you. And I'm asking that you will change the desires in my heart and forgive me of all of my sins and help me to walk in your will and become like you more and more every single day. In Jesus' mighty name, amen. Rejoice with heaven. Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice. The best decision you'll ever make in your entire life. You literally just made that decision right now. So, snaps to you. I'm so proud of you. I love you so much. If you don't know what to do next, I'm not going to leave you here like a spiritual baby. You can subscribe and we can walk this journey out together. I'm not going to lie, guys. I'm not the best at that. I've never done that before. I think maybe I did like one time. But like I said, salvation is not a prayer. It's the decision. And so you made that decision, then congrats. The Word talks about how when somebody repents and when someone gives their life to Christ, all of heaven rejoices. Camera's about to die. Okay, I'm so sorry. Well, thank you guys so much for watching this and for studying the Word with me today. Let's pray out. There's going to be a lot of changes, you guys. But you know, this is the first episode. So just bear with me, you guys, as I'm figuring this whole thing out and how exactly I want to do it. But I'm just moving in faith. So we're going to pray out. But make sure you follow the Instagram and the TikTok and subscribe. And I will see you guys in the next episode. Let's pray. Lord Jesus, I thank you so much for this body of people behind the screen, Lord. And Lord, I just pray that you will put this video on the path of people who need to hear this Word or people that you want to hear this Word, Lord. Lord, I just ask that you will just use me as your vessel, Lord. And I thank you, Lord, for giving me the vision, Lord. I thank you, Lord, for giving me the Word, Lord. And I'm trying to be obedient to you. And I love you. And I thank you. And Lord, I ask that you will just bless the people watching, Lord. I ask that you will transform them, transform their lives, bless their families, Lord. And Lord, I just ask that they will touch the hearts of people. And Lord, if you only touch the heart of one person behind the screen, God, that's all that matters, God. I don't know. I'm just being obedient to you. And I don't expect anything else. And so I love you. We love you. We thank you. In Jesus' name, Amen. All right, you guys, I'm going to go eat some Chinese food and check on my baby. But be blessed. Stay prayed up. And I love you. Bye.