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cover of Variations on Remember, O Thou Man for flute quartet (Live version) (mp3)
Variations on Remember, O Thou Man for flute quartet (Live version) (mp3)

Variations on Remember, O Thou Man for flute quartet (Live version) (mp3)

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The contemporary rendition of Thomas Ravenscroft's original melody has been subtly modified towards the end in the hymn currently sung. I have opted to align with the updated version. In these adaptations, each instrument gets its turn to play the melody and divisions. It carries a more cheerful vibe (associated with Christmas) than a penitential one (related to Lent or Advent), yet, being in a minor key, it is suitable for both. Performed by: Anita Szabó Ildikó Szabady Iza Nagy Boglárka Dávid


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