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How Long Oh Lord?

How Long Oh Lord?

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Interactive Teaching Podcast Message Encouragement to those who are asking the same question, "How Long, Oh Lord!" By looking into Scripture we can see that although God's timing is not what we would prefer, His timing is best. God will always work for the good of those who love Him. This is not a "candy coated feel good message". Really experiencing God's grace even we are asking, "How Long, Oh Lord?"

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that others come and others will join us as they come amen and brother claver yes sir would you would you with this get us started brother oh thank you father we're excited tonight lord and we're happy thank you for for such an immense workload that you've done in our hearts and lifting our spirits and preparing us for tonight we ask lord that you bring your words to our heart thank you lord for the message that went ahead and thank you for this timely message from your servants we know you're going to minister to each and every one of us in the uniqueness of your word how that your word can minister to each person in their own uh in their own unique uh situation and we thank you because tonight we're going to receive and it's going to be beyond what we could ever have imagined but only by your spirit have your way pitiful father we speak to every spirit of destruction we rebuke hallelujah we rebuke confusion we rebuke everything we rebuke whatsoever hindrances lord even to uh that may be that we want to come in and and hinder our members from joining tonight we stand in the gap on their behalf and we rebuke all of those hindrances and we declare our lord that they are turning up in large numbers because you have a word for each and every one of us tonight thank you father and we receive all the word you're bringing to us by faith in jesus christ amen amen amen welcome to another friday uh we we and we have a title of a subject in mind that when this came to me a resonated in my emotions in my spirit it's a cry that is as old as time almost okay uh how long oh lord how long all who have longed all who've longed and desired to look into the plan and the mystery of god as we've talked about the mystery many have longed to to search it out and to understand it and to know how long how long oh god will i know we need to know i can hear it resonating in every heart god how long before how long before uh your fruitfulness arises in my life how long oh god oh god before that which i have been sowing faithfully will be reaped in my life how long oh god hallelujah some of them are like how long oh god before my high school students will graduate finally hallelujah there's so much in our life a favor is like how long will this morning go on don't worry favor it will end and then you have nights you have nights to rock the baby to sleep no problem and that goes on for a long time too hallelujah yeah so so this resonates i think with uh you know each one of us in different ways but uh there's been cries uh throughout the ages saying oh lord how long will these things be uh we can read we have we can read in psalms there's so many places that says oh lord how long will my enemies triumph over me how long will god have before your vengeance is released upon those wicked the evildoers seem to prosper oh lord how long will they prosper you know you all know the scriptures and we don't have to read all of those because you've read them many times and and what happens in your own emotions when you read those things say yeah how long is this corruption gonna go on in nigeria before justice comes amen how long are the wicked become wealthy by evil doing and the righteous are oppressed of god how long in nigeria was this gonna be amen none of you would say amen right because it's something that resonates in our spirit it's like we want to know how long why do we want to know why do we need to know how long is it is it a right question is it good can we ask that question is it correct to ask that question is it is it a correct desire to know i'll leave it for you to discuss for a minute what are your thoughts brother kate that's a serious one i i i know that i have asked questions recently and after i did i began to be afraid i said are you not sure you shouldn't do this to god i have asked very serious questions i'll ask the lord will you let us all die who live like this forever yes i've asked questions i'll be frank but i also say i was afraid afterwards because i know that sometimes when you are in such a state if it was in scripture bible says and i saw the glory of the lord appear and you know it's a fearful thing sometimes when the lord shows up yes so but i know that god is our father and will i say that sometimes he understands the frustrations and i remember the disciples of jesus asked a question that looks like this when they say will you at this time restore the kingdom to israel they're interested in time and how long since jesus was living to heaven they were like where all that we are hoping for seems lost they're saying lord will you at this time restore and jesus said something very powerful he said it is not for you to know the times appointed by the father so maybe for me even if i ask questions i should still trust the father trust his wisdom trust his love trust his faithfulness trust but i would say if you were to ask me even after asking questions i was yet afraid of god because i felt maybe i shouldn't have asked rather favor to take the other side of this one and uh and say that we should ask and we we should go ahead try okay so um first off i would like to say i'd like to start by saying that we asked that question we asked the question how long um uh will i say rather impulsively we we we don't ask it what i mean by possibly is we ask because it's coming out of our emotions and it's coming also out of the sincerity of our heart so to say we just ask it we don't ask it because we want to question god from i'm saying this for many