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cover of Petite ballade for clarinet and guitar - live performance (mp3)
Petite ballade for clarinet and guitar - live performance (mp3)

Petite ballade for clarinet and guitar - live performance (mp3)

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This is a sweet, unassuming duet primarily utilizing the Dorian mode (D Dorian), which transitions into its relative major (C Major) for a brief concluding passage. It draws its inspiration from a vintage song I composed for a friend in Italy (Song for Jenny). Within this final passage, the vocalist introspectively asks: "Amore mio, dove sono, dove siamo?" (My love, where am I, where are we?). The performance features the talents of Balázs Rumy on the clarinet and András Csáki on the guitar.

Music20th centurycontemporary21st century

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