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cover of Irish Blessing MP3 2 Part Choir, Piano Rehearsal Track for ArrangeMe title #798514
Irish Blessing MP3 2 Part Choir, Piano Rehearsal Track for ArrangeMe title #798514

Irish Blessing MP3 2 Part Choir, Piano Rehearsal Track for ArrangeMe title #798514

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The 'Irish Blessing - May the Road Rise to Meet You' is a rehearsal MP3 track designed exclusively for singers' learning needs. It acts as a supportive educational resource for ArrangeMe #798514, tailored for dual part vocals, be it 2 part treble, tenor/bass, or a combination of male and female voices of any age group. It can be performed by a duet or any number of participants on each part. It's noteworthy that the upper harmony offers two ending variations. The recording concludes with the lower option.

Musicirisha cappellaweddingchristianfolkceltic

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