people they don't ask because they want to question god we don't ask because we want to question god we don't we don't ask because we are we we are demanding the lord to give us an answer i mean an explanation we just you know it's just like a rhetorical question you know like yeah you're not you're not really expecting because for those of us who have reverential fear just like brother k said you know when you ask and you just you just hold yourself back for those of us who have reverential fear we are not asking and demanding the lord to give us any answer but we just ask because somehow also we want to know right like lord if you if if you're going to tell us um okay maybe seven days more one week more and all of that we ask but here's the thing we see in scripture and we in this is why i said it's rather impulsive or maybe you know impulsive and rhetorical now through the scriptures i find out that when when when people ask these questions um uh for for you know when they ask how long um there's an example i'm trying to the holy spirit help me remember before i finish um even gideon asked um so when they ask the question how long they don't they don't i i never really see god answer in direct in direct terms yes from scriptures here i never see god say okay okay no no need to ask for the questions um it's going to end by tomorrow it's going to end by next tomorrow i never see god answer that and so but we we still ask that you know it's it's just you know from the sincerity of our situation the sincerity of the burden on our heart we just like you know we just ask that rhetorically we just ask that because we're emotional we're we're we're heavy you know laden heaviness and all of that and we just ask you know so i say that to say sometimes when we oftentimes when we ask we kind of know that god will not answer directly but we just ask because you know we just have to release ourselves it's in our hearts yeah it's a strong emotion in us yes sir so does it help us to know how long oh that's a good one that's a good that's a very good one because because we want to know but does it does it actually help us or in what in what framework does it help us and what framework is it just uh what uh not really helpful okay i think brother why don't you try yeah yes yes yes so if everybody has something i like to hear because i've got something from what brother ever said good good brother if you have something go ahead welcome sister bertha yeah uh i think uh asking god how long is expressing our humanity to god yeah go ahead we're not seeking god to to respond but telling god that we are human he is sincere asking our speciality to tell god how we are feeling expressing ourselves and let god understand that our question to him is born out of our own humanity we don't need to be all day when we come to god he is our father if we are free expecting ourselves to our earthly father we should be free so for me asking god how long is not really bad well the bad thing is when you are when you are insisting on god to respond um thank you sir ah good well i like that answer go ahead brother okay uh yes brother video has put forward one very striking point god as a father yeah and i remember when the lord was pointing me to the example although it's an interesting example the example of kane god is approachable kane was able to negotiate his punishment right yes right and even in this case god was the one who approached him to ask him about his brother and about what he had done but kane when his punishment was meted out kane said this is too much for me and apart from kane the lord shows me that because of what jesus was going to face he had to still approach the father in the max in max account he says abba father all things are possible with you if it is possible now jesus did not shy away from what he came to do but by expressing himself i believe he got strengthened there is something okay that happens when we let us when we expect ourselves yes we may not get it but i think there's a kind of would i say release or defense we get it's just like in accountability if i have a trouble in my spiritual life i can go to man of god and say man of god and it has happened i'm not saying something that has not happened look at this trouble i have so he gets ritual and puts it before me and i'm able to see more clearly through it helps so in the same way bible says in psalm 22 my god my god why have you forsaken me why you found the voice of my crying in the morning i cried at night i'm not quiet then but verse 36 but that as holy who inhabits the praises of israel the question of why god forsakes him is not answered but there is a reassurance in the process of accident praise god and that reassurance is when god responds whatever he says it reassures us that he has not forsaken us and that he is still there and that and being the god that he is we know that he he has a plan and it's still all under control hallelujah thank you jesus i'm not out come on everybody i am not outside of god's plan i'm not beyond is is reaching me absolutely where i've come to is not beyond what the lord knows he knows he knows he knows uh even as the the father of the prodigal son still waiting still waiting one eye on the road and one eye on the work hallelujah with an anticipation in his heart oh no yeah it just helps us to ask the question that's good and then so i think we agree on it uh sister bertha you're you're coming in here and uh answer the question does god mind when we ask god how long uh in your case do i have to deal with this infirmities with these debilitating things with this family issues how long does god mind when you ask that perfect hallelujah there you are thank you sir good evening sir good evening everyone good evening well it's it's a very uh interesting topic tonight because i think good evening everyone i think this is very interesting because i i don't think there's any question at one point in time or the other directly or indirectly that has not asked that question how long am i supposed to be in this condition how long is this family issue