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cover of Though Philomela lost her love (she-woop-de-wop version) (mp3)
Though Philomela lost her love (she-woop-de-wop version) (mp3)

Though Philomela lost her love (she-woop-de-wop version) (mp3)

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This audio is a unique rendition of Thomas Morley's madrigal, "Though Philomela lost her love," characterized by a distinct "she-woop-de-wop" style. The adaptation was originally crafted by Richard McHale on various pieces of paper, specifically for a performance at the concluding dinner of an early music course. I subsequently transcribed the arrangement from those paper fragments and, with Richard's consent, I am now sharing it here. This version of "Though Philomela lost her love," maintains its original essence, emitting fresh, soothing notes.

Music20th centurycontemporaryrenaissance

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