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cover of Come Fill My Heart Instrumental - From the Christian Children's Musical, "All Things Are Possible!"
Come Fill My Heart Instrumental - From the Christian Children's Musical, "All Things Are Possible!"

Come Fill My Heart Instrumental - From the Christian Children's Musical, "All Things Are Possible!"

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The instrumental sing-along track 'Come Fill My Heart' features in the fresh Christian Children's Musical, "All Things Are Possible!". It is a professionally curated, recorded, and mastered piece birthed in Nashville, TN, complete with a professional children's choir. "All Things Are Possible!" is a riveting new musical featuring chorus songs and dialogue parts for both girls and boys. Within it, children explore profound life and God-related questions, finding their answers in song. The musical includes 10 succinct dialogue sections and 10 extremely melodic songs, designed for children aged 4 to 10 years.

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