supposed to last and all the time just like i already said i don't think that is called being human because we can never be good and god does not even expect to be him because the moment you be like him then nothing will be interesting anymore yes i always tell him that um i don't want to be you i love the way you carry me as a daughter and all of that i don't want to be you just give me the grace to keep working with you so i don't think god trusts us asking him how long i think there's a state in the future where how long would it take for those things to come to containment and all of that i said there are many places david that oftentimes you ask how long how long yes i think it helps us literally for instance if you maybe medically if you've got a surgery you know they tell you this time frame how long do you stay for total recovery and all of that it helps you it helps you prepare your mind that okay this is how long this is it gives you hope it actually gives you what to expect good yes what you expect but at this time this thing is going to come to an end so it's not something that is going to carry for a very long time so personally i don't think god drowns a bit but i think just like what was said he might not tell us how long that's true what he actually does many a time is to just keep comforting our heart and letting us know that what i have said i will do i will do just like he told abraham but he doesn't tell us how long but he doesn't frown at us asking him because he's actually gone out of the house of grief if you ever find somebody asked such a question i don't think any of you have asked that directly or indirectly you know sometimes you might not want to voice yourself but our actions are some of the things you say is indicative of this particular question yes but i don't think god sounds like he's really born out of grief when you are when you are so consumed for lack of a better word with that which you're going through and then you're confused you don't even know how long this situation is going to last and most times it's not something very palatable it's not something that he's enjoying right so god god to me doesn't frown at it as a father he knows those times are going to come yes personally i don't think he frowns at this he responds yes he responds lovingly and let us know that he might not tell us it's to end in two weeks time or 25th of august 2022 but he keeps comforting our hearts in this faithfulness that i will do it i will supply you i will go before you i will make a way but for us to know how long he doesn't uh that's my so he doesn't answer us in terms of time many most god does not answer in terms of time because god deals in seasons and not in in chronological time see when the hearts of men are spared and and everything was right when the time was right it didn't say when it was the right time when the season when the time when the everything was at the right time christ died for us amen jesus came to this earth there's several things where it says when the when the time was right and it's talking about the hearts of men the cultural situation all of that then the lord i have a verse uh psalm 47 13 which says i would have fainted unless i had believed to see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living how many have quoted that verse even this week right i i have fainted unless painted doesn't mean a physical painting it means to fall into despair i would have fallen into despair and given up unless unless i knew that the goodness of god was coming in the land of the living let me see so hope is something that reassures our heart but hope is based on something not something we can see hope is based on something but what is it based on we've studied it before what is it based on by the famous you don't have to go by memory yeah promise god's faithfulness on god's promise on that he is good all of that amen and hebrews 6 like near the end of the chapter 19 or 20 it says we have this hope as an anchor to our soul both steadfast and sure and it enters into the veil and grabs hold of the solid rock there but what is it that needs an anchor our soul our emotion our mind that starts to go crazy amen this hope that's based on the faithfulness of god and is based on the surety of his promises that he which is promised also will do it amen this is what anchors our soul it is not the mental knowing of the date and the time that anchors our soul it is knowing that he is faithful and that he has it in his control it's when we fail to realize that god is good that he cares for me he knows where i am and that he's he's i'm not out of his control he knows where i am hallelujah oh come on somebody say it god knows just where i am god knows just where i am god knows just where i am amen amen amen and when we believe we are on the path that will lead us to god's perfect will in our lives you know we have made have made mistakes we've strayed and all of that but cannot god turn it for good all things hallelujah in all things god is working and god works all things for good things for good hallelujah however there's another side of this this cry um lord how long and it's it's a positive and prophetic meaning to this the prophets of old were not incorrect to ask lord how long will these things be i don't suspect that uh sister bertha before you came on i mean i quoted not verbatim but probably six different phrases from david crying out lord how long will my enemies how long will the evil ones prosper how long oh god before you bring vengeance and so we quoted those just before you came on so there's 175 or six when i looked it up as the lord was speaking to me this phrase 175 or six uses of the word how long the phrase so they are everywhere and about 50 of them are applicable to our study today so we're not going to go to that many but um there's one in a psalm the 70th chapter that i i'd like to look at 74 i think it is this whole section here uh psalm 70 to 74 chapters is a lot of this asap david solomon wrote these these 70 to 74 here but they all kind of have the same feel god have you