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The show "Tea Time with Cora" discusses the financial struggles that college students face, such as the rising prices of groceries, gas, and apartments. They highlight the difficulty of affording transportation to class and the stress of budgeting for groceries. They also mention the need for discounts or rewards for college students to make buying food more affordable. The show features a guest, Gavin Johnson, who shares his experiences and insights on the topic. They also touch on the issue of increasing rent and the impact it has on students. The host hopes that discussing these issues will raise awareness and bring about change. Hi, everyone, and welcome to Tea Time with Cora, the show that highlights the issues involving college students and their day-to-day struggles. This is the Cora Hereford, and today we'll be discussing inflammation of groceries, gas, apartments, et cetera, all the hardships many college students are going through financially. We also have a surprise guest, Gavin Johnson, a 20-year-old college student, ready for you at the end of the show. Make sure to listen in because you don't want to miss anything we'll be discussing. Before we get into the tea, today's sponsor is none other than 3D Shapes. 3D Shapes is a company that prides itself on educating the youth about the beauty of 3D Shapes. They offer classes to help identify them, and by signing up for their two-year program, you can get a 3D shape in the mail, any shape you like. If you sign up now, you get the first week free of charge. Use code CIRCLESARENOTSPHERES to get 50% off your second week. Now, of course living as a college student isn't the easiest experience, but with all the prices going up on necessities, it's almost impossible to survive. For there to be a change, we need to start speaking our minds on this issue. Since the rise of gas prices, many students have been having a hard time affording to make it to class. Since I go to a community college, there are no dorms available, so the students who live farther than walking distance are forced to either take the bus or spend a fortune on gas every week. Not only does the city bus not reach most areas where students live, but it doesn't always run with the early classes or late classes, so many students have to buy a gas that ranges from $3.95 to $6.50 a gallon. Of course, this can be very hard for us. Now, speaking of that, groceries are not becoming a luxury. Going to the grocery store nowadays can be stressful due to the budget planning and having to save up whole checks just to be able to afford to eat. It's sad how eating used to be a result of saving money, but now it doesn't matter if you eat out or not. There's no savings in either option, especially if you're trying to eat healthier. EBT can only get students so far, but there should be some other source of discount or reward system for college students to be able to buy food without burning a hole in their pockets. And now, it's time for the moment everybody's been waiting for. It's time to welcome Gavin Johnson to Tea Time with Cora. He's here to share his insight on inflammation and how it affects college students along with his own experiences. Good evening, Gavin. Thanks for joining us. How are you doing today? I'm doing well. What was that? I'm doing well, thank you. So, Gavin, tell me what it's like living as a college student with the rise of inflammation. I would say it's very difficult. A lot of difficult work and school along with affording essentials. I feel like a chicken with its head cut off and running in like circles. Just last week, I was buying a carton of eggs and it's at $6. I was taken by surprise. When did eggs get expensive in my opinion? Not only that, but buying type of like fresh produce, it's so expensive. I can only afford to eat like microwave food and freezing dinners in the freezer department. It's a tough time. I don't even get, oh, don't even get me, sorry. Don't even get me started on how my landlord has raised the rent twice since this year. I still need a shower, my shower head sticks and rolls up my rent. Yeah, that is terrible. So many students go through the same experience too. But thank you for being on the podcast, Gavin. Thank you so much. Now, speaking of rent, the renting crisis needs to be addressed right now. It's been reported that landlords in Arizona have been raising the rent 10% to 25% since this year alone. Many students can barely afford food and gas, but now the rent is being brought up into this picture. Many college students can't even afford to work this much due to the class. If they had some type of system to make it at least a discount or easier for students to be able to afford living, that would make this a lot more easier for us. Now, thank you all for tuning in with Tea Time with Cora. I hope this has opened the eyes to those who didn't know about the crisis with inflammation increasing and for those who probably have no effect from it. Discussing inflammation with groceries, gas, apartments, etc. is never an easy topic to discuss, but I'm glad to be allowed to share it with you. See you next time.

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