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cover of Rune of hospitality (I saw a stranger yestreen) for clarinet quartet (mp3)
Rune of hospitality (I saw a stranger yestreen) for clarinet quartet (mp3)

Rune of hospitality (I saw a stranger yestreen) for clarinet quartet (mp3)

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Several years back, I composed a melody for a poem by Kenneth MacLeod, designed for vocals and guitar. What you'll hear now is an instrumental interpretation of that composition, which aims to intensify the enigma of the poem. The poem describes an encounter with a stranger. It speaks of providing sustenance in the dining area, beverages in the drinking spot, and creating a musical ambiance in the listening space. It also mentions being blessed by the divine Trinity for myself, my home, my livestock, and my loved ones. The lark's repetitive song echoes throughout the poem, symbolizing a recurring theme or sentiment.

Music20th centurycontemporary

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