rejected us forever oh lord how long is this going to be let's read the one in chapter 74 verse 9 and 10 who's reading tonight if you have it just go ahead unmute and read okay psalm 74 9 and 10 yes we see not our signs there is no more any prophet neither is there among us any that knoweth how long oh god how long shall the adversary reproach shall the enemy blaspheme thy name forever what's speaking to you out of the map so reverend i didn't get that now what what does that speak to you favor um the first first one we're signed we don't see our signs what does that mean there is no longer any profit yeah but what does it mean no profit and no signs they're they're not you know uh a spiritual it's like they're caught off you know spiritual like the spiritual uh light failure or power breakout you know i'm just the light is off the light is off right yeah the fan doesn't work and we can't charge our cell phone and there's no communication to god yeah yeah that's it exactly that's it yeah we don't see the sign we used to see and signs in this case is i don't believe is speaking of signs and wonders it's speaking of like signposts directions indicators that god is still with us and yeah there's no longer any prophet no one to hear the voice of god and to tell us what there are none among us first how long nobody knows how long so this got me thinking there's a prophetic how long that god loves to speak to his people and reveal to them uh how long the the prophets of old long to look into these things and they caught glimpses of the mystery of god but now it's being revealed hallelujah what what they were speaking of um who who was it that uh celebrated jesus when he came to the temple to for his circumcision etc you know i was at sarah and uh the other guy the prophet they knew that it was it was it was time anna and simeon yes they knew it was time how did they know it was time well from the scriptures and by the spirit of god that was speaking and witnessing within them what was what was being foretold so that was a prophetic sense of timing is there such a thing it seems to me yes there is and how valuable is that to know how long um daniel asked the lord how long but before we get to that we have to to realize first of all firmly in our in our spirit that god is the one who sets up rulers and takes them down he sets boundaries and he sets the times in the season somebody read for us acts 17 and 26 you find it read yes sir and has and had and hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth and hath determined the times before appointed and the bounds of their habitation so so it looks like everything's out of control but there are boundaries and nothing but there are boundaries i don't think boundaries simply mean borders but this is as far as you're going to go cyrus this is you're not leaving past this odorable um and on and on even to modern day yes you're going to do evil but you're not going to pass this boundary and there are times and there's seasons and your season is almost finished oh cyrus oh gerald bone oh whoever you are ahab you see there's there's times and there's seasons and that god loves to reveal these things amen where is it that it says where is it that it says amos uh amos amos uh for the lord does nothing except that he first revealed it to his servants to the prophets what is what's that reference this amos is a short book somebody find it and read it for the lord does nothing except he reveals it no this thing is not out of god's control yes he who sits in heaven shall laugh when the kings set themselves against the lord and against his anointed amen you find it by the case amos amos 37 you have to start to sit up on google man i guess i called it verbatim yeah amos 3 7 if you're taking notes for the lord god does nothing unless he reveals it to his secret council his servants the prophets you see this mystery um this mystery that was revealed we've talked about before is is god's plan for the whole world um that christ would that sin would enter the world that christ would come as a redeemer and that they would christ would sit down at the right hand of the father and reign until all things are put under his feet until but did he say all he said the lord said to my lord come and sit here until i make your enemies your footstool you know why is it that we think everything's out of control it's not a thinking it's an emotion that we have the fear that we have it's confusion that comes to us i think it's good for us to remind ourselves it's not out of god's control it's not beyond what he knew hallelujah and it doesn't just only depend upon us it depends on god finding the people who will hear his voice and will know his counsel and proclaim it and believe it and stand in it and then he's the one that's going to do it but he's always looking for someone to speak to someone to share his secrets with someone to tell how long it'll be let's go to the book of daniel's then daniel 12 the last couple chapters before amos daniel jose joel amos there you go daniel 12 and let's three verse uh six and seven daniel 12 yes six and seven six and seven and one says to the man floated in leaning who was above the waters of the river how long shall the fulfillment of this one does be then i had the man floated in leaning who was above the waters of the river when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven and swore by him who lives forever that he shall be for his time times and half of his time and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered all these things shall be fulfilled praise the lord hallelujah and i'm gonna ask how long will these wonders be these amazing things that i'm seeing that you're revealing to how long will this these calamities go on these beasts these nations these rulers how long will this go on and he said for time times and half a time all right so many interpret that being three and a half years and then the part that troubles me about this and i did some studying on it and i became much less troubled as i studied in fact i became pretty excited so i want to