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cover of Santa's Elves solo and piano with sound effects
Santa's Elves solo and piano with sound effects

Santa's Elves solo and piano with sound effects

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This delightful tune revolves around Santa's elves and is suitable for a solo performance, accompanied by the piano. Children will thoroughly enjoy singing about these tiny assistants of Santa. Talking about these elves and naming them with my grandchildren was truly a heartwarming experience. The song can be bought from https://www.sheetmusicdirect.com/en-US/se/ID_No/897970/Product.aspx. For any questions or special requests, please reach out to cdboss@cvalley.net. Here's a sneak peek into the lyrics: Santa’s Elves, Verse 1: We are extremely tiny, with pointed ears, assisting Santa Claus throughout the year, helping in toy creation.


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