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cover of White as Snow - From the new Christian Children's Musical, "All Things Are Possible!"
White as Snow - From the new Christian Children's Musical, "All Things Are Possible!"

White as Snow - From the new Christian Children's Musical, "All Things Are Possible!"

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'White as Snow' is a track from the latest Christian Children's Musical, "All Things Are Possible!". It has been expertly arranged, recorded, and perfected in Nashville, TN, featuring a professional children's choir. "All Things Are Possible!" is a thrilling new musical featuring chorus songs and dialogue for both girls and boys. It tackles deep questions about life and God, providing answers through songs! It consists of 10 brief dialogue sections and 10 extremely melodic songs. It's suitable for children aged 4 - 10 years. All the songs are incredibly catchy and easy to sing along with.

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