share what i've discovered here in the seventh verse i'm sure you want to hear it for you oh yes because it sounds like and as soon as they finish shattering the power of the holy people all these events will be completed right that sounds pretty terrible hmm i don't like that i really don't like that because it doesn't fit with much else in scripture there's much in scripture which does not agree with that even in daniel he says until the time that the judgment sits and the people of god are given to possess the kingdom absolutely again there's a short time allowed for destruction but it's only until oh thank god for the word until are you happy about that i love the word until because uh these things can happen but only until judgment sit oh the council in heaven will sit and say this is enough that's how long how long will it be until it is enough amen what is enough we'll get into that we'll get into that what is enough but uh when i read two two versions that really came alive to me one is the message version which i don't usually use but i happen to read it it says these events will take place uh and and when the oppressor of the holy people are brought down was brought down and then the story would be complete i'll read it again because i stuttered when the oppressor of the holy people was brought down not the holy people brought down but when the oppressor was brought down then the story would be complete the other version that i found that just really satisfied my i fit in with everything is the bible in basic english bbe if you don't have that version with your online bible it's often so simple it's profound uh and i appreciate that version and it says a very similar thing i did not write it down but it says the same thing until those coming against the holy people be destroyed not until the holy people are destroyed are shattered but the power of the oppressor is broken um i know another until so this is was god's answer to daniel how long are these wonders going to go on for time and times and half the time most agree it's three and a half years but then how long will it be about three and a half years and then until the oppressor is finished god is finished another until is until the cup of the wrath of god be filled i don't have all the references for that but um i think that you have uh enough knowledge of scripture that you've heard this term many times that that uh that the cup of wrath of god will be filled and then he will unleash the fullness of his fury upon upon the leaders upon the evildoers and upon the demonic powers hallelujah man thank you lord thank you lord i have another one uh in the book of revelation revelation of course chapter 15 um 13 anyway i'll find it i studied so many scriptures and i was often interrupted during this study so i knew it must be a good one from the lord with all the design interruptions ever have that i think it's the sixth yeah it's the sixth chapter revelation the book of revelation chapter six um and can we read then the ninth and tenth verses even 11 is wonderful revelation chapter 6 9 and 10 and when he had opened the fifth the fifth tale i saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of god and for the testimony which they held and they cried with a loud voice saying how long oh lord holy and true does thou not judge and avenge our blood and them that dwell on the earth go ahead read 11 and why orbs were given unto every one of them and it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season until their fellow servants also and their brethren that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled and i beheld when he had opened the sixth seal and lo there was a great earthquake earthquake and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became as blood and the stars of heaven fell in fell onto the earth even as a fig tree casteth her own timely feet when she is shaking of a mighty wind and should i continue reverend no that's good so the question is who's asking the question first of all are the questions asking this question how long so the case are you there when i say the souls of the not to ask good good and the ones under the altar um it's referred to in other places a little bit that he were beheaded and it gives a number of them actually but this case what did what did the lord what did the lord answer them when they said how long will your judgment and avenging of our blood what were they yet waiting for in verse 11 the lord says until the number is complete when others have been matured when that number is complete then that's how long that's that's exciting so you hey brother case you could you could speed up the coming of the lord jesus okay i'm sorry but i thought it was but there you know it's just sad it's a sad and serious truth that uh in my heart i i probably you guys are more willing than me but um i really don't want to add to that number and this is not a happy subject and yet one of the one of the greatest honors given to anyone in heaven uh in in the book of revelation is to be a martyr they're considered a very special and honored people and they've kept themselves clean they've walked in the ways of the lord i'm telling you it's something that our mind can't comprehend the way that heaven deals with these things if we could comprehend the way that heaven comprehends we would think differently we think is men we think as flesh and not as heaven and uh when the lord returns those that are with him are the called the chosen and the faithful i wonder if you know there's a special place for the martyrs in that coming army i just it makes me wonder and to be a martyr it's not the subject of tonight but the subject is how long and he said well the number's not full yet the cup of wrath is not full yet amen amen hallelujah and and and that the destruction to the oppressor hasn't been completed jesus is is not fighting he's already one of the three he's sitting at the right hand of his father until all things are put under his feet it's already put into action uh once you push that car over the cliff you really don't have to do anything else the destruction is imminent it's going to happen and it's like the action of christ to to give his life and to pour out his spirit upon all flesh and upon us who would choose to be servants of the living god the church of christ itself the power of god in the church of christ enough to destroy all of these things of the enemies we've been putting out a call to make a war cry to allow prayer and intersection to rise within us until the anointing comes to cry out and make war it's been how long will the oppression continue in our lives sometimes it'll continue until we cry out and god releases that anointing to make that war cry be strong in the lord and the power of his might satan's get out of the way the lord rebuked you you will no longer oppress the people of god judgment has set and it has been given unto the people of god the saints of god possess the kingdom oh i'm don't think he's talking just about heaven amen there's anointing god wants to release upon us that deals with trouble in the heavens deals with the root of issues deals with the oppression of the enemy and that the people of god possess the victory jesus bought for us oh look out there but when that begins to happen there's an authority that's released upon us that comes from heaven itself hallelujah and we have the answer to how long it's enough already it's time already for the people of god to arise and to declare the victory of the lord jesus christ i don't know if that's in context with our study but i believe it's in context with what the holy spirit is saying to yes no that's all right hallelujah take it brother zebedee speak to us my brother speak to us my brother zebedee if you're there oh lord i'm following thank you sir okay my brother good hallelujah so what are we to be doing while we're waiting for the time when what are we to be doing to prepare for the season when it's time you know proverb proverb says hope deferred means put off made wait hope deferred makes the heart sick sick but a longing but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life you know are there longings in your in your spirit for a move of god are there longings in your spirit for transformation of your of your flesh the tendency are there longings in your spirit for for god to bless you in certain ways it's like our trust in god but sometimes hope deferred brings a heart sickness and we cry out lord how long do we wait and it seems like the lord doesn't mind us asking but he pours out the grace to wait he tells the martyrs you all rest a little longer oh jesus hallelujah the faithfulness of our father another favor rather a favor go ahead yes sir what what are you thinking what are you thinking about brother i've been thinking about uh but thank god that we have uh but i just thought you know if we if we could get uh perhaps more insight on that when you work um at the beginning you know the question how long is that uh are we really expecting an answer you know and well we've looked at this we're not so i don't know we've looked at it god doesn't you know because my mind is working on it and i'm like okay fine we we asked them um and um by the understanding of what i shared and what each and every one of us shared tonight we know that god may not answer that question directly but then uh you you it's also important to know that you said you know are we expecting an answer what kind of answer are we expecting and i'm also thinking it's just to see for us not to get an answer by the way you know it's safe for us not to get a direct answer because as you see your revelation here he said um he was telling the people well we were asking how long and he said well just enough until other people come to join you people and i'm sure that that that answer doesn't like probably that wasn't what they were expecting when they asked that so i think when we ask the question how long we should just like we're saying we should um we shouldn't probably you know be bent on getting direct answers because if we sometimes the answer may not be palatable right the answer may not the prophet probably will say well let's assume the prophet tells us you know speaking to speaking as the oracle of god as well the situation will probably be with you for the rest of your life see that doesn't give any encouragement but when we ask how long just like you're sharing and just like we're seeing in this service in this fellowship tonight when we are how long it's important we understand that it's not the it's not a direct answer that will bring the anchor to our scene is the reassurance of the presence of the lord is the reassurance of his faithfulness of his goodness that gives the anchor to also you know he said to he said to paul in that first corinthians he says and i believe paul was also asking how long because he said i inquired of the lord i requested of the lord three times to take away this son in the flesh and the lord said to him he said my grace is sufficient for you and that answer was enough for the support as we see in scripture that answer was enough because he never got to ask that question again so to say or to pray that prayer again so i just wanted to say you know i just thought to say that sometimes it's not even safe or it's not even to our best interest to get uh the response that's probably not from the lord maybe from his servants you know but sometimes it's not even to the best so our best interest but we should just uh just have that knowledge that he's there with a reassurance of his presence that's just me in my mind you know i just you know i just want to say yeah good that that uh sums that up and ties it up nicely amen it's not in our best interest always you know for our own situations how long however prophetically the lord loves to reveal time seasons um and then the sons of isikar they were known because what they understood yeah what time is it and how long should this be and when is it time for a change and and god how are you moving so there's prophetically it is correct that we cry out to the lord and we seek to know what the spirit of the lord is indicating but for our situations like all the good example i was thinking of that as well um hey you know my grace is sufficient for you um i was thinking of some 23 yay do i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i'd really like to know how long i have to be here yeah and it helps us that god would reassure us to be so kind like that but we're talking about also that prophetic understanding of times and seasons and then it is it is correct and even our duty to be seeking the lord to know and to understand god what are you doing in my nation uh what are you doing in my family my ministry and various questions lord is it time to to quit this job and work a different one is it time to there are many there are many things that require timing and an accurate timing and to know the accurate timing when it's time it's important to know and for this the lord praised the son of isikar for this the lord encouraged you know that he loves to share uh in amos he loves to share in his mysteries his plans with the people of god he's always looking for someone that he could share with that would agree with him and bring about the kingdom of god on earth as it is in heaven hallelujah amen and i would i have a hard stop at five of the hour today we don't want to press too far into this study beyond what we should you know we know that the lord is not slow to fulfill his promises as some counts lowness but he's patient or do not wishing that any should perish but all should have that opportunity to come to repentance you know there's a patience of the lord there's a there's a timing of god you know he knows the time jesus said only the father knows that time when he's going to return and what should we do while we're waiting and we don't know when he's coming there's a parable for that the lord put some servant in charge and he went away and because because the lord delayed his coming so then what did they do start to beat the servants start to take advantage of the harvest for themselves and then the lord returned and called them you wicked servants but then he he leaves a blessing do you know what that blessing is luke 12 13 it's also in matthew as well okay uh 12 and verse 42 42 and on 42 and 43 and the lord said who then is that faithful and wise he would whom his master will make ruler over his household to give them their portion of food in due season blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes uh yes yes it's good so the faithful servant was supposed to be doing what be in charge of the servants given their food and their rations at the proper times and blessed is that master who blesses that servant who the master finds so doing so doing maybe we should have a study called so doing what would the lord have us be so doing i think that would be an interesting question reverend he would have us be he would have us be faithful in his work and then we can we can just go further and study and understand all of the parts of all of the areas he would demand faithfulness he expects faithfulness from us that would be an interesting study what does he want us to be doing well well yeah well he's coming okay can we allow somebody else to say yeah somebody else go ahead cassandra you haven't spoken in a while i'm looking for you oh no actually i was listening to understand what i could be doing but from the scriptures verse 42 says about the servant and what the servant is to do before the master come he says okay who is then who then is that faithful and wise servants whom his lord shall make ruler over his household to give them their portion of meat in due season in due season so why the two parts yeah there's two parts to that what he should be doing what what do you find those two parts to be two parts sorry i didn't get you yeah what two parts should that that servant be doing that servant be doing so blessings is that servant let me try okay try try you take it a while okay one of the things the servant should be found during when the master comes is that he should be found manning his dutiful doing what again i missed i missed what you said managing what the servants should be found money beautiful yes meaning that yeah meaning that all is caused to do by the master he should be found when the master comes yes he shouldn't be found idle yes he should be found doing that which he has been caused to do did you hear me sir yes sir yes uh yes yes let's look at verse 47 there's a key as well and that servant who knew his master's view and did not prepare himself to do according to his view shall be beaten with many stripes hmm yes um yes knowing what you are knowing what you are called to be what you are called to do and who you are called to be that is where we are supposed to be yes and what we are supposed to be found doing when the matter comes knowing who we are in him and what we are called to be basically a man the parable before this uh stresses that alertness and that readiness um looking for the master's command ready to ready to serve the master when he comes hmm there's a lot right there in that chapter isn't there so uh by the casando where where i was going with that one was um he put him in charge of the servants to give them their rations at the proper time so the casando i believe that the lord's called you to minister the the rhema word of god to the people of god at the proper time the proper season uh in the proper proportions that god gifted you and he will use you like that and that you're required of the lord to to speak a word in due season to minister unto the servants of the lord and the people of god amen so you'll be blessed when you find so doing it's new things um give them their rations but it's also mentioned the proper time and the right time and the right proportions according to their need according to their needs i perceive that's prophetic for your life as well and then it's five up and i'm going to turn it to by the favor and i'm going to call off the recording tonight i've enjoyed being with you guys and i'm going to step out

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